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asian nose job 2

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People usually say they have lost weight so their facial features look shaper. dunno if you can use this for your aquantainces? actually they might not even notice what makes you look different, and they will probably forget about it til the next time they see you.

i think the koreans*i assume* in that korea restaurant could notice what you have done right away cuz it is common in here and they could spot it easier.
since you had a bike accident it would be much easier, saying you had a breathing problem after the accidents so you need a surgery to correct it.:P

yeah there was a typhoon passing by since i got here. i just went for a couple short walks since the 24th til now cuz of the rainny days.

how many days post op are you?

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1. Don't tell people or give them a reason to suspect. Most of the time, they will not notice or can't figure it out.

2. If they get suspicious, tell them you changed your makeup. Unless you've obviously lost weight, that one works too.

3. Don't take photos with friends until you're ready.

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@yellowsuitcase : I only talked to you for a few minutes. I had a different impression. Anyway, the computer in the 7th floor did not work when I arrived. I never pulled the cables, since I only used the ethernet cable for my Mac. It is true that I had a lot of stuff with me and that may look messy when taken out of the bags. I have always left the room as it was when I left, I even threw away the garbages before leaving.
If you took the room from the 7th floor, it was not messy when I left it and usually someone cleans it before another person arrives.
I am not trying to discredit anyone.
Also, I have never omitted anything because if I wanted to hide things, I'd just say nothing on this forum. It's easy to make me sound as if I was saying different versions, because indeed sometimes I think the nose made me look better and sometimes I don't like it.
As for the date I arrived, you completely invented my date of arrival, I arrived on the 6th of June.
I think your personal attacks, not knowing what actually happened, are just revealing yourself, more than it is revealing me as you don't know me and you only talked to me during 10 minutes.
I have nothing against you, but I thought your post was not fair since you accused me of things that I did not do.
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@Kain: don't worry about the genioplasty, I'm thinking it is a good thing that I did not do it.

To everyone, to go back to the subject of rhinoplasty.

Height of radix, on my powerpoint : I wrote same as Park Shi yeon.
Before I went to surgery, as I was rushed to the surgery room, Dr Lee asked me "How much height do you want ?" I said "I don't know, a low radix, 1 or 2 mm." Then, I said "Same as Park Shi Yeon" (who has a higher radix than just 1 or 2mm addition). So, at the end, I just let Dr Lee decide as in one hand 1 or 2mm is low and on the other hand Park Shi Yeon would be high. Then, Dr Lee made me come back as Joann was rushing me to the operating room and Dr Lee quickly drew where he'd open for the rib harvesting.
Even though, I felt rushed during consultation, I talked about everything I wanted to talk about with Dr Lee. So, I was satisfied of the consultation.

As of now, here's what I feel about my rhinoplasty :

Negative :
-Like Crok, I feel that my bridge is too narrow. I have shadows (like dark circles) on the sides of my bridge.
-I think my bridge is too high.
-my nose is hard like a piece of wood and does not move when I smile, I hope this is temporary.
-I have too much nostrils show from the front that makes my nose look fake
-there is no smooth transition between my forehead and the bridge because I have no browbone

Positive :
-I have the tip projection that I asked for
-from the bottom view, my nostrils are round and not triangular anymore
-my nose is upturned like I asked
-the bridge is curved like I asked
-there's more tip definition and there will be even more as time goes by
-the profile of my nose is beautiful

Overall, the nose itself looks pretty.
But I look very ugly because :
-my smile has completely changed (I hope this is temporary)
-I have a caucasian nose in the middle of my face, the nose bridge is too high.
-the nose does not move as I make facial expression (maybe this is temporary too)

I like my new tip, as I often said to Dr Lee.
Nevertheless, I'm sorry to say that, but I want to remove my bridge and the paranasal implant. Indeed, the latter makes my middle face protruded like a Guinea pig.

Acutally, I'm just going to copy and paste a post that I wrote before on Word (when I had no internet), and before I was personally attacked for sharing my bad experience.

Copy and paste :
@McDreamy : it must be a relief if your parents think you're more handsome. I also thought you looked better than before.

