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asian nose job 2

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im thinking about taking a consultation trip first
that way in the future i will know exactly what to do when i get there, like where to go to and stuff, and can arrange the travel details beforehand and don't have to worry about *both* consultation, then deciding on where to go to, and then doing the surgery
although i think i have an idea about the clinic already

but the liposuction and the jaw reduction thing is confusing me
i wonder if i should do the liposuction first, which is the easier surgery?
i dont get why they can't just do them together.
i saw some liposuction on youtube and there isn't even any bruising afterwards and the incision for the cannula is pretty small
like i dont get why they can't cut bone just because they do liposuction
why would some doctors be able to do it together, but others can't?

even when i was normal weight or weighed less than now, there is just this skin near my jowl area that is there, and which contributes to my wide face in the front view, and i need this removed. i dont know if liposuction is what i need though. but if it is, then i can't do it with the jaw surgery?

im sooo confused :sad:
now i dont know if i should do liposuction first, and then jaw
or if should schedule a trip
or what

im sure i want to do the surgeries at some point (jaw, liposuction), but now im so confused about the order, and whether i should do a consultation trip first.
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You want an analysis? As a personal trainer an ex professional bodybuilder, before you even do surgery, I suggest you should really loose the bodyfat first. It would be helpful for the doctors and yourself to analyze. It looks like your chin is fine and so is your cheekbones, it's just baby fat hiding it probably. I know this because in the offseason of bodybuilding when he purpose was to gain as much weight and muscle as possible, the face changes a lot! My high cheek bones and facial feature were covered. But competition when othe bodybuiders would loose bodyfat for stage, you could see their bone structure again.
Are you also the girl that says she has asian parents and only 10 percent of you I asian and you want to look caucasian? Because if you are,you should email me because I don't think doing plastic surgery willake you as happy as you think. We can talk and discuss

[email protected]
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do you know where the incisions are for: buccal fat removal? are they different than the jaw reduction incisions?

i wonder if i can do this:
buccal fat removal + liposuction
wait 2 months
then jaw reduction?

or is it better to do jaw reduction with buccal fat removal together?
so confused :sad:
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yeah, but i used to be thin like when i was around 18 years old (like 100 pounds, now im over 150 pounds, and i am 5 2'') and i think i just always had a wide face
and a lot of skin in the jowl area even when i was normal weight

i think i will be a lot happier if i looked caucasian
i already changed my name and it felt right

im sure i want to do a surgery anyways just not sure about the order of things

i think that realistically i won't lose the weight anytime soon

i was thinking of doing facial liposuction before the jaw surgery, so then it could be easier to see the bone?
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The above photos are from Wonjin clinic.
I am very impress with the result. The changes is so drastic and so noticeable! That is exactly what I am looking for.
I read a post somewhere here but I cannot remember who posted it. He mentioned that Wonjin is famous among the locals but not the foreigners.

Anyone been to Wonjin for surgery or consultation before? Please reply me here or PM me as I would really love to know more about it. :sad: Please your effort will really help me a lot. :sad:
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I agree with kayrider 100%! I think your features looks ASIAN ASIAN and any amount of plastic surgery will not achieve the "causasian" features that you want. Although I am not a plastic surgeon I think you need a psychologist instead-you seem to have an identity crisis. I don't mean to be rude at all....it's just I hate to see someone invest so much money and suffer so much from recovery and it not being worth it.....with that being said I wish you the best in whatever choices you make.
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Those photos look altered, especially the first one.......hmmmm
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You nailed it and said exactly what I wanted to tell her. I think alot of Asians do this as an identity issue. And it seems like some people have the highest expectations after plastic surgery. And unrealistic expectations. You think this will make you happier? How about being 100 confident with identity and having a little self esteem.
If your confidence is strictly coming from the unrealistic expecations of this surgery, you will tim into Michael Jackson and that is no joke. I'm series. It just doesn't look right if you werent born with the basic features to begin with
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my identity isnt asian
its like a gay person trapped inside a straight person's body, a boy trapped inside a girl's body thing
i mean some of the doctors sent me some after pics
and they do look more caucasian and so it is possible
im not expecting 100%
but more caucasian looking, with caucasian features, is realistic

even a jaw reduction, facial liposuction and a rhinoplasty will make a pretty drastic change
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Your Asian, your parents are asian, you want to go to an asian clinic. Sounds pretty asian to me. To hear people like you is insulting to an asian American. People like you are the reason why I am disgusted with my own race sometimes.
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i want to do sugery in korea because they have experience with this type of surgery, there aren't any good US doctors who do this, otherwise i would stay in the US, going abroad to do surgery isn't something i would do if good bone cutting doctors existed in the US, i did all my previous surgeries in the US and had some bad experiences with the double eyelid procedure, even something as common as this, a doctor in the US couldn't do it properly and my eyelids are uneven now and i paid 6k for it. i don't know any korean and the thought of doing surgery abroad really scares me. i keep thinking, what if something goes wrong? thats why im really stressing out about choosing a big clinic, i wouldn't use a small clinic for general anesthesia. i think for something like this to achieve the results that i want, i don't really have a choice, and people tell me that im making a good choice by doing this in korea and not in the US with a US doctor. but ive done some other procedures already in the US, this will be the first time going abroad. for something like raising the bridge or bone cutting, no US doctor knows how to do it.

my parents are asian but i dont identity with the asian culture at all, im not close to my parents. i dont speak/read/write korean or any asian languages, can't name any asian music/movie/tv show, etc. the only reason i am asian is because my parents are asian.
i was born to asian parents but i wish that i wasn't.
i don't feel asian and don't want anything to do with this race in terms of looks to avoid the confusion
i don't like how i look and it doesnt match who i am
this is why i don't wanna look asian and wish that i didn't. people expect me to act asian just because i was born that way. they say "ni hao" to me on the street, etc. or expect me to do things that asian people know how to do, but i don't know how to do it. i don't know how to cook anything asian (well thats a general problem, i don't know how to cook lol). they ask me how do you say "x" in chinese or something, and i don't know. or they ask me what china is like, i don't know anything about china. im never going to identify with being asian, it will never happen. things would just be a whole lot easier if i just didn't look asian lol. i wouldn't have this problem at all, although who knows maybe i'd still want some surgery to make myself look better.
we all have our reasons for surgery.
i want to do surgery to get closer to my identity
and it will help me become more confident about myself
its not just something i decided to do in a day
ive been thinking about it for many years
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i couldnt agree more with you and kayrider.
especially, i think "How about being 100 confident with identity and having a little self esteem." hit the nail right on.

when you first stated your reason for wanting to do the surgery was to look caucasion, i told you the same thing on cozycot.

and i might not know exactly how you feel, but i was brought up in europe. im japanese. i didnt know much about japan and i couldnt speak the language til i found interest in my background, and then went there (first time at 22) i was bullied a lot in school, and i didnt feel asian at all. now im fine, i just learned to live with it.

kayrider, how is your postop going so far? can you see any results? :smile:
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