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asian nose job 2

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Even without the makeup it still looks unnatural. Just the way that nose is shaped it's just too obvious because i seen so many asian old lady with nose job like hers :faint: Me and my sister used to always joked when we see somebody with that kind of nose. We'd be like " yup she's another michael jackson wannabe " hahahahaha:roflmfao:
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Exactly when i look at her the one thing that stands out is her nose which is really distracting. i mean you don't notice her beautiful eyes or lips because that nose just takes the attention away and steals the attention away from her other lovely features <. maybe if her nose looked more natural her other features may stand out more and compliment one another.
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Hahaha, I really wonder how many well-off HK wives get PS'ed. Probably a lot more than I used to think, it's just that it could be done so well that I wouldn't know (not that I hang out with them anyhow).

Oh yeah, I went to get hair cut the other day, my usual salon gal was busy with another clinic so this older Asian woman did my hair instead.

She was very nice, like a step-mom, and did a very good and thorough job, taking her sweet time making sure I was happy with my cut.

But even though she spoke Cantonese she looked really exotic. She appeared to be a mix of East Indian/Indonesian and Chinese.

Her nose was very well defined and she had a pretty high bridge with a pleasing amount of "hollowness" to her eye area, making the eyes look very deep set and alluring. Maybe she's fully Chinese who was born this way (she must have been quite the looker in her youth) but maybe she had surgery.

Either way, I still believe that the best surgeons for Asians are in Asia, not in the States or North America. Cultural influences based on where one is doing his work can even make the most skilled doctors do weird things. Maybe some of the American doctors assume that one wants to be another race, so they put someone like Julie Chen into that "mold". She wants to "be" this or that, rather than she wants to just improve her features. That's why I sometime wonder if it's such a good idea to bring a photo of so and so to a consultation. I'd rather not want to emulate a certain feature of another person, it wouldn't look good on me.
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congratulations on the removal :smile: now im happier for you. you got back your old smile and old nose.

i love reading your posts!you have been very informative and hope u can enlighten us on some info you mentioned where many of us here didnt know of.. you are good!

you quoted;
If I have to warn people : Rib cartilage has been a very bad trade off for me and many other patients from VIP (one surgeon in Korea received many revision cases from VIP rib patients) who removed all the rib cartilage and did not voice it on the forum.

do you mind sharing with us who are these patients and surgeon or at least pm us who are interested? your help is kindly appreciated.
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Question: does anyone have weird smile ? When I smile, the middle bridge doesn't stretch while two of the sides of nostril stretches wider :confused1: Usually your middle bridge and two sides of your nostrils are supposed to stretch at the same time when you smile.
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I am glad you made your choice and went ahead. Now you must be much happier. Btw, did you remove your Paranasal implant as well?

I know you might find it a hassle to response to these questions now but it would greatly help those that wanted to do not know if it is a good choice to do so.

I am curious if you did replace it with something else too, how about your tip work?

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I'm going to write a detailed review of my second trip as I visited many clinics and talked to many doctors. I'll do it when I'll be back from Korea.

@rawdude : jenstar11 and deliriousgirl have mentionned 4 other surgeons recommended by a BK surgeon. If you visit these surgeons, they will tell you they had patients who wanted to remove the rib and other forummers told me that these surgeons -and particularly one- corrected (removed the rib grafts) VIP patients who had rib. I don't want to name these surgeons as VIP staff is reading this forum. And as I said they know and respect each other's work. Also, not visiting other clinics and relying on this forum was a mistake I made, I was blind to do so. I recommend people to do several consultations (at least 3 or 4) and never be pressured by "there will be no spot for you", there will always be one. I know only two other surgeons for who it is necessary to book at least one month in advance (one in rhinoplasty, and another one for facial contouring, Dr Baek, outside Seoul).

@kain : I wanted everything removed, but since Dr Lee sliced the septal cartilage to make it straight (even though everyone has a septal deviation and mine never bothered me, but it helps to have a straight septum to support the "masterpiece"), now the septal cartilage cannot stay straight by itself and needs support. Therefore, the rib cartilage was left there, I do not like this idea because, I still feel some little stiffness, I wanted all the rib cartilage removed, but well...we'll see if it is the scarring that is also contributing to the stiffness.
Everything can be replaced by soft ear cartilage, and septal cartilage and you can keep the same nose without the stiffness.

@the person who doesn't mind about a stiff nose as only the partner does touch the nose : people don't have to touch your nose to see that it is immobile and that the skin on your nose is not moving. Therefore, you look operated. If the aim is to become prettier, I don't think anyone who looks operated looks better. Also, the smile is not natural as well. I feel like I need to illustrate the smile (look at the Teri Hatcher pictures : her before smile and the after smile). She is still beautiful, but do you see what I mean by the charm she has lost, her grandma smile has made her lose her amazing charm on her before picture. I think her depressor septi nasi muscle must have been touched (she had a rhinoplasty and I think her nostrils are asymmetric).
Also, without playing sports, there are aways situations in life (if you have kids) in which people will inadvertently touch your nose.