Hi everyone,

Sorry for what I'm about to say, but yep, I changed my mind again. I am not happy with what's in the middle of my face.
First of all, it's like a piece of wood, when I move my entire face, the nose is just not moving, and this is very unnatural, which therefore looks super fake, or like I've got some kind of problem : So, that does not look pretty. Fake is ugly.
I could handle the stiffness if at least I looked prettier than before.

I was saying the nose was beautiful, yes, if it was on a statue and on the face of a caucasian person.

The eye surgery has made my eyes prettier. My face is slimmer and this looks prettier too.
But the nose has made me simply ugly, because:

-my smile has completely changed and for the worse, my smile is like Tom Hanks or Jennifer Aniston, the middle part very low. I used to have a very big smile which was the only feature I really liked on me (but maybe I'll have it back with time, I hope).
-my nose is so projected, I feel like I have a guinea pig's nose, because it also makes my chin retruded and all the rest of my face, no wonder why they instead in me getting a fat graft on the forehead and a genioplasty, I have a guinea pig middle face, instead of a "depressed middle face", which was not that depressed because it did fit my chin and forehead. I think he wanted to correct the protruded mouth by adding 5mm paranasal implant more than correcting my retruded middle face. So, maybe, I needed to correct my protruded mouth before the rhinoplasty, beause I just needed braces, my teeth are straight but a bit forward because of an angulation that makes them go forward (I sucked my thumb until I was a teen).

I hope that the stiffness will go down, and that I'll be able to smile normally, but even if it de-swells, I think it will not look better :
-projection is too much : chin and forehead looks retruded, I have a middle face of a guinea pig
-the bridge is fake, I have everything flat and a bar in the middle, it is not smooth like on caucasians whee the eyebrow bone joins the bridge and it looks natural.
-my nostrils are round from the bottom view, but they are more showing from the front view.

I do not regret the surgery because:
-I believe Dr Lee is an excellent surgeon (I have the hope that the nose will move more naturally)
-I would have always envied caucasian noses until I have one that really does not fit my face
-I would have always wondered what kind of nose I could have had with rib cartilage (because I know it is a dramatic improvement if there is one)
-I am not too worried because I know I can ask to remove the paranasal implant and shave the bridge in one year.
-Because this surgery has given me an ugly smile, if I get the one I used to have, I'll never take it for granted anymore.

As of now, my face is the same as before but improved after the facial contour and blepharoplasty.
But after rhinoplasty, my overall face is uglier than before (I'm sorry to say that because it might be that it's too early to tell, I am 3 weeks post op but everyone told me I did not have much swelling). I just think it will get a little softer and just reduce by 1mm everywhere.
Therefore, I'd still have a big bridge.

Maybe asking for a ear and septal cartilage just gives an improvement, but rib cartilage has changed my entire face into someone not pretty.

As for pictures, for those who asked, I will send them when I have a little time to hide the other parts for privacy.

Apart form that, I am happy with the liposuction from VIP, especially for the lower legs and knees, there's only one thigh that looks very bumpy whereas all the other parts look natural and smooth, but maybe it is just the swelling that makes that thigh uneven.
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thanks for the useful tips bisousx! i will try to remember that =)

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I have a question for those who had the rhinoplasty several months ago : Is your nose still stiff or do you still feel the fact that you did a rhinoplasty ?
It's really annoying to have this feeling of a piece of wood in the middle of your face.
Using septal cartilage and ear cartilage never gave me that impression.
From Hher, I understand that he may take up to 2 or 3 months to get our smile back, now I am afraid that if I get my bridge and paranasal implants removed, I'll have a horrible smile for 3 months again.
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Yes great tips indeed @bisousx.

