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asian nose job 2

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Yeah i like the second picture better . i think the second picture he was still recovering and still swollen as you can see on the pics. And he might of had more work done to get the final result. But if i saw him picture # 3 on the streets i wouldn't really think he has plastic surgery . Most people just assume most men are natural cause most men don't talk about or do plastic surgery like females do in high numbers.

i think the 3rd pics look to refined and feminine for me whereas pic # 2 had a masculine charm to him. i still think on pic # 3 he could have used a forehead implant because his forehead still looks flatt .
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i think every face is different and unique . Dr. Lee would probably only reccomend some or all procedure on each patient to best fit what he thinks would compliment their features and make them more beautiful. Not saying its right or wrong but since he knows more about facial symmetry and artist then i would think he would have a better understanding as to how the facial features would compliment one another. /some patients may require less or more procedures to make them beautiful. That's just my thoughts about it. i mean it's not like he's forcing you to do all these procedures . i think he's just reccomending what would work best for your facial structure !
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Everyone who is going to abroad for surgery has to keep in mind that the doctors have a different idea of what beauty is. Just remember to keep firm with what you want and be specific. If they pressure you, just tell them reasons why you don't want the surgery. They recommended for me to get my mandible shaved down since Koreans love the soft jawline type of look and slim face, but where I live it is not considered a flaw.
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Yes i realized every doctor has their own style of what is considered beautiful. One doctor might reccomend this and another doctor might reccomnend that. Personally i like Dr. Lee's style just from seeing other members before and after pic. But i still have 3 years to make my final decision before i really do it. i just don't want to rushed into things and regret it for the rest of my life. i figured that in 3 years if i'm still not happy with my face then i will do Plastic Surgery and at least i would be prepared for it by then. i'll be sure to bring in asian celebrity pics and do numerous consultation with different doctors before i really get it . So you never know in 3 years i could change doctors or not even do Plastic Surgery @
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No, it's not rude or mean at all hahaha.

I had epicanthoplasty done.. & was not aware of the big change it would make. So I'm trying to get a restoration to have my old "look" back. I thought it was something I really wanted, but realized that it wasn't right for my face.

As for my nose, it looks even more bulbous that it was before. I doubt it's the swelling still, I am 8 months post op now. So I would like a revision on my nose to make it look thinner, as it did before.

I mean, yes.. of course I knew that plastic surgery would alter my looks......... LOL, but there is no way of knowing what you're going to look like until you just go under and do it. Now I know! & I liked my face better before. Some people regret plastic surgery~ I'm just one of them.. :sad:
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im really sorry to hear about your surgery mishap. i really didn't mean to come off as being pushy by saying you should or shouldn't do this. im all for surgery if it makes one feel better . Even if you have a slight bump i think you should do what makes your heart content. i just wish more of these youngster would do their research and be more inform about the risk of Plastic Surgery rather then just jumping into it for a quick fix.