I went back to my natural nose but prettier, with the slight bulbous tip corrected as I wanted and more projection, with a more obtuse angle. The bridge, never bothered me, I just wanted 1mm or 2mm if a bridge had to be added, but with rib cartilage it is impossible to have less than 2mm otherwise it cannot stay there. I had 4mm added, whereas my natural bridge was okay for me, even too high for my taste, I like small noses.
So, if you have rib, you can expect a big augmentation of your nasal dorsum.

I thought rib cartilage was the state-of-the art option and like WIFI few years ago, I thought it was the way to go and everyone would use that in the future, and only 3 or 4 doctors where specialized in that material in the world. But I was so wrong, as someone has said on this forum, this material is used since a long time ago for nose reconstructions, I believe, and this is my personal opinion, it is only a good trade off if you had no nose before or if you had all the other parts removed by previous surgeons (septal and ear cartilage). If it was the way to go, all the Korean movie stars would have gone for rib cartilage as I believe they have enough money to afford that.

If I can write my experience on this forum, it is because I had to pay a high price for another surgeon for the removal of all this rib (rib revision is pricey), so I am not dependent on whether the people from VIP clinic have a good or bad opinion of me. If I was considering a free revision from VIP or a minor touch up, I would not have been able to share my entire experience, the good and the bad.

Then, some may say I was stupid to share few posts and now being in a position in which I cannot have a free removal. But the clinic would not have done the revision before 3 or 6 months (even though they revised one forummer few days after his cast was removed -he regretted the surgery-), but they only shaved his rib cartilage dorsum whereas him and me wanted the entire removal of all rib grafts. The other patient was operated just one day before me. So, I doubt that 90% of patients are satisfied as Joann has said to me on the phone. Also, I wanted to remove everything once I came back to my country. In Korea, I didn't realize that I became uglier.
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candyshop... I don't think protrusion will be an issue for you. I heard I-shaped implants are quite safe and protrusion is not a problem. i think it was with L shaped silicone implants before. If there's nothing wrong with your implant I don't think you should have it revised. My was really deviated, and it was partly because I had a deviated septum and it always shifted somehow. Is your implant the silicone-goretex mix? How is it?

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angleplane thank you for your post. I'm glad that you got your old nose back. I'm almost a month post of now from rib rhino and your post is enlightening. My smile is returning slowly but its there yet (like 80% back... I think I heal quickly). Then again im still less than a month post op. Im glad that if I don't like it I could have it remove and get my smile back...

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Thank you for your posts - you show us the other aspects of the surgeries which many people may not want to say or unaware of.

Glad that you are able to get back what you like.
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I thought rib cartilage was the state-of-the art option and like WIFI few years ago, I thought it was the way to go and everyone would use that in the future, and only 3 or 4 doctors where specialized in that material in the world. But I was so wrong, as someone has said on this forum, this material is used since a long time ago for nose reconstructions, I believe, and this is my personal opinion, it is only a good trade off if you had no nose before or if you had all the other parts removed by previous surgeons (septal and ear cartilage). If it was the way to go, all the Korean movie stars would have gone for rib cartilage as I believe they have enough money to afford that.

@ Angleplane you did bring an interesting point to discussion. if rib rhinoplasty has been around a long time then why hasn't the technique been refined and adapted over the years ? i'm beginning to have doubts about the safety of rib rhinoplasty myself. only time will tell ? it seems that the only safe alternative is silicone since it has been used extensively over the history.
As far as your nose not looking natural . i don't think any nose job looks natural no matter what type of implants you used and im quite aware of that. However it does depend on the skilled of the doctor to make it look realistic as possible. Because silicone and other materials looked really faked if doned by the wrong doctor.
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Yeah agree with you.... I think it all depends on the skill of the doctor, no matter what type of material has been used. Silicone has been used for a really long time now though and its relatively safe. I think there is no perfect implant material and it all depends on what you want and you should always look at the pros and cons and decide which one you want.

For me, so far, I like the results of my rib rhino but only time can tell really.. I like the results for this rhino compared to my previous one. I do know that rib cartilage grafts are usually used for revision/reconstructive rhinoplasties where you need a lot of material to augments the bridge. With my case, this is a revision rhinoplasty, maybe that's why it turned out better for me than the others.

The thing is, rib has been around for quite some time, but for revision or reconstructive purposes mainly. The thing though with us Asians, we normally need augmentation when it comes to rhinoplasty while Caucasians need to have their bumps removed or have their noses trimmed down. For augmentation, silicone has been the implant of choice for a really long time that's why its popular in Asia but not that much in western countries, because most Caucasians don't normal need augmentation. Most western doctors prefer autologous because they say the infection rate is really low, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't have its down side as well. We just have to weigh the pros and the cons and decide which one we want. In my opinion, any cosmetic surgery is a gamble, I know a lot of people don't like to hear it but it is. Sometimes we are lucky the first try and sometimes we are not. And that's the good thing with this forum, we all learn from each others surgeries.

