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asian nose job 2

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Would you also mind sharing your pictures with me at xxxx
Do you also have any before pictures you're comfortable sharing.
Your previous implant problems are similar to mine, so I'd really like to see what the difference is after surgery and what Dr Lee's style is like. Thanks so much
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Hi Izora! Welcome back :smile:

How is your rib scar? Has it faded and become flat yet?
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it should be me.. heheh lets do it march next year :smile:
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I was thinking about using those materials too. Can you tell me which clinic you got it done at? If you dont want to say can you email it to me at xxxx I keep changing my mind about materials and trying to make the right decision ): I thought it would look more natural and subtle with softer cartillages like ear etc.
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hey destiny1682, can you send me your fotos xxx :graucho:
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Hi izora Thanks for the detail and informative post about your post surgery. i never knew silicone had to be replaced every ten years. i read other forum members saying people they knew still had silicone for over 20 years . is there a reason why we have to replace it other than it getting infected ? Silicone vs Goretex vs Rib and ear cartilage etc. My mind is boggling with all these options. Who knows maybe i'll use silicone since i got thick skin.
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Hey buddy, I think I'm going to do it in USA. It is the huge surgery and my orthodontist requires that I have to go check up every month :smile:

So good luck on your surgery
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You might call her. She told me that it would be extremely busy in August :smile:
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It has faded and flattened significantly, but the scar is still present.
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You don't need to get it replaced if you don't have any problems. I had my silicone implant for almost 19 years, and it was a very small piece. The implant became very hard and started to contract after two years. The contraction became worse over the years. I would have been fine if it weren't for the contraction, but it also turned my nose into a saddle nose. My doctor informed my mom that I might need to get the silicone replaced for longevity. I'm sure silicone implants have come a long way since then. I have thick skin too, and the silicone did thin out my skin on the bridge. Everybody reacts differently to silicone, so you won't know until you try it.

Which material you use is dependent on your goals (projection, length, tip, width, height, etc.). You should first determine exactly what improvements you want done to your nose. Each material has its pros, cons, and limits.
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