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asian nose job 2

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a lot of white guys dig Asian chicks!

to have a successful surgery you have to have realistic expectations IMO. Otherwise you will end up looking like Wildenstein or Heidi Montage or Micheal Jackson . Overdone. Just saying. Good luck on your surgery, though.
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Banobagi took 6 days to get back to me, so be patient. :PThey're known for not responding very quickly to emails... You can also call them if you're impatient. I think it's better to schedule ahead of time so you'll know how much everything is and to set up your accommodations. Unless you've got lots of time for walk-in consults in Seoul, get all your prices and bookings first.

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Oh that's good~ You're not one of those people who have breathing problems or anything. :/ I get colds easily and blow my nose a lot, so I'm expecting post-op to be a difficulty...

So your post-op tip actually allowed you to breathe easier? Sounds like you didn't have to suffer with breathing through your mouth for a week XD.

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JUST came back from consultations with Banobagi and Dream. Banobagi at 10 a.m.: I arrive at their yeoksam location, which I booked a hotel there for 4 days and planned on booking the hotel for a longer period of time. Then I get at Banobagi at 10a.m sharp and mira calls me and tells me that the doctor is at their new location. She tried calling. Well, I asked her why didn't she email me? This is now at 10:40ish. But in their defense, I do call from my skype number. And they also paid for the cab to get me to their new place. No harm there.
So off to see doctor Lee who knows very little english. I guess it was Mira who was there too to make sure I knew and he knew what I was talking about. They took pictures, and we critiqued together. He said that he wanted to do lateral osteotomy, then do a septum cartilage to add to my nose, to keep the tip stronger. Then add Silicone to fill in my radix that is slightly shallow. Then shave down the bump of my nose. No heightening of the bridge like I thought, but more work then I thought. his prices were fair, but his eye procedure is more expensive than Dreams.

Dream: I see a woman named Kim first and she knows more english than doctor Lee from Banobagi. I get to see dr. Park personally. His humor and personality is very dead. But what I liked about him, was that he showed me what he wanted to do by touching and using his little metal stick. He pointed and squeezed to show everything. Now this is the complicated part: He wants to do 5 things to my nose!! BUUUUTTT, no implants from silicone or gortex. He said he wanted to do septoplasty, get rid of the hump, clateral septomy, and something else and U-graft.
WHAT IS A U-GRAFT? the way I heard from kim the consultant and person who works out prices, its to strengthen the tip of the nose but not change it, and will make the outter part of the nose look slightly tighter by harvesting some cartilage from my nose. And also, Dr. Park said he would harvest something from the inside of my nose to add to my radix. All this was more than I expected. But since my nose is slightly curved to my right, which is something I give dr. Park credit for seeing without taking pictures, he showed me how to straighten it, but would have to re-fracture my nose. He said the swelling and everything would go down in 3 weeks and will be able to take photos again.
What are people's thoughts about this? Is the U-graft good? He agreed that everything I was doing was not drastic, but it is an invasive procedure because of the refracturing and straightening of my septum. And he did tell me everything is going to be very small changes. And I mentioned, less is more on my nose.
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Resistance with airflow is described by poiseuille's law R=8nl/(pi*r^4). Doesn't really matter what n and l are because they stay the same before and after surgery, but it says resistance decreases proportionally to radius to the FOURTH power! So if your nostrils are made just *slightly* bigger and your septum is relatively not messed up (maintaining the radius) you'll at least have the sensation of breathing easier. In the post op it all depends if you need to pack your nose. I'm guessing because of the endonasal technique it is not required, but you should ask Dr. Park.
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Ok, some of this is speculation on my part, but since I just had my hump shaved down I will take a stab at it. Here is my profile view from a CT scan.


If you look at what causes the hump you see it is a little bit of over projection of the nasal bones, so if he takes the hump down not even all the way, he can then add tissue to the radix area and it will make your radix higher and give the appearance that your bridge is higher, hump is gone or reduced, even though it is still there. In a way he is partially using your hump to give this illusion without an implant. Now one thing that he described to me is that your hump may come back if your body over absorbs the material placed in this area, but he said this is an easy procedure to repeat with Dr. Kim if I need it. I'm wondering if this is what he did to my nose or if my radix is just swollen still. Anyway, you have no idea the staring I did at this CT picture and the questions I asked dr park about it because for us uninitiated you might think to just remove all the bony hump and draw a straight line from the straight part of the nasal bones. If you do that in the pic I'm showing you lose tons of bridge height to get rid of the hump.

Did he describe why the osteotemies are needed? Google open roof deformity if he didn't. It's standard procedure when removing any hump.

