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asian nose job 2

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Sorry, it is me again :smile: I think I disagree with this. Remember few weeks ago. I was very unhappy at my nose because it was large. So I decided to forget about it. I did CARDIO on my 6th week. And Just after 2 weeks, it is smaller now. I guess I lay down too much that the healing process is very slow, and my skin is very thick. So I think it might take longer :roflmfao:. And YES, remember NOT TO lay down too much like me. You guys should DO CARDIO on the 6th weeks. :cool:

@Kain: how is your nose? Is your tips smaller? :smile: Any question, feel free to ask:cool:
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@Angleplane that was probably one of the most detail and thorough account i have ever seen a forum member write about . Again i thanked you and applaud you for speaking out. I especially like the reviews of every Clinics you visited and im sure other members appreciate your reviews as well . I wish there was more people like you who are honest and open about their whole experience whether it be positive or negative.
I think it's important for us to know the risk of Plastic Surgery whether we want to hear it or not
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@dulce_de_leche im a guy or male. I don't plan on going to Korea for another 2 or 3 years . most probably will be in 2014 ? Money is not an issue for me. i wanted to give some careful thought into this Plastic Surgery before i regrett it . cause as we all know Plastic Surgery is irreversible ,
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I don't believe people there expect such treatment. In my opinion, it is more likely the clinics view such as a business concern, the more in-and-out, the more patients they see, the more money they make. PS is common here in LA too but docs here, no matter how crowded , still give you time to ask questions.
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I agree. Thanks, Angleplane.
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i think i mixed up swelling and reabsorption. but it still holds, reabsorption had been observed by doctors over long periods of time (ie. usually takes over a year).
btw, just because someone disagrees with you doesnt mean that they are attacking you. i stated my opinions in a civil manner. and when the patients from vip posted their side of the story back then, they contradicted you, but that doesnt mean that they were attacking you. there was only one person who stepped out of line imo

the fold didnt move by much. it moved by less than 1.5mm for me. imo its just that it looks different because the skin on the fold is tighter

good luck with your ortho. you shouldnt just hope though, you should ask your orthodontist whether your chin will change or not because he should know the answer hopefully.
yes, i mentioned the clinic in my signature -.-

hey, my nose is good. its almost symmetric now. but i notice that one paranasal is larger than the other which causes my nostrils to look asymmetric from the bottom view. cant notice it from the front view, but one side of the tip is still swollen slightly
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That's what I'm afraid of. Going somewhere far away, waiting for the results, and if the results are no good or some accident happens, you gotta fly back to Korea to fix it up. Going by what angleplane said, Dr Lee restructures the entire nose even if you might not needed. Again, I'm just going by word of mouth, I have no data or proof of any of this.

I wonder how one would actually get in contact with the real "pro's", the ones work on Asia's biggest stars. Of course, even then you won't know what you're getting into.

Seems like rib also has big trade-offs. It's not just the more natural, the better it seems.
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Thanks. I will ask my ortho again if my chin will come forward and how much. He mentioned that it would but wasn't specific about it and I didn't ask back then. I didn't think about my chin until about a few months ago.. lol. Blame it on Bristol Palin. When I saw her "after" pics, I think she had a combination of a chin implant or sliding chin surgery and lipo on her chin, I started thinking about changing my chin as well.

Well plastic surgery can be reversible, from looking at angleplane's experience but i guess it's not something you'd want to go through as it can be very traumatic, not to mention costly. Anyway, good luck for when you go. Hey can you tell me more about the fat grafts for the forehead? What is it for? It it to enhance the forehead?
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Hello! I wrote in this forum weeks ago talking about my decision to have rhinoplasty.. and i did it last week!

I strongly advocate DC-F technique!! (diced cartilage wrapped in fascia) Cartilage from the ear and tip enhanced by septal cartilage.

check it out!

Also go on realself.com and majority of plastic surgeons chose natural tissues over foreign implants.
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PS there are many other journals with the same topic, yes they are filled with medical jargon, but super informative and concrete. I wanted something with almost 10 years of research.. it think there is 7 or 8 known case studies depicted in that specific article.
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PPPS reading only a few posts back i see there is some heat with material of choice!

I think silicon is fine :smile: whatever floats your boat! personally, I simply wanted something 1) where if there were any major complications it can be fixed swiftly and the physical manifestations of complications are not tragic 2) lasts nearly a lifetime

I think silicon implants deliver the prettiest results, but I strive for the safest ;)
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Did you go to Dr. Rollin Daniel? I have a family member who had a rhinoplasty with him and her results are amazing! She only had her nose shaved down with some tip work though.
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Hey! No, i decided with Dr. Charles Lee. I read and read the terrible reviews about him and also the good. I knew what I was getting myself into. I decided to go with him because he does have undoubtedly the most experience with cutting open asian noses in socal. So much experience i could sense ..he is super over it. lol poor guy.. lol

He has 20 years seeing asian noses in and out and he is super busy and TIRED. I kind of understand, my job of the last 6 years is wearing me out with repetition.

Any hoo, Dr. Lee decided to do diced cartilage wrapped in fascia couple years back and he also presented the technique to a bunch of other plastic surgeons, he also learned the technique from Dr. Daniel. Sooooo I was super ecstatic because silicon implants were NOT an option for me what so ever. Personal reasons. Besides, the anatomy of my nose did not require a drastic change.
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