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asian nose job 2

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not worrying :smile:
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lol megoreng.. poor girl.
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about paranasal changing ones smile; granny effect post op gets better overtime and more natural as de swelling process. megoreng's got a nice smile even after paranasal.

guess its pretty subjective.

wheres uzura, izora and the ancestors?? wish they can post some updates on their noses.
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was it cut for the paranasals or the rhinoplasty? it says here that it is cut to prevent the tip from being pulled when you smile and is often done as part of a rhinoplasty (maybe to relieve some pressure on the implant, or to prevent the tip from being pulled down when smiling)

however, according to this surgeon, the septi nasi only affects the tip of the nose being pulled, but not the smile itself.

however, i think they are wrong because they only consider the primary function of the muscle itself. there is an answer in the link below which i think is much more realistic. the muscle is cut, and no longer restricts the upper lip as it use to.
It sounds like the muscles of your upper lip were freed up from the connections to the tip of your nose. This is the most common reason for the upper lip to hang down a little more than usual over your upper teeth, and also affect your smile following rhinoplasty.

regarding fixing the septi nasi, there are differing opinions

some surgeons say that once cut, the muscle contracts and cannot be attached without exception. others say that it depends on whether the surgeon did something to stop the septi nasi from reattaching, otherwise it would reattach over time.
so i guess we should question whether the paranasals were inserted in a way such that they blocked the muscles from reattaching, or whether the muscle has the ability to reconnect at all.

this is probably where they insert the paranasals

i've compared some b&a pics and it seems that my upper lip is between 2 to 4 mm lower than before (its hard to tell because idk how hard i was smiling in the before pics). its definitely better than it was at one week post op though, so i think it does get better slowly. idk if it will recover 100% though
if i smile without showing my teeth, my smile looks completely normal though. i think i rarely show my teeth anyway

edit: lol measuring my teeth now. this is the epitome of obsessive compulsive disorder
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I tried to change flights, but unfortunately it will not be possible :sad: . She said there will be accomodation; however, worried that post op care will not be enough days. I hope I'll be okay like you if that's the case. I'll still go for my consultation and see from there!! Cross my fingers and hope everything will go out as planned and turn out well. :smile:) I don't want dr to feel rushed -- or something to go wrong bc it was rushed. :smile:
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Just something I read that suggests the depressor septi muscle is involved in raising the upper lip:


Those surgeons that you linked to may be right, Kain, but some of their explanations were kinda weird. Like the guy who said it doesn't matter because it's cut near the tip? Don't muscles operate under tension? I think that's right. So if you cut it anywhere it will effect the areas it pulls on during contraction.

Anyway, I also got mine cut during my rhinoplasty (you can see the bruise on my columella in the video I posted). My smile is back to normal or at least I can't tell any difference and my tip doesn't move when I smile. It's just the way I like it.
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hey why dont u just get fat grafts on ure forehead and chin so ure face can harmonize better with ure rhinoplasty and parnasal implants. u might not think tht fat grafts would end up lookin good on an asian but they make a huge different. just take a look at hhers pics. after all the swelling went down she looks amazing. i think u should just wait it out and heal first, before u decide to take anything out. i think 6 months would be a good time to wait. hope everything goes well
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So I walked into a pole yesterday and hit my nose REALLY REALLY hard :smile:
I was looking back cause I saw at litter of new born kittens and turned my head back just in time to hit my nose super hard into a pole..........
now the sides of my nose is swollen again ahhhhhhhhhh.
And I feel it looks the same as my old nose. except the tip is higher, a lot bigger, very crooked to one side, and very upturned. my relatives who I havent seen for a while was like wtf happened to your nose?!! did you eat too much kfc or smthing? T.T omg fml...
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Hello there,

Ermm, for the record I'm from Singapore. So idk which Cindy u r talking about.

N would u pls elaborate on how or wat I hv done to confuse ppl in making their choice of surgeons?

To me it's v simple. U wan to have a nj by dr so-and-so, have faith n jus go. Of course at least try to verify his credentials. The rest, leave it to the professionals. If nt, go tk a medicine degree, major in PS then do ur own surgery. Thats the best option. If it's not possible, then remain ugly.

As for ppl who needs opinion on my nj doc, seriously, does it help? In my review I've already mentioned tat it's ur responsibility for the outcome of the nj. U choose to hv a nj, no one force u to. In every surgery, there will b risk. U don't expect it to b 100% perfect, n this is life. Live w it. Furthermore all these imperfections r subjective, so who is anyone to tell anybody else which dr is gd or which dr sucks? I've had 3 njs in total n the last being from dr lee. I can't b more happy about my nose now. Bt it doesn't mean everyone else shld. At least u r nt completely satisfied? So now, jus because I'm thankful to dr lee, I'm nt being objective? I wanted my nose fixed, he did. The rest doesn't matter. So objective met! Simple as tat.

N since we r at "objectivity" now, how does RD's office envt gotta do w nj? or does his recommendation to hv nj or nt helps? Havent u hv frens who told u tat u dont need so many procedures n u still decided to go ahead rite? Do wat they say matter? Nope. So would E qn of asking RD's comment of nj, no nj, rib nj matter? Nope. Did it help w e objectivity? Nope. Ta-dah, there u have it.

Oh n babe, I realized smthing. To reply all these comments on forum tks up a lot of time! N for those who r wondering where hv I Been after nj, it's bcos I've been busy showing off my new nose to my frens, clients, colleagues, family! Life's been really fulfilling for me! Job been keeping me busy too, n a new bf really hogs much of my time, hence the disappearance n now "passing by" in the forum. Angleplane, how do u manage to have so much time for all these posts??? U r amazing!!

Disclaimer! am using iPhone to reply cos I'm constantly on e move, pls pardon any typo,would b glad to clarify. (tats if my sick leave is extended)

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Did u hv ur nj at VIP?? Joann gave us a pack of emergency meds for situations like this. mayb u like to check if u need to tk them???

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Yeah I did, but they didn't give me any emergency meds @__@ I'm gonna email JoAnn and ask ):
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