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asian nose job 2

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Hi guys,

I haven't been following up on this forum for a few months but I am finally going to Korea will be Aug 22 ccan you guys help me recommend any good doctors for NJ's and their information please. xxxx
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i didnt have enough septal cartilage and there is no way a surgeon could harvest that much ear cartilage without leaving me with a deformed ear (i had more than half a cm of augmentation on my bridge, and two more pieces of cartilage on either side of the bridge implant, and paranasals. i wouldnt want silicone paranasals.)
i cant think of any autologous material that could give me that much height, but we appreciate your review. i gotta start reading it now, 21 parts lol :huh:

edit: maybe for a female, septal and ear cartilage would work, since they look better with lower bridges. but i dont think i'd be happy with 3mm added to my old bridge.
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@Kain: From the pictures you've posted, your eyes, mouth and facial contour look very good already. I don't think the bigger and higher nose is what makes you handsome. When I hide your nose, looking at your pictures, you're still good looking.
I don't know if you think the skin on the nose is moving enough to look natural.

Nevertheless, I have no doubt that patients who do not mind stiffness are happy if they wanted a large augmentation, but one cannot deny that the stiffness prevents the rib nose patients from many outdoor activities for example.

But I also believe that once you have rib in your nose, you'll have to be operated again some time sooner or later. Also, I think most previous patients from VIP are on this forum and the thread has shifted to a VIP forum discussion because the patients need a place where they can reassure themselves and talk about their nose and the rib cartilage that is in it.
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i have to disagree with some things here. the bridge definitely does get smaller (from personal experience, the bridge gets thinner by quite a bit and the tip deswells by a lot. the height of the mid bridge only decreases about a mm or two, but a mm makes a big difference on the nose. my radix lowered by quite a bit as well. i think it was mostly swelling though), if not from reabsorption, then at least by deswelling. also, according to dr toriumi's website, your tissue hardens around the nose and contracts slightly, causing small amounts of reabsorption. and when your tissue softens again, it gets smaller as well. obviously not by 4mm but you said you wanted to have your original height again(even though "[you] think is already too high"), which makes me wonder why you got a bridge implant in the first place if it is obviously going to make your bridge higher.

also, a surgeon who is a professor but hasnt used rib cartilage before isnt necessarily knowledgeable about rib cartilage. they have at most, read a textbook chapter about rib cartilage and a few of them who have taken residencies with rib specialists will have seen a few surgeries being performed. they havent necessarily seen the recovery process using rib cartilage firsthand. if you want a good source of info about rib cartilage, you can ask dr toriumi or dr shah, among others. but just because some surgeon is a professor doesnt make him an expert on rib cartilage.
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i havent seen your nose but if you werent happy with it, i'm glad you can be honest to yourself and have it removed.

thanks. i think my bridge is a bit too high and the tip a bit too wide but overall i think it looks nice on me. it might be too high for other ppl who have smaller foreheads or browbones though.

i havent spent much time observing my facial expressions and the nose on my skin. i think i'll post a video of me smiling later and ppl can tell me if it looks weird, cos i cant really tell. from the youtube video i posted earlier, i didnt see other ppl who had their skin on their nose move. i sorta have the granny lips though.

my nose doesnt feel stiff anymore. i think the feeling of stiffness was due to the contraction of tissue around the nose after the trauma of surgery. it lasted for over a month and now i dont notice the rib in my nose
the physical stiffness would be a problem for physical activity, but thankfully i'm a lazy ass lol

i'm curious why you think i'll need to have my nose re-operated on though.
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@Kain: the surgeons I talk about use rib cartilage on patients if they wish to have this material in their nose

As for the piece of rib : it was approximatively 6 cm and 4mm high (I had a picture of the removed piece of bridge), so it was not due to swelling.

I did expect some VIP patients to be uncomfortable with my post, as I am saying that rib was a wrong choice. But I share my experience and people have the choice to make their own opinion.

People who are okay with rib cartilage on their nose may disagree with my posts.

Also, in general, I find it sad that people I've met in Korea do not share their experience on the forum because they receive post saying things like "you chose to do it", "you didn't have to do it" or other type of post that would only let the happy VIP patients express their opinions freely and all others are, in a more or less subtle way, deterred from posting.