For those contemplating rib rhino, here are the pros and cons of it.

1. Rib has a relatively low infection rate, and if it does get infected, a course of antibiotics is usually enough to get rid of the infection. There is usually no need to remove the cartilage if there is infection, and its quite rare since it your own tissue.

2. Rib doesn't had the tell tale "edges" of a silicone implant. I'm sure some of you have seen someone with a badly done silicone rhino where in you can "see" the implant.

3. Cartilage doesn't "thin" the skin out. I think it all has to do with the fact that its autologous. I do know that doctors recommend cartilage if your skin is already thin because of previous rhinoplasties.

4. Cartilage is "natural" and it comes from your own body (unless its homologous or donor/cadaver cartilage)

1. There is a chance of the rib warping, this has been a problem before and to minimize this the cartilage must be properly carved and I heard about surgeons soaking the cartilage graft in saline solution for awhile before using it and apparently once they soak it and it warps or change shape it wasn't carved properly but they can carve it again. K-wire has also been used to minimize warping. (I had K-wire and they removed it after 2 weeks before I flew back home)

2. A rib nose can be quite stiff. I do notice that my nose is still now, but it wasn't much different from when I had silicone, but only time will tell. I'm still healing. I am healing quite fast though, faster than I did last time. I don't know if it had something to do with he vitamins that I'm taking or something else.

3. Cartilage has a 10-30 percent absorption rate, so doctors normally over-augment to counter this problem.

For those contemplating silicone rhino here are are the pros and cons of it:

1. Silicone is relatively cheap and can be easily carved to suite what the patient wants.

2. Silicone is easily revised. Just take the implant out and replace it.

3. Silicone comes in all shapes and sizes and is always available.

1. Silicone has a higher infection rate.

2. Silicone can extrude and shift

3. There have been reports of silicone thinning the skin

4. Silicone can look shiny under certain light and I think it depends on how thick or thin your skin is as well (I personally had this experience, but its not that obvious to people who haven't done PS, but personally I can spot a person with a silicone implant right away but my friends can't)

5. If silicone does get infected, they usually need to remove and replace it. Antibiotics are not that helpful specially if it is infected and there is pus already and stuff.

For those contemplating goretex rhino here are the pros and cons of it:

1. Goretex has a lower infection rate than silicone.

2. Goretex is softer compared to silicone so they say its better for people who like contact sports and such.

3. They say goretex looks "softer" and not so "blockish" like silicone.

4. Goretex has like tiny holes in it while allow tissue integration so implant shifting or migration is minimized.

1. Depending on what type of gore tex has been used (sheets or blocks), they say goretex rhinos cannot produce really "defined" noses unlike silicone (for some people this is a good thing coz, they don't want to have "fake" looking noses)

2. Some surgeons say that revising goretex can be difficult because your tissues integrate with the goretex so if you need to have it removed or revised, its hard to separate it from your tissue or they "scrape" the tissue with it. But some surgeons also say its easy to revise depending on the techinque

3. If goretex gets infected, you usually need to have it replaced as well like silicone.

4. Goretex is a relatively new material for rhinoplasty unlike silicone which has been used for a long time now. The earlier use of goretex is in cardiac surgeries, but the heart and nose are 2 different things so long time studies have not been conducted yet. For those who are curious what goretex is... look at your rubber shoes or running shoes, chances are part of it are made of goretex.

@ Angleplane you did bring an interesting point to discussion. if rib rhinoplasty has been around a long time then why hasn't the technique been refined and adapted over the years ? i'm beginning to have doubts about the safety of rib rhinoplasty myself. only time will tell ? it seems that the only safe alternative is silicone since it has been used extensively over the history.
As far as your nose not looking natural . i don't think any nose job looks natural no matter what type of implants you used and im quite aware of that. However it does depend on the skilled of the doctor to make it look realistic as possible. Because silicone and other materials looked really faked if doned by the wrong doctor.[/QUOTE]
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@BBgurly : I removed the paranasal implant, an assistant from another plastic surgery clinic said it just made my area around the nose fatty. I thought it made my middle face protruded. I did not replace it, I look better without it. Also, I would not use anything else than my own tissue, but I still have lots of my own tissues remaining (septal and ear cartilage), I never had an open rhinoplasty before VIP.
@J_franc : very informative post thanks, for own tissue, there's ear and septal cartilage than can be carved or diced, there's fascia from butt or skull too.
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angleplane, I think the Teri Hatcher photos are an accurate interpretation of how my smile has changed. Mine looks 99% normal in front of the mirror but in photos it looks kinda like Teri Hatcher's.

I guess this is due to the tip work, not the paranasals, as I previously thought. I don't think Teri Hatcher got paranasals.
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