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asian nose job 2

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i see nothing wrong with self improvements. i mean celebrities do it all the time. Some people are born pretty and lucky and some people like me < well let's just say i really need Plastic Surgery /
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I loved this blog entry by XiaXue~ :smile:

Psyche of A Plastic

Ok I'm gonna write a wordy rambling post!!! Brain filled with random thoughts that I need to unload.

Today's topic is plastic surgery - I know, again. But it's not about like woo I just did my eyes love it max blah blah... I'm gonna unload on you guys the psyche of a person who actually does multiple plastic surgeries, and go on a little about why people hate us so much.

I think it's cool and totally rare for a post like this coz most people who did plastic surgery are either too stupid to really put their thoughts into words or are unwilling to talk about their surgery. HAHAHA!!

SO... Why people hate us.

Actually, you'd think that with so many who have undergone plastic surgery (hereby known as PS) before, society would be very accepting of it. Well... Yes and no.

I was thinking really hard that day. Why is it that someone doing corrective surgery on a cleft lip or doing braces is ok but a girl cutting her eyes bigger... not so ok? Both are improving looks, no?

But then I realised... It's all about greed.

Nobody gives a x about ugly people fixing their teeth. Or a girl with absolutely no breasts getting a modest A cup implants to feel more feminine. Or a dude with one droopy eye fixing that eyelid. In fact, those stories are even a tad heart warming.

And nobody would call these people plastic because after surgery they don't look like perfect shiny plastic. They went from ugly to normal!

But a pretty girl with B cup boobs getting a boob job to make them DD?? OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!

What a slut! What she want such big boobs for? xING GREEDY!!

And so it is...

If you were originally already good-looking, people hate you for wanting more.

And secondly, if you are very pretty but cheated your way up there with PS, people get angry coz it's UNFAIR.

If you think about it logically, it is actually fairer that somebody used hard-earned money to buy beauty. What's so fair about someone being born super gorgeous?


People should respect fake beauties and say, "At least you went through pain and cash to get here instead of the natural *****es who had to do nothing." LOL!! CORRECT OR CORRECT!

(Only applicable to people who admit to their PS - lying is another issue altogether!!)

But the fact is... Most people who do PS ARE girls who are already not bad-looking to begin with. Greedy girls trying to inch slowly closer to perfection. I mean, why bother to give Notradamus a new nose? What a waste of time.

The word "plastic" or "fake" is probably the most common "insult" (In inverted commas coz I don't think it's an insult) I get nowadays. It's as easy as calling a girly dude a fag or calling a fat chick a pig.

It is as if my entire being consists only of my looks and calling my looks a facade will crush my ego to no end.


(or more commonly version 2: PS already still so ugly.)

Eh news to haters - I don't care. And I believe I speak for all my fellow PS-ed (whether plastic or photoshopped) beauties. We all don't give a x. It's the end result that counts, not your opinion on whether I cheated my way there.

Plastic/fake is not the only insult I get linked to plastic surgery.

People draw other conclusions too. Oh, she must be so insecure. Oh, she must really hate herself. She hates her race! She must be very inconfident and sad all the time. I might not look as good but at least I am comfortable in my own skin. Blah blah blah.

Maybe these are true for other people. I wouldn't know. But I believe I not crazy and my self accessment should be pretty accurate.

I've always been a very confident person, long before I've got any work done to my face. In school, I've never been the prettiest but I've always been popular (thick-skinned much?), whether with the boys or with the girls.

I hated my nose, true, but I did my best to distract people from it by enhancing my eyes with make up, and honestly, although I knew since age 15 that I'd eventually get a nose job, the hatred for my nose never really made me unhappy or insecure.

Well I guess nobody teased me about it coz I was so damn fierce.

I hung out with all the pretty girls in school! Guess I was Plastic before I was really Plastic hahaha. (Mean Girls reference)

Before I've had any work done I've always considered myself attractive. Not crazily so, but ok lah. Above average. I always made an effort to dress up what, which is more than most of the other 16 yr old girls can say.

So no, I don't believe that people who do PS are automatically insecure, inconfident and unhappy!!

Superficial? Yes. Shallow? Definitely. But what's wrong with that?

Most of us find a strength we've got and we try our best to improve on it. For some people it is, say, an interest in flying a fighter jet. Or being a good pianist.

For some of us... we are talented in beautifying things... and what's a better canvas than your own face?

(Ok obviously sculptors, architects, designers and hair stylists beg to differ)

An ah beng modifies his GTR. A writer improves his vocab. And I touch up my face with make up and photoshop. Parts I can't do, I get professional help from a surgeon. It's just an interest and I'm good at it - the hell I should get judged for it!

You might argue it's an incredibly self-absorbed interest that benefits no one. Rubbish. I've helped many people photoshop their pictures and put on make up before. And I give excellect PS advice!

BUT WHY? Why can't I accept my face the way it was born looking? Why do something so drastic? Do I hate it that much?

The same reason you'd hang a painting in your house... Coz I think it looks better with enhancements! You don't HATE your bare unfurnished house right? You just think it looks boring and could be improved.

