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asian nose job 2

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It's ok it didn't sound mean=). I'm actually really grateful towards you because you've done ur surgery and u dont even need to be on this forum helping others anymore but ur still doing so.
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Her nose looks to fake and obvously plastic. You'd think with that kind of money she'd invest in a better more natural looking nose job. She kinda has that Michael Jackson nose for some reason.
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Many korean Celebs have those kind of noses though. Although it looks fake, they look really good for some reason...
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Lurker here :blush: Come out into the open at last!
I've been following this blog since the original off and on for about 3 months now!! Actually I'm still only on 405 but I saw your post HHer and thought I should contact you sooner than later?

I've been thinking about rhinoplasty for 2 years now. I've only worked up the courage this year to decide that it's time I go for it! I'm currently also debating the idea of sliding genioplasty because I have a slightly receding, weak chin.
I've finally decided to go with Dr Kao in Taiwan for rhinoplasty next month. Has anyone had any recent experiences at his surgery or has plans around the same time that fancies meeting up? I'm bricking it, but so excited to finally go through with it. By the way I don't speak a work of Chinese...

Enough rambling... must be the pent up energy after months of being mute lurker hehe. I don't have private messaging, but you can reach me at zaphireeni (at) gmail (dot) com :Partyhat:
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It's bc they have very pretty fake noses. Julie Chen has a bad fake nose. I don't know if that makes any sense, but I even told my plastic surgeon that I don't care if my nose looks fake, as long as it is a very pretty nose~ I can't seem to explain myself... but for me, I think every nose that doesn't look "stereotypically" asian looks "fake" or "not real" so as long as it's very well done and very pretty/cute it's fine with me. Julie chen's nose is ugly >.< (it's a shame bc she's a very pretty lady... )
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I agree with you. Especially with women that a fake look can look really attractive.

The problem with fake rhino is if you have other non-ideal features it can look really distracting.
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Thanks for your responses guys :smile:!! I think Rib graft s too risk for me at the moment I need to be able to dance 3 weeks after my surgery :smile: I think maybe i'll try and improve my nose with some alar and bone breaking and do facial contour surgery isntead :smile:
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Thank you all for posting information here :smile:!! I think it's time for me to contribute, I currently have a silicon+gortex and ear cartlidge graft tip that I did with Dr Kao. Hs nose is very natural looking and I like it. However i must say his conservative. I did primary with him then returned to get alar base reduction a few months later after he did that the result was good but then the skin started to stretch again and I went back but he wont operate on me he said my nose is nice enough! I still think I need it a bit thinner as I want it to fit in between the insides of my eye, it now flares a little bit out and much more when I smile. Overall I'm pretty happy with the nose Dr Kao gave me, I asked for a slight rounded tip as I used to have a flat nose and getting a pointy one will just look very unnatural, and he did it well.

I now want to try Dr Lee of VIP as you guys have been giving him rave reviews. I only had my silicon implant a year ago so maybe I can wait a few years before doing rib rhino :smile: I believe I have thick skin so hopefully protrusion wont be an issue, although now I'm a bit freakedo ut about protrusion and infection from all the ocmments here and around the internet. My implant is an I shaped implant and before you used to be able to feel the ridge from when it started near my eyes, now it's alot smoother :smile: IT feels kinda funny sometimes i feel liek i can pushit up a bit if I push the tip of my nose..oh well one day rib will be mine :smile:
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Julie Chen has that typical fake nose job that i see all to often in the states when they perform it on ethnic patients. Think more like michael jackson and janet jackson style. i mean that nose doesn't balance her face to well. it looks out of proportion . that nostril is a telltale sign . but i agree the style of american rhinoplasty and korean rhinoplasty is like night and day whereas koreans are trying to achieved that fake realistic nose.
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Hi everyone,
I did not have time to post but I will write a long review if I have the time.
I am currently in Korea where I had revisions done. I am happy to say that I have recovered my face, with a slight improvement, but I am myself again.
As I will not send pictures, if anyone is in Korea and wants to see my face and pictures before choosing their clinic, they are welcome to email me.
My email : x

I think Dr Lee is a good doctor and I highly respect him. Nevertheless, he seems to want to do a "masterpiece" as someone has repeated several times on this forum. But that does not always fit the face (maybe it did for those who had a retruded middle face) and the masterpiece, like a statue's nose is completely immobile. Ask other surgeons you'll consult they might even say it before you ask of the side effects of a rib cartilage rhinoplasty, that's what they said when they saw my rib nose. The nose becomes immobile and looks fake as it doesn't move at all or a little bit after few months, at least it did on me and other patients who seeked to have all the rib cartilage removed.
If I have to warn people : Rib cartilage has been a very bad trade off for me and many other patients from VIP (one surgeon in Korea received many revision cases from VIP rib patients) who removed all the rib cartilage and did not voice it on the forum.
I personally cannot live with a stiff nose the rest of my life as it enables me to do any sport in which it may involve my nose to be touched. As for the aesthetic result, it was not good in my point of view and the one of all those who saw me before and after.
I wrote enthusiastic posts while I was still in the euphoria of this forum as I am very optimistic, but I still had my tapes on until June 19th (around that date) and I was already praising my new nose. But all I could see was the projection and obtuse angle like I asked under the tape and then, I just dreamed that it was perfect because everyone was trying to reassure each other on this forum.
By the way, if you want to look caucasian, a VIP nose might be a good option if you can live with a stiff nose, and then you might have to do a forehead implant and genioplasty to make your face "stronger" and adapt to the new big -high and projected- nose (unless you have a strong brow bone to start with).
As for my smile, surgeons said it was permanently affected as the depressor septi nasi muscle was transposed and sewed (not cut, I made a mistake when I said it previously on a post, because one doctor said to me that transposition was equivalent to vut, so I'm still unsure what he meant). The columella strut was obstructing my smile and I would never have totally found my previous smile again. In my opinion, my smile was my best feature and I was very sad to lose it. My face looked pulled (the skin was pulling towards the nose) and the overall almost looked handicapped when I try to make a big smile.
Also, with rib cartilage, a smile takes more effort. I used to smile all the time and with the rib cartilage, it scared people away as my face was deformed (or the more I smiled the more people would lose theirs, they may have just thought I was getting uglier as I smiled), and anyway, we could see it was difficult for me to smile.
For my nose revision, my depressor septi nasi muscle was repaired and now my smile is slowly going back to normal. I will recover it fully in 3 months after the musce repair, so I doubt that without the transposition undone, we can fully recover our previous smile.
I do not believe anyone with rib cartilage can play collective sports (involving a ball for example or any sports in which your nose might be touched) because the tip is so stiff and will remain that way (maybe less but will still be). Most doctors in Korea do not use it, not because they do not have the skills to make a nice nose with rib, but because it has been a handicap to live with such a stiff nose for several patients and a doctor (that I do not want to name as all good doctors are friends with each other and respect each other's work even if they don't agree) received these unsatisfied patients from rib cartilage rhinoplasty at VIP because there's too much rib augmentation (it pulls the skin) and the tip is extremely stiff.
A VIP nose may suit guys more as an overaugmentation may not be as much of a problem for a male. I am sorry for those who will feel offended because they like the appearence of their new nose and will keep the rib cartilage inside their nose. I will not have time to answer to the negative replies. I'm just sharing my own experience because I read some useful information on that forum that helped me so, I want to return the favor.
So, for those in Korea who wish to see me in real or see my pictures, send me an email to the address above. I have 5 days left in Korea. By the way, I flew back from Europe to Korea to have the rib cartilage removed.
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