i wish you the best of luck on your upcoming surgery and hope you get what you want.:smile:
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He looks totally plastic in #3, I would suspect something if I saw someone like that IRL. His eyes don't look natural for some reason. The "hooding" effects of his brow bone and the shape and size of his nose bridge don't seem "real". The outer parts of his nose bridge is too thin, too well defined. He's looks very eurasian but not "naturally" so, if I can put it that way. The way his nose bridge joins the lids of his eyes makes his eye areas look too forcefully "sunken" or "hollowed". It's not very graceful.
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No no it's okay. I hope I made sense.
It's so sad because I have been researching for years. I've wanted surgery since the 9th grade.. so I thought* I knew it all, I thought* I knew what I wanted.. but I was wrong :sad:
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True he does look plastic . i think his nose is shaped to perfect on # 3. But since he does pass for that eurasian look i don't think the majority of society would question if he's fake . most would just asssume he's all natural unless they are one of those people who had multiple Plastic Surgery < these people can tell right away .
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[FONT=&quot]It&#8217;s been a while since I&#8217;ve been on the forum, and I can&#8217;t believe how far it has progressed. It&#8217;s been exactly 11 months since I had my revision (full rib rhinoplasty) at VIP. I&#8217;ll take updated pictures when I hit the one year mark. [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]My nose is still healing nicely. I don&#8217;t have a scar on my nose. My columella doesn&#8217;t even look like it was ever cut, and I never even used any scar treatment. I haven&#8217;t experienced any problems&#8230; no absorption, warping, infections, or crookedness. I can tell that my tip is still swollen. My nose moves when I crinkle it. I can move it side to side a little bit. It has definitely become more flexible over the past few months. My bridge still feels hard. But I&#8217;m used to a hard bridge because my previous silicone implant was extremely hard. I&#8217;m not sure if the silicone implant was always hard, or if it became harder over the years. It&#8217;s strange, but the silicone and rib don&#8217;t feel any different in hardness. I&#8217;m also used to a hard tip because I previously had ear cartilage. In fact, my nose now seems more flexible than when I had silicone and ear cartilage.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]I just wanted to make some general comments about some of the topics that were mentioned on the forum recently. I noticed that a lot of you had surgery at VIP recently, and VIP has become somewhat of a controversial topic. I absolutely adore Dr. Lee, but I&#8217;m sure there are better plastic surgeons in Seoul. The problem is that most of these great surgeons only work with alloplastic implants. For those whose hearts are set on 100% rib rhinoplasty, there probably isn&#8217;t a better doctor than Dr. Lee. Unfortunately, you don&#8217;t have too many options if you want a skilled and experienced doctor that specializes in rib rhinoplasty. There are doctors who only use rib for the tip, but it takes more skill to be able to use rib on the bridge since the pieces are bigger. It seems like most doctors who occasionally use rib only use it for the tip. Most doctors don't use rib since it's not mainstream. A doctor who uses rib once in a while is not a rib specialist. For some people, using rib is their only option because implants have failed them, they have insufficient ear or septal cartilage, they want a safe method for a dramatic result, they don&#8217;t want to use alloplastic implants, or for whatever reason. Rib was my only option because I needed significant lengthening from the silicone implant contracting. Rib is the best material for lengthening. Rib is not only meant for reconstructive purposes, and rib rhinoplasty is not a new development. I definitely believe that all these factors have attributed to so many people on the forum going to VIP recently. All of us who had surgery at VIP are real people who provided our experiences. We receive no compensation or perks for discussing our experiences. It&#8217;s been almost one year since I had my surgery, and I still keep in touch with Joann. I&#8217;ve emailed Joann with questions. She&#8217;s even emailed me once in a while to see how I&#8217;m doing. She always responds to my emails even with her hectic schedule. I don&#8217;t claim that VIP is the best clinic in the world. I know they have their flaws just like every clinic, and everybody&#8217;s experience is different. But I&#8217;ve never heard of a clinic that 1) allows your companion to stay in the recovery room with food provided, 2) allows your companion to stay in the officetel, 3) helps you coordinate surgery at other clinics, and 4) allows you to pay for procedures after the surgery if necessary. These are unheard of, but these are just some of the services that VIP provides. A lot of clinics wanted me to wire them a deposit just to book a surgery date in advance. As for bad reviews, every clinic has them. You can&#8217;t please everybody, and there is no guarantee in plastic surgery. You need to analyze the complaints objectively. Even the best doctor in the world will have unsatisfied patients&#8230; that&#8217;s just life. If you have the time, I think it&#8217;s ideal to have a few consultations before you choose a doctor. It never hurts to get a second or third opinion. I can&#8217;t stress enough how important communication is. I see a lot of disappointed people who didn&#8217;t communicate enough with their doctor. Also, it&#8217;s not unusual for rib rhinoplasty to take a long time. Dr. Kao in Taiwan takes over 8 hours in most of his cases, and he only does a few surgeries a week. Perhaps these doctors are just meticulous. I had a consultation with Dr. Shah in Chicago, and he told me that my surgery would take approximately five hours, which is how long my surgery took with Dr. Lee. My revision wasn&#8217;t complicated, but I can see how complicated cases can take well over 8 hours. [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Here are some tips if you had rib rhinoplasty. Be careful when you bite into an apple. I&#8217;ve hit my columella a few times, and it really hurts! I used to get a sharp pain on my chest when my nerves were regenerating. They&#8217;re more surprising then painful because it just attacks out of nowhere. Just be careful. One time I was lifting weights doing a chest press when I felt a sharp pain&#8230; I almost dropped the weights on my chest. I realize that everybody has different needs and that rib rhinoplasty is not for everyone. But for those who are interested in it, please don&#8217;t be afraid. I think most of you are mostly afraid of absorption and warping. Warping is easily prevented in the hands of an experienced doctor. As for absorption, it all depends on the condition of your cartilage and your doctor&#8217;s skill of course. To be on the the safe side, the older you are the better because your cartilage would be more calcified (stronger). My cartilage was extremely strong for someone my age, so I was told that mine shouldn&#8217;t absorb. Joann thought that my cartilage was strong because I&#8217;ve been strength training for a long time. Strength training strengthens your bones, so it makes sense that it would also strengthen the cartilages that are attached to your bones. Doctor&#8217;s skill is also crucial because there are methods to handle and carve the cartilage to minimize any problems, which is why it&#8217;s important to go to a specialist. I think people forget that out of all the cartilages, rib absorbs the least. Ear cartilage has the highest rate of absorption, followed by septal and then rib. When I had my revision, I hardly had any ear cartilage left. There is no perfect material. You need to do your homework and figure out what will work best for you since everybody is different. Unfortunately, silicone didn&#8217;t work for me. Perhaps it could have worked if I had it replaced after ten years like I was supposed to. You need to replace silicone every ten years just like you replace silicone breast implants. In any case, it&#8217;s very important to take your time and research all your options. VIP is a great option for those wanting 100% rib, but you should probably seek out other clinics if you prefer other materials. [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]I&#8217;m sorry for rambling on and on. I guess I&#8217;m making up for lost time. :P
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Wow that's pretty deep to be thinking about plastic surgery when your in 9th grade. i didn't start to have these feelings until 4 years ago when i entered the work force surround by guys who were really attractive. Then i saw what the advantages of being an attractive guy was. i saw these guys go on dates and getting promotion . And me well i just didn't look good with my flat nose and didn't even have any confidence. But i'ved gotten over this self esteem and moved on . i just want to level out the playing field with the other guys. i think my looks have cost me certain jobs and promotions and dates because i just didn't have the confidence to approach people. And i don't think Plastic Surgery is gonna make me rich > i just think it'll give me confidence to approach people more or go after a certain job that i would never thought about before.
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Isn't the world funny.... pretty people have such an advantage. Haha..

