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asian nose job 2

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ooh can i see too? XD
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okay, i emailed you
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@Megalife if you go back the last 10 pages you'll find a review by some forum members on Banobagi. Most forum members on here won't answer your question if it's already been answer before. You might even have to start from the first page like i did to get a good idea on what clinics are good. Some are bad and some are good it just depends on who you talk to. But it seems that the last 100 pages or so has been devoted to VIP.
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izora... so good to hear from someone who had rib rhinoplasty done almost a year ago. And I do agree with you. I had silicone before and my nose was hard as well, its the same with my rib nose. And I really agree with you regarding the service that VIP offers. I really felt at home with them. I didnt want to go on praising them coz I didn't want people to think that I was paid to do it or something. But I really appreciate everything they did for me and I like how Dr. Lee did my nose.

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hehe sure kain... you contributed soo much to this forum and it was really helpful for all of us. I travel alot for work and I'm not at home right now. Once I'm home I'll take some pics and send it to you

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izora did the doctor tell you if the contraction was due to the scar tissue or did the implant itself contract? that's why I had to do a revision using rib coz my implant was deviated and i could see the edges of the implant and it didn't even reach the 1 year mark and someone told me that silicon does thin the skin over time and I was afraid that once my skin would thin out the deviation would be even more visible. but some doctors told me that if you have thick skin a silicone implant would be fine. I always thought I had think skin until I went to VIP and JoAnn told me my skin wasn't that thick.

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ey vk82... ill send you my photos after i take some after pics. I just have before pics and the ones immediately after the surgery.

I think people have silicone implants replaced due to deviation or thinning of the skin as izora mentioned. I think infection is not that common. But some doctors did say that silicone thins the skin. Then some doctors also say that as long as you have thick skin its fine. I'm not really sure who is telling the truth. But I do know that silicone doesn't integrate with your nose so a scar tissue forms around it and encapsulates it over time. My previous surgeon said that silicone might thin the skin coz it doesn't integrate with your tissue so its still mobile, especially if its in the tip of your nose, which is one of the reasons why the implant could extrude. Goretex has like tiny holes in it so it integrates with your tissues, but I heard it could be difficult to remove because of tissue integration. But they say goretex is softer and looks more natural than silicone.

I chose rib for my 2nd revision coz I already had problems with silicone and a friend of mine who is a surgeon advised me to go with autologous materials instead. I initially wanted to do my revision with goretex. Then I decided to have rib after my friend's advise. I initially wanted to go to Taiwan as well to have my revision done with rib then I read somewhere that the aftercare wasn't that great. So I researched more and found VIP.

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Hi Jenstar....To be completely honest I didn't know what paranasal implants were before VIP. And even after JoAnn explained it to me what they were I still didn't get it. Even after I checked VIP's website about paranasals I still didn't get it. But after I did my surgery I think I know why Dr. Lee recommended it. First of all I did have a have a protruding mouth and paranasals did help with that. Secondly, my friend and I have been comparing our noses (my friend did it in Bangkok with L shaped silicone implant) and I noticed that even though the tip of my nose is as defined as the tip of my friend's nose. My nose tip didn't look quite "stretched" out. Its a bit difficult to explain actually, but its like the implant stretched out the tip of my friend's nose to make it more defined. Where as my tip isn't as stretched out. I think Dr. Lee placed my paranasals at below my alars and below my tip, in between my nostrils and it made my nose appear to stand out instead of appearing stretched out. I don't know if that made sense. I like it though, but I have to be honest, it made my smile really awkward for the first 2 weeks. Now my smile is becoming less awkward and I hope it goes back to normal soon.

But I think that if you feel you that you don't need something, then there is no point in getting it. Eventhough the surgeon recommended it, one can always say no thank you.

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hi curious girl... Ill send you my after pics once I have taken some already. Did your silicone implant shift as well? I can send you my before pics now if you want, or I could send them together with my after pics

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Hey J Franc thanks alot. i really appreciated your reviews on the silicone implant materials . it has been really helpful in helping me decided which implant materials to best go with. i bet your one handsome stud by now after the surgery..... It kinda makes me want to hop on a plane and just get my surgery done and over with. But i figured i'll wait it out another two years and see what happens. i promised to come back and write a review and experienced if anyone is still around . And i'll post some before and after pics if anybody is still interested.
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Oh I forgot to mention... if you want a really high and defined nose I heard silicone would be good for it because it is easy to carve. If you want a "pointy" tip L shaped silicone can achieve that. I'm not sure with goretex though. I heard about doctors using goretex blocks that you carve out. But from what I know, most doctors use goretex sheets that they stack up on the bridge area and they use ear cartilage for the tip. There are also implants made from silicone that are coated with goretex. I heard that they minimize the risk of the implant shifting.

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Ok thanks alot!
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So if I have a protrusion, I should get paranasal implants? Will they make the nose look fatter ?
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