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asian nose job 2

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@HHer Oooh, can I see too? I loved your review the first time around. If possible, can you send another before pic or two, because that's the only thing I had trouble telling was how much of a difference it was since you were smiling a little in your before pic. I loved your after nose even when it was really swollen, but I wasn't sure how much work was done on the before. Anyway! [email protected], cheers!
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Hey does anyone know how soon I need to quit smoking before my surgery? I think I read somewhere it was 2 weeks but another place a month and I'm just not sure... if it's going to be a month I think I may need to stop smoking soon... argh. Also, how soon after the surgery can you start smoking again? Is this going to affect my surgery very much? I'm very nervous about quitting cold turkey. Will one cigarette or two post-surgery (or pre) really affect my recovery that much? :/
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i bet you like brandon routh face too! :smile:
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Yeah I'm originally from the US but got a job here so looks like I'm here indefinitely. Girl, you got a master's, of course you have skills! plus London is a better place to find a job in the UK than anywhere else. do you want to move back to the US?

there are a lot of reputable, good doctors in the UK, and a few in France and Holland. one in France is pretty experienced in ethnic rhino, I think he's called Olivier Gerbault (at least I'm sure on the surname). I don't think you need to go to the US or UK to do buccal fat or lipo, plenty of good surgeons here who could do it. I'm consulting with Lucien Ion, he's talked about a lot on the lookyourbest forum for being good with facial fat removal or face lifts. but hey, if you don't trust UK doctors I can understand. I do think for the most part US is more advanced, but I just think something like buccal fat removal is so simple, not like rhino...

yeah I could get a translator and yeah it's not so bad since some clinics accommodate to foreigners but I think part of it is that I'm just not comfortable with the cultural barrier as well. I don't want to be pushed into getting something I don't want. I want the surgeon to be 100% honest with me on what to expect and what he feels he can do and what his limitations are or my expectations. I'm just not so sure I can get that in Korea. but after my consultation with the UK doc, if I feel he's sad similar things that Korean clinics have said, I'll consider Korea. So far I'm looking at Dream, JW, VIP maybe if I decide I want to do rib after all... right now I'm thinking I'll just leave the bridge alone.

if I go to Korea it would be the last week of Sept. I'm having my consultation next week with the UK doc.

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whose spoton?

i just realized spoton = spot on?
were you asking me? lol
ive been on the forum a bit lately
in between watching tv series
i think im online too much
probably explains the weight gain

im just at home healing now so im like online all day
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just sent...for those that asked.

@ halley - yes, quit at least 2 weeks prior minimum or 2 months ahead. I was smoking before but I had quit 6 months earlier and actually stopped smoking completely.
There was another patient there who smoked 2-3 weeks after her surgery. Don't know how she's doing now. Can't tell you what happens if you smoke. Blood thinning? makes you more prone to nose bleeds? or infection? one of those.
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hey, maybe you can post your before/after pics here? (and wipe out your features)? so then you don't have to email everyone who asks you lol
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your post made me laugh haha, or smile
cause its funny i used to like brandon routh
but its a bit too "masculine" for me too
but i loveeee this picture so much

hes not a werewolf
but i just realized that hes a superhero
(superman) haha
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LOL! at first comment:roflmfao:
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He is definitely! :smile:

He look soo good in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWXS5V8lK5I
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i probably wont be able to get a job anytime soon, i dont really have any employable skills. and i dont think i can hold a job. and i dont want to work. i was considering this 11 month volunteering program and the fact that its full time and you can't take a few weeks or a month or two off for traveling, scares me away. maybe ill do a diploma or something in fasion or graphic design, dont know yet.

i think i need buccal fat removal too, but its the same incision as a mandible reduction from what i heard so i would just do those together instead of cutting the same place twice.

good luck with your consultation, i think itll be good to get an opinion from a european doctor. maybe he'll say the same thing, or be more conservative. i think some european doctors don't see some of the problems, like they probably won't recommend jaw reduction or mandible reduction since its not common with europeans.
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IMO, if you are hoping your result to be drastic and easily noticeable from before and after. You can choose korea. Taiwan psurgeon is more conservative and prefer natural result.
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thanks! i saw just now.. and wow :tup:

rawdude haha sure :smile: ill post up a pix for you tmr.
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HHer, can I pls have a look at your recent pic too? I'm curious to see how much your swelling has gone down compared to mine. Thanks in advanced! My email add is [email protected]
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