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asian nose job 2

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Btw cosmgirl, where did you get your hair grafts done? Which doc? How many hair planted and how's recovery going for you?

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HHer, thank you so much for sending me your pics. I just have to say OMG! You are drop dead gorgeous! Your nose has deswelled so much, I think much more than mine and I'm already almost 5 months post op. Maybe it's because mine is a revision case. Your tip does not even look swollen at all. I really think the fat graft on your chin looks good. Dr Lee really did an amazing job. Do you like the paranasal implant?
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@Cosmgirl, I called you crazy not bc of what you're doing with your face (i would never judge a person bc they want plastic surgery) but bc you keep saying things like how your surgeries are nothing compared to these Korean girls / girls in Korea... And you name like every procedure available and make it out as if all Korean girls get all these surgeries and that is so much worse than what you're having done.. Hope you understand where I'm coming from. I just don't understand why you have to say it like that.. like youre better than these Korean girls who get everything done. Please correct me if I'm wrong, thats just how I interpreted it..
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The man in the last pic with the lady is Dr. Fukuta, head of Verite Clinic in Ginza. He can speak English quite well. Heard dat he is good in making his patients look more Caucasian.
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My professional opinion (that's a joke) is that you have a good bit of self-loathing but you don't want to do the not easy stuff to do anything about it. It appears to extend beyond your looks. To me, this sounds like depression. I was stuck this way for years and I see some of the similar signs. Realizing that you're overweight, and then saying that you're not "that" fat is something I told myself. It seems like denial because you are overweight, and it is bothering you, so you ARE that fat.

Ironically self-loathing can actually help you out of depression if it motivates you to change things you can change like lose weight, hold a job, take the plunge for realistc ps.

I've been one on the forum that has supported any surgical change you really think will make you happier. Now that I see the signs of depression I worry that making this your first step won't make you happier. You've backed off from it now, but a couple of pages back you switched frm your claim of mainly doing this for idendity reasons to saying that an asian girl with an asian look (specifically wide face) will never be considered pretty in the US.
It's thinking like this that can drive you to doing plastic surgery and never being happy with yourself. How can you be happy when at 80% caucasian you still won't be considered pretty here?(that was rhetorical)

Ok your hour's over, I wanna get back to talking about nose jobs and other ps now.
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The paranasal implants --- I think they are still swollen so I still have that creepy smile and stiffness. I don't think it is going to go away for another month or so. But I'm glad I got the paranasal implants. Although it did change the shape of my mouth and the distance of my lips and nose a bit.

Those that are considering a nose job - I just want to say again that you should research Paranasal implants too. Don't forget. JFYI.

Thanks Chanelmania.
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@HHer: wow ur nose and fat grafts look really good now, ummm i have a little doubt about VIP but now i can see dr. lee is good thank you, hah u make me think about fat graft too, i remember u mention about having a little bump rit? is it still there now?
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hahahah, I thought about all these things before surgery too. I quit cold turkey 2 months before and haven't smoked since :biggrin:

Yes, cigarettes will greatly affect your recovery. I had chronic bronchitis, and everytime I recovered, I thought only one cigarette would be okay - turns out that it caused my relapse everytime.
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Hi Rooky,

I was doing some research to see what my options with the Paranasals were.

to clarify, I like my nose and the paranasals. I like the sophisticated look it has given me.

What I don't like is how unnatural it makes my smile look, in real life and in photos. And I don't know if it will ever come back; Apparently, if the surgeon cuts the muscle while inserting the PI, then the nerves might not grow back. About the long term smile effects, this is something that a one yr post op could answer. Most people can feel their paranasals if they touch them, this shouldn't be a problem.

Either way, I won't touch my paranasals until at least 6 months. I don't want to risk my nose collapsing.

If you don't really need PI, then don't get it. My lips were really protruded before, like a monkey's haha. The smile thing has been devastating, especially since I work in a profession where I have to be charming and personable. I think I might come across to people as being disinterested and bored, since it's harder to make facial expressions now. However, it's getting better so we'll see.
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@ rawdude, kain and everyone else who did rib rhino.... Did you guys get a low grade fever post op? I'm on my 5th day now and I'm still getting a low grade fever.

Kain you had fever as well post op right? How long did it last? I'm just asking coz this is not my primary rhino and I never had a fever that lasted this long with my previous rhinoplasties. everyone else here who did their nose had a fever but only 1-2 days post op. I was wondering if its because I had rib rhino? everyone else who had their nose done now just had ear cartilage and other stuff but not rib rhino. JoAnn did give me something for my fever but i don't want to keep on taking pain killers everyday. The fever goes on and off and its not a high fever... just a low grade one. Did any of you guys experience this? Everything else is healing really well though
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Just a quick update:

I'm one month post-op and I feel good!

My nose/eyes look very natural and the tip has started to go down more.
It's still a bit hard, but I know with time it will heal.

The days I dislike my face are pretty rare now, but I admit sometimes I get nitpicky or even paranoid if I accidentally graze my nose too hard.

Anyway, I'll probably not update as much unless something significant happens. THis forum moves too fast to keep in touch. I'll of course respond to PM's as quickly as possible though! GL with the surgeries.

On a side note: I still look very Asian (a prettier Asian). For those who were worried that this surgery would somehow make you less Asian, don't worry! I was hesitant about this too and I'm still very much Asian looking! In that same vain...for some of you who don't want to look Asian...you will still retain your ethnicity unless you make very drastic changes. Please, be careful. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be more beautiful, but there are limits or rather there should be limits.
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hey Nny,

can you tell me why injecting fat (i'm guessing you are talking about fat grafting) will cause you to age faster?


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Seriously you're so pretty. I actually remember when I first saw your before pic I thought, Why the hell is she getting rhino? But I really like your result too. If you could do it all over again, would you not get the fat and paranasal and just stick with the nose, like you were saying before? Or are you happy you got them now and would do it again?
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Noooo there needs to be an end in sight! :sad: I could maybe do a month or two... but... yikes. I don't think I can quit cold turkey again. How long before you can drink?
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Joann said after one month, its ok to have ONE glass of wine/champagne/beer (not sure if its per day or week), but you can't have hard liquor until 2 months has passed. After 2 months u can pretty much resume anything.

Its not that bad quitting smoking. I smoked heavily for 10 yrs, and the hardest part about quitting is just having a lot of smoker friends and being left out when they're taking smoke breaks.

Not to lecture you but smoking lowers your immune system - you will be susceptible to fevers and infections from the surgeries anyways, and smoking can open more gateways to being even sicker.. So plz do try to quit for one month b4 and 2 months after.
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