Dr. lee at VIP wanted to do a septoplasty on me but Dr. Park just asked me if I had trouble breathing, when I said no, he said no septoplasty. He does not over-sell this IMO, so you will likely benefit.

I do not know what a u-graft is. What was the price they quoted? How much you paying to stay near yeoksam and where? I know renaissance hotel is there which you can get a deal on priceline.

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I have a slightly crooked nose, so he said the lateral septoplasty is essential, because if he moves the nose over slightly and doesnt do the lateral septo, then it will be a very crooked nose because my nose is not straight, it goes to the right and now down in a straight line. price quote for the rhinoplasty is 4,500,000 won. And they are not charging me for the 10% taxes that korea is enforcing so Dream is paying that part for me. I'm staying at the noblesse hotel and its only 50.00 USD a month. If I go with Dream, I'll ask them if they have a closer and as cheap of a hotel. Dr. Park from Dream is very strong in personality but answers everything. But I think the U-graft may not be a total necessary thing but then again I'm not a doctor. He knows I want my nose, and not someone else's nose. I just want my nose straight and my radix to not be so shallow
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HHer is right...I myself rotate my year living in LA, UK and France for umpteen years so I move around in white community and I am married to a Caucasian. I am in an expats' club where the wives are all Asians...they are Asian-looking, maybe that's how they attracted their white husbands, LOL. There is nothing wrong looking Asian....it is sometimes a plus point, exotic.
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I had my primary rhinoplasty surgery 5 years ago in Seoul at a reputable clinic. However the surgery did not go well. The silicone implant is not straight and you can see the shape very clearly. And the nostrils are not symmetrical.

I was scared to have revision for the last 5 years because I am worried that will make my nose even worse. Now I am ready to have my revision rhinoplasty surgery .

I have been a silent reader for a while now. I just want to thank everyone who shared their own research/experience /feelings in this thread, especially the negative ones.

One ugly truth about the rhinoplasty surgery: the revision rate is 5%-15% for individual surgeons. This is the rate for correct the mistake caused by the surgeons. If you add those revisions due to the unsatisfied results and changes due to the implants, it’s even more. Good surgeons make mistake too as they are humans! I wish I knew this before my primary surgery. For those who are considering rhinoplasty, please prepare for yourself.
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what clinic did you go to and what did they do to your nose? I guess I'm a little worried now because I didn't think there would be so many things to have done. And I think a procedure word that the consultant at Dream said was "cartilaging"
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kayrider, I went to JELIM. They are probably OK for other procedures, i.e. eyes. But I would avoid to go there for rhinoplasty.

They are one of those clinics who hire people to advertise them on internet, forums. If you looked at the earlier posts, there were lots of posts talking about BK, JELIM. I will personally avoid BK as well. They use similar prototype for all customers. You can not get a personalised nose.

Could you let me know which doctor spend more time with you during the consultation? Dr Park or Dr Lee? To be honest, it really does not matter if the doctor has a sense of humor or not. As long as they pay lots of attention on what you want and discuss the details with you, its a good sign.
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finally the forum is back it was down for a while, i think some posts were lost? the last post says july 8th but i thought i posted after that

is that how you wanted your jaw to turn out?
i think i dont need my chin to be changed, also i dont like that they have to fixate it with screws

do you know if bone cutting is normally with a bone or saw, and which is better?

do you think small face or banobagi would be better for achieving a drastic/more caucasian look?

do you know if the doctor at banobagi is good at helping you achieve what you want? they are so big and when i emailed them they didn't send me a detailed response, im afraid they won't make the cut according to what im trying to achieve, but just according to what they think is good since they are such a big clinic
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It looks like they had to back out some of the posts. Their database must have been screwed up.

cosmgirl, did you say you went to Dr. Charles lee and didn't get a good result? I thought you may have implied that. If not, did you check out his mandible reduction pictures? Compared to what they do in Korea they look more caucasian to me.
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if you need liposuction, in which areas can they do it, and do you know where they make the incision?
e.g., the neck (incision under the chin), and jowl (incision behind the ears)?
can liposuction damage your nerves?

banobagi told me i have to wait 3 months to remove fat, but why can't they just do it before the procedure?

do you know how much neck/jowl liposuction at banobagi costs?
im not looking to do zygoma

so far im looking at about 6k for mandible
(4k for travel expenses)

also i want to do liposuction, but i want them to do it in the same day. i understand why they can't do it after since you'll be swollen but why can't they just do the liposuction before? how much does lipo suction cost like 1-2k?

so im looking at a 10k-12k jaw job so far if i do it at banobagi

how big of a clinic is small face?
small/medium? do you consider them a boutique clinic?
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