I know, 9th grade is so young! Such a baby.. but it was the double eyelid thing. I starting using tape then and knew then that I eventually wanted them done. I was really popular and had many many boyfriends through my teen years and was pretty content, but regardless... still wanted surgery. And when I turned twenty/twenty-one, I felt REALLY REALLY UGLY :sad:

I know for sure I have to work on my inner self as my revision is coming up^^ Good luck & keep me posted :smile:
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I don't understand why paranasals are recommended to just about everyone wanting nj at VIP? Does everyone who needs a nj have either a protruding mouth and/or depressed midface?? Otherwise, why is it that i keep seeing a repeated pattern of paranasals in combination to nj being recommended to those consulting with vip? I was recommended paranasals but i knew for certain that i didn't need it since i dont have a protruding mouth or a depressed midface. I'm sure there are those that will benefit from this procedure but c'mon, paranasals aren't for everyone needing a nj. For those considering nj, don't feel pressured into getting extra procedures just because the doctor recommended it for you. What someone else's definition of "beauty" may not coincide with your idea of what you want on your face.

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Hi Kain,

Would you be able to shoot me an email at xxxx. I have been researching Dr Lee and rib rhinoplasty for almost a year now, and I'd love to get your feedback on some questions I have without inundating this thread. Thanks so much.
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