Most people won't do plastic surgery coz they are scared of the pain. Scared of the risk of becoming even uglier. Scared of the irreversibility. Scared of the social ramifications. Don't think it's worth the money.

But if you take away ALL of these consequences, most people would change at least something! Be it whiter teeth or uninverting their nipples or smoother hands. Confirm!!

So someone who does multiple surgeries, well, just don't give a xx about all the above! I'm not scared of pain. I don't need to pay. I absolutely trust my surgeon*** and his skills. And I am already known for being plastic so what's one more surgery?

(***referring to Dr Martin Huang not JB surgeon fml that was a mistake)

When does it stop? When am I good-looking enough to not mess with my face again?

I can't answer that. I know I've promised Mike to not do anything else so I guess nothing in the near future? However, I'm still aging lah so goodness knows what else when I hit 40 or something? Yes yes I know you all fear for me looking like a freakozoid but don't worry lah ok!! I've got nothing planned so far!!

And the best thing is.... No matter how I look I'm still an awesome blogger!! Can't take that away!! LOL!

Eh btw Mike says that he prefers second nose job over first nose job (revised coz it was slanted, more about that in another entry) and original nose. WIN!!

If you guys wanna ask any other deep questions about PS go ahead I'd try to answer them. Not the nitty gritty stupid sort like "How much does a nose job cost" but the good sort like "Would you allow your daughter to do her whole face?"

(Ans: No, only areas I agree need drastic improvement like for example if she had my old nose.)

p/s: My post is not representative of the crazies who lie about their heritage or seem to have sincerely deluded themselves into thinking they only had 1 surgery when they had countless, ok? So no, not applicable to Plasticzilla.

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Hmm did you get anything on the tip? Or did you just do the bridge?
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hey could you tell me which clinics is on your list since u r korea rit?
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lmao haha. wow i think if she didnt say anything at all, wouldn't it cause problems down the line. lol im sure he would notice she got something done.
anyways i dont even think i would wanna be with a guy who was so opinionated and judgmental like that. i think its fine tht he has tht opinion and doesnt agree with ps, but y force that on others?

ya i could see how it could be confusing to visit way too many clinics. but it would be reassuring to kno ur not missing out on any good clinics.
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same here i let my bf knw i want PS and let he knw i really dont care wat he think, cuz if he doesnt like it he could leave, i just tell him im gonna do it not asking for permission but it turn out he really support me, and he even come to korea with me to take care of after surgery
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you know how when you look in the mirror there are certain things that you always notice, like uneven double eyelids or an extra large freckle? But the "flaws" are so tiny that no one else notices until you point them out and even then they're like, "wellllll, yahhhh i guess i see it". i was hoping that my new frozen nose look was something like that. since i'm studying my nose every hour, maybe it's something that's glaring to me but not to other people.

so, i met up with one of my best friends today (my first social interaction since my nj). i chose this particular friend because he's not shy about being completely honest with me and he won't worry too much about hurting my feelings. as soon as he saw me, he gave me a bear hug (i had to be super agile to keep my nose from being crushed by his shoulders) and exclaimed "what happened to my cute button nose?!!!" i asked him if i looked really different and he said "yes, you look like a completely different person. your old nose was 900% cuter. your nose right now looks just like a typical korean actress nose- really big."

geesh. 900%?!!! hhahaha i guess 100% doesn't adequately describe how unattractive my current nose is :/ oh and my nose does not look like a korean actress nose. it's just VERY big right now... from every angle... :/

anyways, during our dinner together, i was in the middle of telling him a story when all of a sudden he interrupts me by yelling out "I KNOW WHAT'S WEIRD ABOUT YOUR NOSE!!! IT DOESN'T MOVE!!! THE REST OF YOUR FACE IS MOVING BUT YOUR NOSE ISN'T!!!" hmmm... were you not even listening to my story??? were you just staring at my nose the whole time???!! :/

i don't think it helps that i'm really animated when i talk. i make faces, i laugh, i smile, i frown... and i guess it looks really obvious that my nose is frozen when i'm being ME :sad: in order to look less strange i'm gonna have to practice speaking like a robot :sad:

i'm devastated to report to you guys that my frozen nose is not just a post op paranoia... it is, in fact, very real and very obvious to others :sad:
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oh god. i really hope so... :sad:
i still can't quite visualize what it looks like when your nose tip gets pulled down since i never had much of a tip before my nose job...

but now that i do have a nose tip, maybe it would be even more unattractive if my nose tip got pulled down whenever i smiled???

i'm so boggled by this frozen nose syndrome. is it the cut septi nasi that's causing it? or the general trauma of rhinoplasty? is it the way dr. lee (vip) builds his noses? is it one of those only time will tell kinda things?
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my cast is off and i'm hating my new nose. the radix and bridge is way too high and my tip has too much projection. it looks completely out of place on my tiny face and my huge nose now makes my eyes and mouth look awfully small in comparison.

if i want the rest of my face to be proportional to my current nose, i'm gonna need a medial epicanthoplasty, lateral canthoplasty, lip injections and a much bigger face.

but please read my response with a grain of salt. i'm only 2 weeks + 1 day post op and emotional as hell.

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