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asian nose job 2

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i think i dont care about eyebrow hair thickness/texture (that can be thinned out with bleaching i guess)
for my browbone they can do forehead/browbone augmentation but i cant do that for at least a couple months because of my hairline lowering , and im not completely sure if i want to do this yet, i dont want a silicone implant and i dont know any korean surgeons who do the augmentation with bone cement
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Is ear cartilage or rib cartilage better?
If I want to raise my nose a lot will there be enough ear cartilage to do this?
Also how do they do it do they like chop the cartilage into little pieces or something?
And with rib cartilage it is one piece?
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@BBgurly : Thank you so much for your advice, it is reassuring me, I was worried about my facial expressions.

@Kain: Lol, I was not offended by the post mentioning staying in the lobby and not paying. I think I got what you were trying to say.

Sorry to go back on the subject, I just want to answer @Rawdude: I think you have a prejudice against me, but well, it doesn't matter. There's no need to mention law suits all the time, no one wants to sue anyone. Also, I think when a problem is solved by a law suits, none of the parties end up happy by a judge's decision but they are much happier when they settle or simply communicate. Not to mention that in most of the countries, justice is a very slow process, so imagine when the persons involved are from different countries...
I remember that Joann was not happy that I spent time reading the contract (that we have to sign the hour before the surgery) and that I wrote long bullet points of what I expected from the surgery (as there are empty lines to fill in with what we expect from the surgery).
By the way, I was going to give that as an advice to the forumers. I noticed that Dr Lee looked precisely at what was asked in the contract and took special care at the four (or more) points -there are empty lines to fill in- written on top of the contract.

As for breaking the law in going back into my initial room. I didn't realize that it was bad because there was no "official" request that I leave and it was not said to me directly, also Joann said "if a bed is available I don't mind you staying at Officetel" before I had my mandible surgery, because I asked her if I could stay at Officetel after this surgery. As for pincode for the doors, I don't think they change them after a customer leave, by that I mean, I did not do anything special to be able to access the room. After my mandible surgery, Joann called my room and she had the translator because at that time, I just went out of the recovery room from the mandible and zygoma surgery at Smallface clinic and my entire mouth was white (like mouth ulcers) but all over the mouth as they must have went back and forth many times with their canulas or tools to shave the facial bone. So, I did not pick up the phone, the translator did. As I was completely "disabled" (unable to talk that day, I communicated by typing on my lap top, and I couldn't see well, because of ointment on my eyes due to lateral and magic epicanthoplasty and bandages squeezing them - I had my eyes 2cm from the laptop screen-), I was accompanied by a translator paid by Smallface clinic. When Joann called the room, she had the translator and they talked in Korean. The translator said that Joann said I should leave and that she said that in a rude way to her. That, I cannot confirm, as it was not on loud speaker. By the way, Joann was really annoyed by the translators of Smallface, because the first one (not the one who was with me after the mandible surgery) called me several times at the clinic, but I did not know her but this translator also scared me for always trying to reach me (several times a day, she even called at Teuimps). Smallface hired another translator, I don't know why they changed, maybe they also thought the first one was weird. Anyway, that afternoon, that's when I went to Kekeke. Once again, to answer your point, as I thought it was like I never left the room, it didn't cross my mind that I was officially out of that room.

Ok, but anyway, I'm a bit tired of justifying myself. I got your point, you're not happy about me saying the negative points of my experience, but if your sister wants to do a rhinoplasty, she will not be deterred by my posts as I always recommend Dr Lee. And if she is discouraged by the only fact that I had a not so good treatment by the marketing service. Then, maybe she's not ready for this major surgery that is rib cartilage rhinoplasty, because after all it is a major surgery and the recovery is difficult, as it is very slow before we can feel comfortable with the new nose.

As for my nose, I think he did what I asked. So, please do not emphasize and say that I want to sue them. That's absurd.

Now, that my nose is in the process of healing, I don't want to say anything. The only fact that I cannot socialize like before (because of the ugly smile) prevents me from being super enthusiastic about the surgery. But, again, and unlike what you said, I think Dr Lee did what I asked and in the best way it could be done. Dr Lee is the expert, and as of now, I'm just a worried patient because the healing process is taking much longer than what I expected. As I said, I am one month post op, I cannot socialize. If I had a job, I think I would not have been able to go back to work one month after, but maybe that's just me. Some others might not mind going back to work with a completely different (and joker like) smile.

To those who had rib cartilage surgery : Someone told me that the joker smile will disappear after the nerves grow back, then I asked a nurse today and she said nerves don't grow back. Also, someone told me the muscle is permanently cut, so the tip is not drooping anymore. And others say that we do get our smile back.
So, my concern is, is the smile permanently slightly deformed or does it slowly go back to exactly how it initially was ? It is important to me that I get the same smile as I used to have, because I liked it and I would recognize myself more.

@Milkyway: I also wear glasses, but titanium ones, so they're super light and Joann said it was okay. Also Kain posted a link in which there was a video that gave a good trick: use a transparent tape and stick it on your forehead to hold the glasses.
As for your smile, you think it has slightly changed, so maybe you think it might be definitive and you will not get your previous mouth back ? I also feel like my mouth is smaller, maybe because it used to be protruded and now it is more retruded ? My mouth seems smaller width wise and the upper lip looks slimmer. I hope this is temporary.

