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asian nose job 2

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imo, i think for mandible reduction, you should ideally go for a specialist. so banobagi, dr song (the one talked about on cozycot), smallface, or some other specialised clinic. the aftercare and recovery for mandible reduction is really different from a nose job. its a lot more painful and grueling so hopefully you can find a clinic with specialised aftercare.
also, you have a third choice
3. jaw reduction at banobagi, nose at banobagi (or replace banobagi with smallface or whichever clinic)
i think jamasian had a good result from banobagi so you can pm her if she stills visits the forum. but i know she posted pics on the forum so you can see them if they are still online.

regarding banobagi not answering
# several ppl there have had problems with banobagi too.

vip does rib, so does o&young, dream does rib, and i cant recall but i think jw clinic does rib as well. dr jung does rib too, and bk clinic. cant remember any others. there are more clinics that do rib but you have to find their email from their website and then ask them

idk how they do the thing with the nostrils. you should really ask whichever clinic by email -.- for the vip procedure list, i rly dont know which one its included under. ask by email :P
ideally you can get more than one opinion and go whith whichever one you think sounds the best

lol XD
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Migo is known to be really good =) So is Grand like migooknamja mentioned.

Dr Kwon from Teuimps is actually originally from Migo, my friend told me~ (She originally had her eyes done @ Teuimps)
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Ah I see, thanks for the reminder. I'd hate to have my hump only partially shaved off :tdown: I don't think humps on females look good at all. From your pics, the swelling is barely there. Did you get to ice at all or was the cast just covering you the entire time? And if you're wearing silicone sheets, won't people ask if there's something wrong with your nose?:biggrin: I've been flipping through previous pages of the thread and people were mentioning steri strips or something like that for post op...

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No ice. Dr. Park said that silicone sheets only need to be worn at night. Since I don't interact with people at my job I'll probably wear them as much as possible during the day too. I can feel the throbbing in my hump area and I don't want my body to layer bone there thinking it's doing me any good.

I think steri strips are for the rib rhino people for their rib wound.

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yea only nj and i guess i will go with rib, i think about pay by wire transfer, and no i have to work my butt off the from the begin of this year until now to pay for that, i dont think it good if i make my mom pay for it and im 21, idk anybody have their jaw done there
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Darn, I thought it was possible to ice away the swelling like I did with mandible...but I guess nose is a very different case. In your circumstances, it's good then, cause you can get away with the healing process. o.o''' Layering bone doesn't sound good...can you breath properly though?

Well then, steri strips are out of question since I won't be getting rib.

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yeah i think going to a specialist is a good idea, i was thinking about that, but it means i have to separate it, i would want to heal first from the mandible before doing nose, i heard dr song's changes are conservative but i want a drastic change

so maybe banobagi, i like that its big

what do you think it means that banobagi doesnt answer? just that they dont usually use email because they think foreigners might not be serious, so they want to see you in person?

for the others that do rib, are they good though?

thanks for responding haha

Well usually surgeons operate the mandible reduction to fit ones face; is it just me or are Caucasian jawlines usually more angular/defined than Asian ones?
You can be more specific when consulting with the doctor of how you want your jawline to turn out; tell him you want it more angular rather than just curved or straight.

I got my mandible reduction done at BK and my 3/4 profile looks more angular than the pic of the asian post-op you referenced. Dr.Hong from BK told me he was cutting my bone in a more curved manner rather than just straight (which looks a bit unnatural) and after a couple months of post-op, my jawline became oval from the front view and curve/angular like from profile.
There's also such thing as v-line osetomy if you're looking for a more defined and thin look.

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caucasian jawlines are more angular

i know about v-line but im not sure if thats the look i wanted? i dont want my chin super pointy and do they use screws to put your chin back together after they cut it?

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even at banobagi i think they do ur facial contour first and after a few day or week they do ur nose bcuz i look at they surgery review or journel and those girl who got it done is like that
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so maybe i should do the facial contour first @ banobagi?

but right now they arent even responding to me :sad:
how do i get a consultation? do i just go to korea and show up? but will i be able to schedule a surgery right away if i decide to do it?
because ill have to buy my plane tickets in advance and know how long ill be staying there, book the hotel, translator, etc. in advance
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I breathe better than I ever have before. I didn't think it would be possible because I allready breathe easy from the amount of cardio I do.

At the pre-op consultation I started to ask him if maybe I should get a septoplasty to breathe better and he said his cartilage tip manipulation would get me 90% of the way there. That is one of my irregulatires my nose actually kinda zig-sags a lilltle but averages out to looking pretty straight

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I worked for 2 years and used my savings to pay for my mandible and for rhino I'm planning on using parts of my college fund since I'm currently looking for another job.

:PMy parents would probably murder me before they pay for my PS...:graucho: what they don't know I did won't hurt them. How are you paying for it?

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Hmm, for v-line I believe they make the bone more defined so its less curve-like than if you just did mandible. Most post-op pics I've seen don't show super point chins since it's suppose to balance out the face. Rather, the front view is just thinner. And for screws in the chin, that's when you do genioplasty and they change your chin bone my moving it forward an attaching it with titanium screws.

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