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asian nose job 2

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The longest it took her was a month, but that's because she missed my email so I emailed her again. Otherwise, it took 2~4 days.

Hi Kain, do you have thick or thin skin?
I'm almost 2 months post-op but my tip is still so huge. When I went outside, I thought I looked weird. My sister's nose looks good but she has thin skin. Joann said my skin was neither thick nor thin.
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You know, I never asked Dr. Lee about the source of the contraction. All I know is that my nose was contracted, shortened, and saddle shaped. I was only 14 when I had my first nose job with silicone, so I had no idea that silicone could thin out the skin on your bridge. I found out by researching it because I noticed that my skin became thinner over the years. People with thick skin can tolerate silicone better, but that doesn't mean that there aren't any risks involved.
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i used to think that i had thick skin, but another patient at the clinic told me that i have thin skin so now im not sure. it feels like there is ~1mm on my bridge. and maybe ~1-2mm on my tip. its really hard to tell though
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Hey Kain thanks alot for contributing to this forum. Do you have any idea how they reduce protrusion of the mouth with your nose job? You look a little like Lee min ho from the sideview btw =)
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If your face is depressed and your moth is protruded. Dr. Lee will do your paranasals. It really helps :smile:

@ Kain: From Hong Kong Star, now you become to be Korean singer :roflmfao:
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My dermatologist told me that my skin was thin, and Dr. Lee told me that it was thick :biggrin:

---> Confused??!!!
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Hey guys sorry I am not sharing my photos anymore, maybe when I get my touch up done I will be more comfortable then.

Well..I was first told that my skin was thin also, hence the fascia. However, during recovery I was told I had thick skin :/
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Here's a website http://www.asianplasticsurgeryguide.com that covers all the basic procedure for Asian Plastic surgery . Hope that helps
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I think they recommend it of you have a protruding mouth. To be completely honest I do not know what they are actually for. But I like my results. It didn't make my nose fatter. There are pictures in their website on where they will put the paranasals. I think its underneath the alarbase or something. Not sure though.

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From what I understand... silicone implants never become part of your nose. It never integrates, that's why a scar tissue forms around it and encapsulates it. Our nose is quite mobile meaning it moves when we laugh, smile or with any facial expression. Since there is a silicone implant inside that doesn't integrate, it kinds of moves around and "rubs" with you skin tissue. And from what I know that's what causes the implant to thin the skin and maybe cause it to extrude. That's how my previous surgeon explained it to me in layman's term. That's why he recommended I-shaped silicone implants that just sit on the bridge and ear cartilage for the tip, because he said the tip is the most mobile. Goretex and cartilage integrates with your nose once it heals so it becomes like part of your nose unlike silicone that doesn't become part of your nose. I heard of some doctors who suture the silicone to your nose but to be completely honest I haven't seen anyone with a sutured silicone implant or something like that. When I had a silicone implant and it deviated, I could still push it towards the center and it moves like a millimeter or so but it would go back to its original position. So I guess it never becomes part of your nose, but my previous surgeon did say that the scar tissue helps keep it in place.

I don't know if my explanation made sense to you but I hope it helps.

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