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asian nose job 2

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As much as i want to go in October.. I cant because of school :sad: and i want to go as soon as winter break starts, but I have to work until Christmas day :sad: so i plan to fly out on Christmas day, or New years day..

Im scared as hell to be going alone :sad:
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ahhhhh i c, bcuz so far we have a whole crew come to korea this sept so far there will be 4 of us ladies will meet there and go have consultation together, if u can go in sept u dont have to worry about bein alone
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JuicyME... I had the same problem before. I hated it when my nostrils flared out when I smile. My nostrils doesn't flare out now though... And its fine to walk around korea after having work done. I always thought to myself... who cares.... no one knows me anyway. And I did see a couple of people with masks on

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ahhh that explains it... Well my smile is back now though. Its lik 95 percent back. Didn't expect it to be back soo quickly. But I do agree with the frozen nose thing. So far I can crinkle my nose up and the skin does move. Its the tip that doesn't move yet. I think for me its just swelling... well I hope its just swelling :P My upper lip used to be tight and that affected my smile, but now its no longer tight and my smile is back. But my tip still feels a bit tight and the sides of my bridge near the alars still feel a bit tight so I'm hoping its swelling

I was looking at teri hatcher's photo... well she obviously had rhinoplasty but I was thinking maybe she got botox as well near her laugh lines, that's why her smile is funny don't you think? You know like those old ladies who had too much botox and they cant even blow out a birthday candle:roflmfao:

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Thank you for your input! I just dont want people looking, im already self conscious as it is >.< oof!! I guess i have no choice but to suck it up!
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I'm planning in going around that same time.

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My advice is, find a surgery buddy to walk around with. I know several people who said they didn't feel awkward with their casts on and they all went out with at least one person. This far out you should be able to find SOMEONE. Maybe ask the clinic.

Personally I did feel awkward. Also so many people walk on the street that I was afraid I was going to get my nose hit. If you're in a gang maybe that's less likely. I felt less awkward with my cast on walking around LA than I did in Korea, but maybe that's just me.
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Ohh, keep me updated. Are you female?

Thanks >.< haha thats funny how you felt less awkward in LA. Makes sense :biggrin: I guess i will have to suck it up if i dont find a buddy~
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My smile is completely back to normal. Actually, my septi nasi was cut on purpose to avoid pulling my tip down. So I consider that an improvement. My tip doesn't move at all and I like it that way.

If you look at the video I posted a couple of days post op, I had problems with my upper lip. After reading what Kain and others posted, it was probably swelling that gives the stiff upper lip. I do believe that cutting of the septi nasi will get rid of tip movement when you smile. Since the whole nose is connected to itself pulling on the tip induces slight movements to skin not directly on the tip. If your septi nasi was sewn back, maybe you'll get some tip pull down movement again.
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Jesse! I'm guessing your cast has already been taken off? How is your nose looking right now?

I guess there will also be positive and negative reviews on VIP or any other clinics depending on the patients. I think I've read in the forum awhile back someone had mentioned there was another clinic said Dr. Lee is a good surgeon. I don't think we'll ever hear the end of it when it comes to figuring out if VIP is the right place to go or not. The best thing to do is to consult with a bunch of clinics and find the right surgeon you.

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Can everyone share some updates with your noses? Is it recovering well and are you guys loving or hating it?

Do you guys smell anything unusual since the nose surgery? lol. I feel like I'm constantly smelling something that's in my nose. Maybe it could be some left over stitches that's been sitting there?

Almost 3 months post op for me now. My nose still has that tiny bump on the left side of my bridge and it's a little bit more visible now that most of the swelling has gone down. It's still not a big deal but I might consider getting it fixed once all the healing is complete. I'll see.

I think my smile is still somewhat stiff, but it has gotten much better than 2 months ago. Surprisingly I was recently told I had a nice smile, so I felt a bit better about it.

Other than that, I'm liking my nose, but at the same time, I feel really embarrassed about how different I look. Especially when I see different people's reaction when they saw after my nose surgery. It's like they want to say something but thought it'd be rude to ask.
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Yeah Jesse, I want to know how you like your nose so far. Lots of good reviews for people liking Dr. Lee's work but you'll be the first(that I know of) that went in for non-major enhancement. Interested to see how good he is with the subtle changes.
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Juicy, Yeah I'm not sure it's normal or not. But I did read somewhere awhile ago, someone had the same problem and it turns out there was a piece of thread left in her nose. I think she pulled it out or it fell out I can't remember. lol
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