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asian nose job 2

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What are you not happy about? Maybe you'd put me in the category of someone who really meeded a nj, but I got subtle changes and I'm happy (so far). My nose is hard too.

I'm at dr kims office now (dream la) any simple to answer questions? Maybe I'll work them in.
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Hey! Thanks, but I do live here in Korea and have easy access to all the PS clinic here :smile:. I think you just had your bump shaved down? Well I Never expected to be 100% happy with my after but I do have many many minor issues with my nose that I will get fix when I hit my 6 months. It's just for me it's easy cause it's just a subway ride away to the clinic to have "touch ups" but for many others they pay for overpriced plane tickets, accomadations, food, time, recovery etc....*****if they need touchup like I do.
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destiny1682 do you want to do meet up when get to korea? just shop and eat and maybe visit those palace, i would like company and have someone show me around since we both vietnamese
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Sure, whenever you come just FB me. lol, I am not much of a shopper..in fact I absolutely hate shopping 0_o! But if I am free I'll be happy to take you around.
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ok sound great, thank you, i'll pm when i get there, heheheheh not a shopper but mayb a eater then:graucho:
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i stopped looking at my nose around the start of the second month and by the third month post op, it was just miraculously smaller. :huh:
your nose should start to look nice in a month or two. just avoid sodium/salt cos that can increase swelling.

none taken. imo i really did need the nose job cos i really hated my old nose. adn my protruding mouth didnt look good either
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yeah...there are quite a few ppl who joann has talked into getting extra procedures who have regretted it afterwards. its kinda sad cos we go to ps clinics because we are already insecure and unhappy about our appearance. and put a lot of trust in them. but i guess its a business at the end of the day.

just a bit of advice for anyone planning to do ps, have a good idea of what YOU WANT done - if they suggest more procedures, take lots of time to do more research and talk to other ppl before making your decision. you can always get more done later but its much harder to take it back.

oh yeah, good luck! i hope it turns out well for you :biggrin:
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Destiny1682, you are so right. I have been told that once you get your nose done, it is no longer the same even if you remove the implant. And the care you have to give thought to if you have something added to the bridge is too troublesome. I agree that if there is no need of a rhino job, don't do it.
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hey no problem it's xxxx feel free to ask anything, I've been doing a bit of research into UK surgeons.
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reddelicious & juicyme

is it the same joann were talking about? o.o ive been talking to joann through mail, and she never suggest more procedures for me. she actually talked me from doing some :smile:


change ur face back to before? o.o you dont like ur new nose? >.>
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yea me too, joann never suggest me anything else beside nj and paranasal and i have friend show me her consultation mail with doctor lee and he suggest quite a few to her and she only want her nj done and he only recommend nj and paranasal for me
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im a little confused by your statement JuicyMe as to looking closer to what you had pre-surgery? i'm not trying to be rude or mean but if you knew going to have plastic surgery would alter your looks then why even do it to begin with.
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Dude looked fine in the second set of pics but his final set at the bottom of the page is just too much and too fake.
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