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asian nose job 2

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Oh my you are so young! I'm sure you will be fine, just talk to the others in the clinic. Someone from VIP will be showing you around during your first day or two to make sure you don't get lost, and if you make some friends then it will be even more fun for you.
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omg! bisousx!!

i JUST REALISe the amount of posts you have in tpf!!!!!!!!


Nevertheless, remember to send me your pictures when you are ready ok!!! Cant wait to see it!

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Hahaha, yeah I originally came to this forum a few years ago .. for my love of Chanel and H. Of course I will send you my photos!
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you guys must be having fun over there! I hope I get to meet some people over there too! And would the mask look like something that tom cruise had in vanilla sky? if so, I'll pass on that and just deal with it, haha! I'm going to be there july 8th, are any of you guys still going to be there post surgery? if so, I'd love to meet up and just chat in person about the whole experience!
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Hello all,

Looks like there's a VIP party going on ^^. I wish that the clinic I went to had a good group like you guys!

Anyway, I just got my eyes & nose done this past Friday night @ banobagi. I will shortly post a review, but if anyone wants info more promptly; feel free to msg me.

I have photos, but I am very very swollen.
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Congrats and wish you a speedy recovery too!!

What material did you use for your nose??

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I ran into my gay friend today, and he like FREAKED out when he saw me. His reaction made me feel so insecure. He was like "What did you do to your FACE?!" lol. Kinda made me worry. I just told him I had my nose done and he said I look like I had my whole face done. He said my eyes, cheekbones, mouth looks different. Did anyone else notice if their nose job somehow affected the rest of the face? Is this how all my friends & coworkers have been silently reacting inside their heads during the past month?? ****! Feel kinda embarrassed. >.<
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I'm basically copying/pasting what I've written in msgs. Please excuse bad grammar/redundancies. I'm a bit tired.

Before I start, I just want to state/request that: 1) this is MY perception of MY surgical experience and therefore may not be entirely accurate/universal and 2) If you request photos, please do not post/send my photos online/via e-mail/twitter/facebook/whatever (regardless of how cut out/choppy they are). I am a very private person and would like this personal experience to remain so. I am sending you my photos because I hope I can help someone who was once in my place. I hope you can respect that. ^^

The Basics
Clinic: Banobagi
Day of surgery: Friday around 5pmish-10pm (with breaks in between eyes & nose)
What: Eyes (double eyelid & mild ptosis correction---excisional)--If you see Banobagi's eyelid chart there are 4 levels (from smallest to biggest). I got eyelid folds that were in between 2-3. Nose- (bridge & tip)--I have a silicone implant and tip work done with cartilage. Pre-surgery, Dr. Lee estimated raising my bridge by 3mm. I'm not sure if that was the final height though.
Cost: 5,600,000 won--discounted about 600,000 for paying cash.

I am overall EXTREMELY happy with my experience at Banobagi. However, it was not entirely smooth sailing, mostly due to one particular moment that I will explain further below and my lack of preparation.

I found both Dr. Park (eyes) & Dr. Lee (nose) to be pleasant and cannot fault them on anything. They were helpful and skilled and I could tell that they put 110% effort in making me a better looking person. In fact, when Dr. Park was doing my eyes, he took longer than expected because he was trying to create eyes that were close to perfection as possible. I did feel a little rushed at the beginning, but my worries melted away as I saw/heard that he took his time with me (I'm Korean-Am,so I understand when he is talking with his nurse).

Clinic admin/nurses:
Overall, the admin/nurses were good.

However, there were moments where I felt like another number. I guess with such a large clinic that's almost unavoidable. Still, many of the workers there remembered my name, so take my words with a grain of salt.

What made my almost perfectly smooth experience bumpy, was 1) that I had to walk to the hotel by myself (a staff member usually takes you, but my surgery was late). Anyway, this fact isn't really a big deal. I was just cranky at the time. The hotel is literally 2 minutes walking distance. It was what followed that made the experience a little bumpy.

What irritated me was when i got to the motel they didn't have my reservation. At that point I was very very tired and carrying quite a bit of stuff, so I just wanted to rest. The motel clerk tried calling Banobagi, but he said he had to wait for a call back. I don't think I was waiting too long (10ish-15 minutes), but after having surgery, it felt like an eternity. Therefore, I got really huffy and just told him to give me any room and he charged me the full price. I think this experience would have been harder on someone who doesn't speak Korean. Minutes after I got into my room I received a call from Miry? (from the clinic) she was very apologetic and told me that the hotel had messed up my reservations. and she would take care of it. She ended up comping the hotel stay. I was rather rude though. I hung up on her the first time and the second time (after she resolved the situation) I said OK and hung up again.

The nurses were fine, but I at the time I didn't feel like they were tentative to my needs ...even though a nurse got me water twice. I think I was irked because I needed someone to change my gauze but instead of changing it she handed me gauze and tape. She probably thought she was being nice in giving me these supplies, but I was like, "wth, tape me up!" In their defense, they were cleaning the surgery room and I was being a major brat, so my experience is prob skewed. In retrospect, everyone was great. I was just really pissed off/bratty because 1) I underestimated the level of pain, 2) I underestimated the length of the surgery. A little about me: I'm impatient and hate lying still for long periods of time.