I wish I had followed #3. I recently took some pictures with my friends and I regret it b/c I feel like Im not completely healed yet. Hopefully they won't get posted on FB anytime soon!! >.<
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@Kekeke: I forgot to answer to what you said.
So, concerning my payment.
I made a money transfer to VIP prior to my flight -without having seen the clinic-. A money transfer takes 4 days. I wanted to do the surgery around the 20th, but Joann insisted that I do the surgery 2 days after my arrival because apparently a girl cancelled her surgery. So, I arrived, I was operated on my eyes on the 7th, on the 8th I had the nose surgery. When I woke up, I checked my emails and my banker said I made a mistake in the name I wrote : instead of writing my name in front of "order giver or company name", I wrote the name of the beneficiary. I was confused because I saw company, so I didn't think I was supposed to write my name in that box. In my country, I have to fill in a form, scan it and send the request to the banker.
So, the evening of my nose surgery when I woke up, I saw that the transfer did not work (email in which the banker said I wrote the wrong name). So, I tried to write the request of money transfer by hand and take a picture of it and send it. 3 days post-op, one of the internship girls from the reception pressured me to pay by credit card, then I said it would be 500USD charges for me and that anyway I already sent the request of money transfer and called the banker who said it was ok, but it took one day to receive the confirmation of the operation. I was 3 days post-op and I said I have called the banker and they said it was alright but they did not believe me, they wanted a confirmation.
They kept on pressuring me to pay a 2nd time by credit card and they'd give me the extra 9000USD back, but I said, I would still be charged the 5% fee even if they give me the money back. After they pressured me until I cried, Joann said "you say the money transfer is accepted this time ?" I said "yes". She said "So, we'll trust you', but anyway, I did not want to pay twice, they had to believe me that I did the money transfer. Then, it takes 4 days to appear on their account. So, 3 days of struggles calling my bank (right after the srugery) to make them hurry up and 4 days to be transferred. I know some others can get a confirmation of a bank transfer in one click, but it is not the case with my bank. If I had the surgery 20 days after my arrival, as I planned, after a few consultations, that would have never happened. I would have had the time to check that the money transfer was executed without problem.
But anyway, if I was treated less well than other patients because of the CT scan or the fact that they did not trust me that I did the money transfer, it both shows that the way they treat you is dependent on the amount of money they think they can get out of you.
There's nothing wrong, it is the job of the managers to make money for the clinic.
I am telling my experience as it happened. I'm sorry if people are offended by what I just wrote.
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@ Bisousx - ahaha..I did # 3 too. But I don't mind telling people I had my nose done if they ask or if they see photos of me. Somehow I just feel a big relief after telling them - like there will be no more awkwardness between us. That's just me.

@ Angleplane - your nose will definitely be stiff - but that's only because it is still healing! I know it is super annoying to hear this - but you will start to like your nose overtime I swear! I can't guarantee but I strongly believe with time you will see the doctor's skills.

For those that asked for my 1-2 months post op photo - I will send those to you. I have just been extremely busy and haven't taken the time to get them out. I got you. I got you. Rooky? Jesse ......
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Yeah, when I had silicone in, my results were so subtle that I did not need to tell people. But I did, and I kinda regret it because some of my friends were judgmental about it. However, with the rib nose, there's no way I can hide the fact... I've gotten mixed responses on it so far.

Oh, and me too!! I wanna see!
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@Hher : I really hope that I will like my nose with time, as I don't want to do another surgery. Did you also not like your nose after surgery (up and downs) ? Is your nose less stiff 2 months after ? or will we always feel like our nose pulling ?

I think with time, I could get used to the paranasal implant, but not to the bridge as when it deswells it becomes worse, narrower and like a bar in between my eyes. I really wished it was lower, so the curves on the side of the bridge would be smoother, not like a sudden moutain.
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Yeah, I told someone who knows some ppl from back home that I was getting rhino (b/c I thought there would be a big diff, but there isn't).

I regret it now because I don't intend to tell anyone about my nose. My eyes are obvious, so no point in denying that.

I'm worried about judgment, but more so about making it a 'thing.' I don't like to be talked about and since I used to live in a small-ish community I'd rather not be discussed...especially in certain groups.

I was planning on informing my close friends for them to be prepared, but I changed my mind because frankly it's none of their business. It's not my job to inform them of my future plans. If they want to ask, Ill say something, but it's not within their rights to know my every move/intention.
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Sheesh...there is definitely a negative shift on this forum. Bbgurly and rawdude where are you guys?

Ok...my vent for the day:
We all want to be more beautiful and fix or enhance what we were born with...that's why we are here. However angleplane I think you have unrealistic outrageous expectations. I know you had a lot of work done and probably spent a ****load of money...and I do hope that it's worth it in the end for you.
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