I find it sad that by posting a lot information to help others like I was helped (when I was still researching), I find myself in a situation in which I have to protect and defend myself.

Concerning your post before you read my long post, I am happy that "we", whoever they are, appreciate my posts.

And as to your last post, I think people want to believe what suits them the most whether because it is reassuring or because they want to convince themselves they have made the right choice.

It is a good thing if you are happy, but if people choose to undergo rhinoplasty and pay USD9000 or less, it is only fair that they are warned on what to expect.

I was not warned and I wished other forumers had warned me and all the readers/lurkers. I had to live the experience, lose time, money and damage my health to realize that if I knew everyhting I know now, I would not have chosen rib cartilage rhinoplasty.
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Thanks for sharing your impressions.

It worries me that the consultations are actually so short, it's almost as if the clinic's workload is too big for itself. For surgery such a nose, I'd imagine that everything truly needs to be micro-managed in order for both the doctor and the patient to realize what can be done, what can't be done, and what is to be expected. I'd hate to go all the way to another country just for surgery only to be pressed for time when it actually comes down to deciding on what I want.
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Hello everybody!!
Omg it has been such a long time since I last posted here! Hope everyone is doing well! :smile: Kain, I just saw your pictures from the links you post at your signature and I must say it is really nice!!! Nice transformation!

And as for angleplane, I'm sure your efforts/posts are and will be appreciated by many... So don't be upset k? Perhaps rib noses work great for guys but maybe not so well for girls? It looks good on Kain, I must say :smile: but I'm glad you are not afraid to voice out what you think at the same time...

Everyone just remember to research and research before going to do your nose!! Refer not only to one forum but others too... Good luck!! :smile:

And to all those who have communicated with me at one point or another, take care of yourself!! :smile:

Peace. X
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Oh wow. I kept getting notifications for this thread in my email so I checked out what was going in. Those are some long posts. At first I thought angleplane was posting her personal statement she gave to lawyers, that you do during a lawsuit. lol. Because it's very detailed. So I kept reading and reading. O_o Only when I got to the end I realized that she's posted all this for us forumers. Well, thank you and if I could give you a hug I would... just because of how open you are.
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That seems like the norm in Korea. maybe 15 minutes consultation if your lucky ? whereas in Americas the doctors take their time and Listen to their patients concerns. i thought about doing the whole 360 degree makeover with VIP all in one time. But i think i will just break it down and do rhino and parasnal first. And then 3 months later i'll come back and do my genioplasty and forehead implant. :thinking:i think this way dr. Lee can focus his attention on my rhinoplasty first and importantly then rather him rushing and trying to do fat grafts and all the other stuff which would cause too much confusion in his head:wacko:
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@Kain when you got your rhinoplasty done did it changed the shaped of your eyes (e.g. round small or slanted ) ?The reason i asked is becaused your before and after pics on the eyes looked very different ?
BTW i think that high bridge looks good on you. i think that high bridge works better on a guys face imo.
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yes, my eyes changed because i had such a large augmentation. my epicanthal folds became less prominent and my inner eyes became a bit sharper.
if you only get a few mm augmentation, the effect should be less noticable. it also depends on how tight your skin is.

this is also why i've said before that i think its a good idea to get a nose job done first if you also plan to get your eyes done.
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@vk82 Are you male or female? And when will you go to korea? I'm thinking of going in late 2012 or early 2013 myself and would like to befriend some ppl on here to go together with. I need to save up money first tho... and I'm also in the middle of orthodontics, which I'm hoping will do it's part to bring my chin forward a bit.

@kain you're looking soo handsome now. And everything looks totally natural. Did you go to Dr Lee, the same doc angleplane was talking about?

edit: In angleplane's posts she mentioned Dr Lee suggesting fat grafts to the forehead, can anyone tell me what part of the forehead is it intended for? The temples? Brow? What kind of look does it achieve?
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Yeah, seems like an in-and-out sort of thing, like PS is so common people over there might expect such treatment (and can probably afford multiple revisions).

It's just hard for me to imagine what might be done to one's face if all one needs is minor augmentation and ends up with too dramatic of a change. What if the doc goes overboard with his "master design"? Nobody wants to come out looking like the same one or two molds that a surgeon thinks is his hallmark.
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