So bottom line:I don't think the admin/nurses were bad. In fact they were generally pleasant and did their very best in helping me. In fact, when I left Sunny helped carry my numerous things until I took a cab that was willing to take me out of Seoul. She also gave me a big box of pumpkin juice for free (even though they are usually only free for those will write about their experience on their site). I didn't write anything because I can't write well in Korean.

I'm just mentioning the negatives because I don't want to paint a false picture of my experience. I don't think my experience was the norm (though I can't be sure) and I know I was being a big brat! I have a temper and I'm the youngest child so I am inevitably babied (which I despise)...soo perhaps i was subconsciously expecting to be showered with attention, which I wasn't.

My 2 cents is that you just have to go into the situation with the understanding that this is a large clinic and that they'll do their very best to take care of you, but cannot be there for you all the time. I guess that's what family/friends are for. This is why I think having someone there for you is the best situation. I'm quite independent (backpack/travel alone for long periods of time, like doing solo activities, etc.) and even I felt alone. My own fault because I underestimated the experience.


I think the surgery went extremely well. Even though I'm majorly swollen, I can tell that I look better. If that makes sense at all? After my eyelid surgery, I wasn't too swollen and I could tell that my eyes were quite symmetrical and were going to turn out well. The muscle correction also helped me A LOT. I feel like a weight has been lifted. My eyes are much quicker and I'm loving it. I had a very flat nose/face to begin with, so just having a nose (even it's swollen) really adds volumes to my face. Since, I'm only few days out I can't say much. I will update after I get my cast/stitches off.

I think the worst part (pain wise) was during surgery, but it's because I hate lying still. I don't feel sick and I'm not even taking pain meds.I had a headache yesterday, but it wasn't bothersome. I would say I'm fully functional (def. not looks wise), except that my eyes are very swollen and so my vision isn't the best. I really just feel like I have a slight cold (stuffy nose/watery eyes). I'm actually going back to work tomorrow (not by choice). I'm wearing a hat/mask at work.

Hrmm, what else. Oh yeah, my nose is naturally uneven (one side is shorter), therefore if you notice that in the pictures it's not because of the doctor's lack of skill. It's just how my nose is! He actually mentioned that he'd do his best to minimize the asymmetry.

Anyway, hope this helps!!! Msg me with with any questions. :biggrin:

ULTIMATE BOTTOM LINE: If i had to do the experience again, I'd still go with banobagi.
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I've never seen Vanilla Sky so I'm not sure. It's the typical asian SARS mask, lol. I gave up on wearing the mask. My face gets hot and after the surgery, you will have to breathe thru ur mouth until they take out the little tubes (on the 4th day).

Not sure about everyone else but I will be gone by then.
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hmmm.. i didn't wanna confuse him with other people. haha. just incase i'm wrong. lol.. but since u said hot bod, i guess i know who? :graucho:
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hahaha!!! yeah, when I was 2-3 weeks post op, I would have a panic attack right before I was about to sneeze because I know what's coming. That sharp pain where the Doc cut my rib feels like someone jabbing something really hard into it, right? It only hurts for a few seconds but it still scares me. good times....good times....

Seems like all of you in Korea are doing well. I've been extremely busy lately so I haven't been on here much to catch up on everyone's experience but seems like it's going well. So good to hear!!!!

**The group in KOREA right now --- is anyone willing to send me their post op photos 2 weeks - 1 month post op and share with me?????????? I want to see all the different results! ** How exciting.

My email is: [email protected]
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Yep I'll def send you my pix when I get this cast off. Tomrrow they are taking out the stitches and the breathing tubes.. thank goodness. It's so uncomfortable living as a mouthbreather for the past few days lol

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okay,,you know what,,,, i am going to take my shower now,, its is the 4th day,, i feel so itchy, and I been walking all the time
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Road to recovery- Post Op Day 4

Today, I did alot of things, I went walking around with all my new met mates in korea, and I also went to mengdong with a friend of mine who's also from korea, all the walking that i did these few days has made the swelling on my face completely gone. My nose also deswell alot as well because the cask always fall off.

One funny thing is the medication that we take will make us sleepy, so it was very funny, when all of us took the pill, we hang around together,, we all look stoned.. hahah


I went to the clinic today with the rest of the pple at 0930 today and it was the first time that I got to see my nose with everything off... I rmb dr lee keep telling me,,arr... nice nose, like a movie actor, nice nose, like a movie actor, handsome, congradulationss.....hahahaha,,, and I asked dr lee to hand me the mirror, I am not really sure about the bridge, but I can tell the tip, nostrils, columella all changed, i got a much higher tip and nostrils now look vertical not flat anymore,, but the nose is still too quick to judge because to be honest my nose is huge now,, and still swollen and I only had a look for few seconds, but i really like the tip, nostril, columella and my alar base really is not wide anymore... yeahhh.. and I also do not have protrusion mouth.. hehehe.. i think I will like my new nose. and I guess I dont have to be afraid pple looking at me saying i got a flat nose..

I talked to Dr Lee for a bit, i ask about his nose, because his nose got a nice shape, but he said his nose look too small,, he said man's nose is simple, it just needs to be straight, a bit bigger, just like superman clark kent, hahahhaa.. I like the idea of it,, clark kent does look really handsome

Anyway, thx dr Lee, I think he's a genius in rhinoplasty,,

Now I just want to get back to gym asap!
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