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asian nose job 2

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o, thats a good question. you should probably ask a doctor about the cranberry tablets. i was thinking that it would prevent a UTI, but now that you mention it, cranberry tablets thin the blood as well (as do many fruits). and that could be bad. imo a UTI would be worse than thin blood, since you can counter thin blood by getting vitamin k from eating veggies (good for clotting blood and stopping bleeding). but thats just from biology class so its better to ask a doctor. a UTI during recovery would be give you a bad fever though. and youd risk a kidney infection if the UTI went undetected for long enough. but if you get a UTI, the clinic will give you more antibiotics.

i still have the white scar at 3 months post op.
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If you don't think you need it, then don't get it.

I already knew that I wanted paranasal implants bc I've always had protruding lips. I was excited to find out that such a procedure existed. Paranasal implants come w/ quite a few side effects, which at this point, I don't know if they are permanent or temporary..

BUT... I think that my overall look has improved so much that I don't mind the side effects (which are a larger space in between the nose and upper lips, thinner upper lip, looking more caucasian, and weird smile). My lips were also full and pillowy, but I'd fork over my upper lip so I can look sophisticated anyday. JMHO of course. It was difficult adjusting to my new stiff face. :-s

Your speech, eating and talking would only be affected by Paranasals for the first week or so; smiling may take up more energy than it used to, but now I am at 1 month postop. I can smile when I want to, but I don't think it looks nice in photos.

The paranasals don't hurt during or after surgery.
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@Megoreng : I knew your nickname reminded me something. You're the Malaysian girl. Are you upset that I said Cindy from Malaysia asked for a meal everyday and no one is blaming her ?
It's easy to discredit me and to let people think I "flame" people and you're just "passing by" scared that I'd flame you for no reason.

It is also because of this kind of comments that no one feels comfortable sharing the negative sides of their experience, therefore, we do not have an objective view of different patients here on this forum. And this is not helping the people who are planning a rhinoplasty.
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@rawdude : I was just making some research on Google about another rhinoplasty doctor in Korea and found a link to this page of the forum where you stated the quote. Don't worry, I don't spend my life on the TPF forum reading your old posts.
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I kept asking you guys to meet up previously but no one wants to entertain me.
Now, I am going to be fat and ugy soon, i dont want to see you guys anymore!!!!!!


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For those who are on the rib nose list : Is everyone comfortable doing collective sports (eg: basketball, volleyball etc.) with a rib cartilage nose ?

I currently am very scared to touch my nose with my jumper when I remove it, so I doubt that I'd be able to do any kind of outdoors activities without fearing to hit my nose. Is it just because I am few months post op or will it remain like that ?
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By the way, for privacy reasons, I have not sent my before and after pictures, I don't like knowing that my ugly new face is somewhere in the internet.
But anyway, I can tell you that I thought before and after pictures were the only way to rationally gauge the ability of a sugeon, but I was wrong.
I can take pretty pictures of my profile from the bottom (so we cannot see the protrusion of the middle face), put make up or play with lights in such a way that people will think the results are good.
I can also show before and after pictures of my face that are so horrible that no one would want to do a rhinoplasty , eg : if we start smiling.
At the risk of flying to Korea a second time for correction, maybe it's worth to come a first time to see actual patients.
eg: at O and Young, you can see the nose of the receptionists who were operated there or you can go to any clinic and it is very likely that you'll see a patient who just had his cast off (okay, it is swollen, but you can sort of tell how it might look -sometimes-)

If you can meet a real person who had a rib rhino, I think this is the best bet. (And don't forget to ask them to smile, as it affects the facial expressions at the beginning, in my case, I think it has altered my smile indefinitely if I keep the paransal implants.)

Maybe, this is possible by coming to Korea and going to the clinics and see the patients.
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By the way, my septi nasi was cut (a surgeon told me after reading the report), and this alters the smile indefinitely as this muscle acts as a levator of the upper lip. So, probably, I'll never get my previous smile back. If I was told so or just warned, I would have refused this muscle to be cut.
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he got banned from te forum
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Thanks for confirming, I just caught up with the thread and realised that he was banned only after I sent the message.:oh: lol what a bummer
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Eeks! I hope Dr. Lee will be able to arrange his schedule to get my surgeries done. I will be there next week, but he won't be able to do it until August leaving me only 6-7 days to recover... Will I need at least 10 days to recover for rhinoplasty and genioplasty before I can fly back home? :sad:
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um, maybe delay your flight if it isnt too much of a hassle (and ask if you can still get the officetel reservation)
technically, 7 days is enough, but i think they plan the post op care for around two weeks or so. i only stayed for 7 days after my surgery, and things were kinda rushed and dr lee was surprised that i was leaving so early. idk if they had to rush things or not (ie removing stiches earlier and whatnot)
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.....opps:X .. cmon you r not gonna get fat n ugly! still hot mom! :O
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