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asian nose job 2

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Hey cosmgirl,

Omg I know what you mean. I lived in the UK for a few months and random guys would say "ni hao" to me, even though I'm not Chinese lol.

These things (which you have no control over) will not change even if your facial features are more caucasian. They will still ask you "how's China, have you visited", after staring at your face in bewilderment and then ask what ethnicity you are. To which you will tell them that you're Chinese, unless you plan on changing that answer too?

I'm not really asian at heart either. But sometimes you have to flaunt who you are instead of trying to change for other people. And I'm all for trying to look prettier thru any methods, so please don't take this as judgement.

Anyways, I think you will find a lot of useful information on this forum. Good luck w/ your search.
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Me now:



i want my facial structure to look more caucasian
i dont know exactly which celeb's bone structure i like exactly
but i like how ivanka trump looks:


and i want a caucasian nose like this:


i want a drastic change, i think im really unproportional so it probably wont even be that hard for the doctors to do it lol
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i got this consult picture from romian eng.romian.co.kr

i dont think the after picture looks that bad
i dont know if it looks done i cant tell lol
but i think i would rather look like the after picture
(they didnt fix the "pignose" though and you can still see the nostrils lol)
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this is me with some makeup
i usually hide my wide jaw with my hair :sad:
but i want to wear my hair up and i hate to have to hide my jaw with my hair like that
(this photo is before my hairline lowering though, i had a high forehead before and then i did a hairline lowering with hair grafts recently but im not fully recovered from that yet)


and i lowered my hairline recently with a ht
these are like 1-2 day post op pics:
[​IMG] [​IMG]

still recovering, im 2 weeks post op from that now
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yeah it would be a cool to be a hot anything looking person haha
but i want to look like what i identify with i guess :smile:
which is american/caucasian and not chinese at all
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yeah i know, it happens a lot in the US too
sometimes people say it in a nice casual way
like i think ive come across some older gentlemen who would be like ni-hao if they see im chinese just to say hi
but also people do it in a insulting way
i dont like either though lol i dont want people to say ni-hao to me its so annoying

i think id rather be questioned about looking a bit odd, like if they cant tell my ethnicity than asking me all these questions about being chinese

but "who i am" is not chinese haha
i dont feel or act chinese at all
so it would bring me closer to my identity with the surgery

thanks, i have a lot of pages to read
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i think i wont mind people staring at my face in bewilderment
like if its its because i look exotic in a good way
and then if they ask me my ethnicity i will still say im chinese (thats a good point though)
i think its not the question "how's china" itself maybe that bothers me
just that i dont like looking chinese because i dont feel like thats my identity

at least if they arent sure im not chinese people wont say ni-hao to me

and people wont see me as that asian girl
ideally people (who i havent met) wont even know i had plastic surgery
but i would actually rather be known as that girl who had some plastic surgery to look better than that asian girl
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[email protected] is my email. Please send the list to me. I am planning to go to Korea at the beginning of August. For consultation only. I do not speak the language, but my Korean friend will help me translating.
I want to give myself enough time for research and consultation, so I can choose the right surgeon for me. I am planning to have my revision next April.
Thank you for sharing the information with me. I will try to visit as many surgeons as possible. That includes Dr lee from VIP.

Looking forward to your email.

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If the features of your face do not harmonize well, or if they look perfect in isolation, some people will think you've had plastic surgery. You can have "perfect" nose, eyes, etc but if they don't match your look will not be good. Before I had my nose done I imagined a smaller nose with a perfectly straight bridge. That nose however is probably not the best one that fits my face. I was lucky that my surgeon made changes that worked well with my face overall.

You can't change all the bone structure in your head, you can't change all your skin and hair characteristics (how are you going to get natural looking ivanka trump eyebrows?). This will prevent you from naturally looking caucasian. You can change many things that as a side effect will likely make you look MORE caucasian.
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my eyebrows are usually pretty bushy so i can pluck them into the style i want
do you mean the color? im happy with my eyebrows, but i guess i could lighten them or something if i really wanted to

where did you get your nosejob and are you satisfied with it?

i know i cant change everything, so just as much as possible i guess
and i know i cant ever look 100% caucasian but id be satisfied with as much possible whatever % that might be
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I meant eyebrow hair thickness,texture, distance relationship to your orbit. I got my nose done at Dream medical group. They are well known with locals. I am satisfied with it even though I had a more dramatic change in mind before my surgery. I'm happy to have what I have and believe I look better than I did before.
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@cosmogirl have you gone to the Hermes section to look at their "asian celebrities and their Hermes"? When I was looking for sample photos, I would browse that section (as I don't know about asian celebs) and found some pretty mixed Asian celebrities. I think your best bet to get a natural, achievable look is to be realistic with your expectations. Also it would be easier to look like an asian with western features; many asians are born with naturally high noses, sharp bone structure or big eyes... and they look mixed, but not plastic.
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yeah i would be satisfied with something like that
to have caucasian features
im not expecting to look 100% caucasian
maybe 50%-70%? (idk whats possible with surgery)
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