@cosmgirl : thank you for posting the emails from clinics, it is very helpful. I also posted the only email I received from Smallface clinic on the Cozycot forum "cheekbone thread".
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for cartilage surgery do they just cut up pieces of cartilage and stick them in your nose? and then dont the pieces move around? does anyone have a link to a page that shows how cartilage surgery is done to raise the bridge?
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here it is. i have the lightweight titanium glasses too
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ok so i read this in an earlier post
what does the tip fixing include? will they fix *all* problems with my tip?
or is that not included in tip?
what does tip mean?
like if i want the skin on the side of my nostrils to be increased (i dont know the term for this) so you cant see the nostrils, is that included in the tip?
i mean i have sooo many problems with my nose
is that all included here?

also if i do this without having done the mandible reduction first
will they be able to do the rhinoplasty properly and give me the nose that i want keeping in mind that i will get the mandible reduction in the future?

or will it mess up the rhinoplasty because they will do it based on my current face?

if the above price $8500 does include everything for the nose i think im looking at 12k for a nose job including expenses

(i would stay in korea for 2 weeks)

am i looking at a 20k nosejob? lol

do you think i should do rhinoplasty first then jaw or separately?
rhinoplasty i like that its under local anesthesia
i am afraid of general anesthesia :sad:
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just so you know I'm also an American of Chinese ethnicity living in the UK and looking at getting rhino, buccal fat removal, and fat removal from chin/jowls (for more defined jawline). definitely in the UK if you are asian looking it is just assumed you are from China and nowhere else which also bothers me a lot. I too would like to look more caucasian. not 100% because I still want to keep some asian features, but I'd def like to look more eurasian or half white/half chinese. which leaves me conflicted because I know a higher nose bridge would do that for me (my bridge is very flat) but I think I look just fine w/o a bridge and can still look cute as long as my alars & tip is fixed.

I was pretty set on going with Dr Jung from Shimmian but have wavered & backed out because I was unsure and having second thoughts. I have a consultation with a wellknown surgeon in the UK at the end of this month and am thinking of booking a few more and just getting the surgery done here. I'm still interested in going to Korea but I'd at least like a consultation with a western doc first to make sure everyone is on the same page and that I really know what I want and pick the right doc. I don't wanna have to keep doing revisions unless for minor things that I can go back to the same doc for.

do you know when you plan on going?
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hey nice to know youre in the uk too
yeah i want to choose the right doctor the first time
i dont know when im going yet :sad:
as soon as i find the right doctor i guess?
maybe in august or september?
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imo, either get it all done at once, or if you get it done at seperate clinics, do the mandibles first. that way, the doctor will know how to proportion your nose to the face width.

idk many clinics that do mandibles and nose, but vip, banobagi, and smallface do those procedures. jenstar11 posted a list of clinic websites so you can find more by emailing to ask. you said you read the cozycot forum right? they should probably know the best surgeons for mandible reduction. and lots of those clinics also do noses as well. i think they talked about banobagi and smallface there.

the price i talked about was with rib cartilage at vip. the price at vip includes tip work, nose lengthening, and osteomy (breaking nasal bones if necessary), but it does not include alarplasty(nostril work)

also, the price may have increase cos there is a plastic surgery tax in july

if you want the nostrils to show less, nose lengthening could help. i think there are some other procedures that can have that effect as well, something to do with the actual nostrils. but im not sure. the procedure the surgeon uses depends on the reason your nostrils are showing. if its cos the tip is short, lengthening it would help. but if its just the shape of your nostrils, then they would use another procedure

using silicone or goretex at any clinic is a lot cheaper.
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@cosmgirl: me and the other girl will b in Korea in September but we go to VIP for our nj i hear if u want drastic change rib is the one, lot of people up here have rib for their nj n said other thought they r cauasian after they have surgery done, I don't really care about drastic change or not but I think use ur own tissue is better than foreign, about jaw I seen angleplan went to smallface
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If you are looking to get your nose done in Taiwan, I would recommend Dr Kao in Taipei. I had my nose done with him in Feb this year using rib for bridge and ear cartilage for the tip. I am happy with the result. It looks natural and a huge improvement from my silicon nose. He's a very patient and friendly doc, he spent about 1.5 hours just on the consultation with me, explaining the procedure and answering all the queries I have. You can email him on [email protected] with any queries and he will normally responds within a few days.

In the meantime, you can view some of his before and after pics on his website. http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/face-nose/article?mid=296&l=f&fid=14

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yeah i think ideally i should do mandible first, but im afraid of that surgery because of the general anesthesia, and dr lee from vip can do the rhinoplasty with just local anesthesia. but i guess they can "imagine" it right? also if he were to do both he would be doing the rhino first anyways because the mandible requires general anesthesia, so even if i did both together he would have to do the rhino first without the mandible being reduced yet?

i know about vip, banobagi and smallface but dont know if i should use them or not. i think smallface is more for zygoma (and maybe jaw) reduction. i didnt even know what that was before. i dont think i want my zygoma changed, at least not now.

what is tip work though?
i dont think my nasal bones need to be broken because i barely have any nasal bone lol

yeah i know the prices may have changed i was just curious what they were like 3k vs 8k or something

so i will need:
-tip work
-bridge work
-nostril work
and this can then fix everything?

my nose is short but one reason my nostrils show is the side of my nostrils is missing a lot of skin, how would they fix that? but putting in more cartilage around the sites of the nostril? i dont care that much about the size of my nostrils (i never knew people even cared about this), i dont think people outside of korea obsess over nostril shape

the thing is i want a drastic and permanent change and silicon and goretex will cause complications since a lot of it would have to be put. i think my nose would need to be raised like almost a cm lol
well not that much but a good fraction of that
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