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asian nose job 2

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Omg Cindy im sure that would really hurt! What did JoAnn say? I can ask her if you want. Im going to have my last check up before i leave on monday
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Am hoping tat it will happen too. Am only 3 mths post op. N my healing is much slower then e rest of the VIP-ians, perhaps cos it's a revision n ive got thick skin. Bt can tell tat my nose is already sharper n tip at least 80% smaller then pre-op though it's still in swelling state.
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omg I'm so jealous =(
I'm 12 days post op today and my tip is like 50% bigger than pre op Im so upset.
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Ur results are truly AMAZING!! May I asked what the sliding genioplasty did for your face? I never thought about chin implants before but after seeing everyone who has gotten their chin done , I'm considering it.
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Well, we've all been thru tat. Like the old saying goes, "no pain, no gain" =)
it's easy to feel depress to see urself looking this way, esp if it's ur first PS. Bt believe me, it will get better, n b4 u know it, u r actually considering future procedures to further enhance ur looks already! I used to enjoy waking up every morn n quickly run to e mirror n see how my new nose look after I wake up. Everyday is so exciting! Bt now, the change is nt tat obvious anymore. Only bf can tell, smtimes he would tell me tat my nose looks like it's smaller compared to the last time he saw me.

Btw when I first when home fr Kr, my mum was nagging at me for going for another nj n tat I look f-ugly w the swollen clown nose. She has since stopped. Guess she came to realization tat dr lee gave me a far much better nose then she did. Lol!!

The pain n wait will all b worth it! B patient!
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Aww thanks megoreng ^^ LOOL "Guess she came to realization tat dr lee gave me a far much better nose then she did. Lol!!" That made me laugh(and upper lip hurt rofl).

That made me feel so much better :biggrin: i got hurt feelings yesterday cause all my chinese relatives are all so blunt and mean >_< now your post has given me hope again !! :heart:
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COngrats on your new love babe!

SO your bf knows about your surgery? Thats cool! Its always so much easier when you need not hide from it ;)

Hey, i would love to meet you, RD and the rest up if you guys wanna do some coffee. Just PM me ok!!!

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Hi guys I am very very new to this board but i've been visiting for like the last year and a half or so, anyway. I'm finally at the age of being able to go get a nose job, but I have a few questions for you guys since you guys seem really knowledgeable.

I have a huge tip, is there any specific doctor or clinic that is good at reducing it? Like making it more defined instead of super round? I also have a wide nose and would like that reduced too.

Did any of you guys go for the same thing or no? I was born with a relatively high bridge so I'm not worried about that.

I was also looking at the VIP site but I know no korean so getting around is difficult.
Also where is the best place to get a nose job? I keep on hearing korea, but I dont speak korean so that might be difficult. I am chinese and i have family in china so I was going to go get my eyelids done during the winter of this year but I dont know any sugeons there either. How did you guys go about researching surgeons?
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made my face more proportionate ( i use to have a big forehead and small chin and nose) and got rid of my protruding mouth

it says there that the contraction of scar tissues will cause the bridge to shrink over time by aplying constant pressure to the cartilage. and from the pics of the woman who got rib cartilage in her nose, her tip looks a lot better after ~1 year. so you have to wait several months before seeing good results

there is an english button on the vip site.

i guess korea or japan for a nose job. if you want to go to japan, you will have to do more research because there doesnt seem to be as info online about japanese clinics
the only one i remember being mentioned is verite clinic

there is info about ps in taiwan and thailand, singapore on this site, but its not very active anymore

to research surgeons, i read about clinics by reading the nose job threads on this forum, the singaporre expats forum, and some other sites as well. then i found the clinic websites and if i liked the b&a pics, i emailed the clinic and corresponded with them
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Thank you for the advice and insight. I'm still doing some research on the paranasal augmentation procedure. I've never heard of the procedure until Dr. Lee mentioned it. Your information has been really helpful in swaying me to the dark side of the weird smiles club. lol

Are you able to see the rib implant for the paranasals when you smile? A small visible bump under your upper lip?

Did you also have a slight overjet? I have a 2mm overjet, so I'm hoping that wouldn't contribute to any problems with the visual aspects of my face. I wouldn't want an unbalanced feel to my face after the rhinoplasty and the paranasal augmentation.

If possible, do you think you can send me your before and afters (with all aspects of the nose angles). My email is: schrdingr (at) gmail (dot) com.
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wat has bigger nose got to do with eating too much KFC?? << -.-
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