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asian nose job 2

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Yo Angleplane,

It's probably just the swelling thats causing the projection of your nose and your smile. You had the surgery not too long ago and the depressor septi was restored so if it is probably just the swelling. About the nerves growing back,in realself, doctors say that even when they cut the nerves, they tend to grow back unless they're blocked with something.

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i dont think so. she said she wanted it to go down by 4mm. the deswelling might have cause it to go down by 1-2mm max. maybe sufficient reabsorption would take place over a longer period of time.

looking back, i think it was mostly deswelling that made my radix and bridge go down. the ear cartilage in my tip seems to have reabsorped though, cos the shape is different and it is less projected than it was immediately after surgery. but from what i've heard rib cartilage takes much longer to reabsorb. different surgeons may give different intervals though.

for my paranasals, i sorta have the opposite problem of other ppl. when i smile, it looks normal. when i smile showing teeth, it looks almost normal. when my mouth is a rest, it looks normal from the front and 3/4 angle view. but from the side profile when my mouth is at rest, i have granny lips. havent tried talking in front of a mirror before though, so i dont know about that yet.
i'm about 4 months post op, so if the granny lips go away, it takes a long time. imo though, granny lips > fish lips and my smile is intact. :P
it may be different for other ppl though
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I read this "Fortunately, the effect on your smile should be temporary as the muscles reattach, and the normal function returns. In my patients it usually takes two to three weeks for the smile to return to normal. "

Source: http://www.realself.com/question/will-nose-job-permanently-affect-smile

I am more than 2 weeks post-op the septi nasi muscle repair, I don't seem to have much swelling but the two pieces of rib are pulling inside my nose. I doubt that my smile will be back like this doctor seems to say in his quote (I am far away from my previous smile and I am within the range of period he's saying his patients get their smile back).

Also, I don't think I had high expectations (even though I was precise in what I had in mind, I did not want miscommunications as I was in Korea, not speaking the language), my nose/mouth area altogether is just (surprisingly) worse than before surgeries, my nose looks bigger because of the osteotomy that was not undone with the rib removal (I just asked for the rib to be removed) and the projected tip just gives a longer nose. I did not get a smaller nose which, in the end, was the main thing I wanted to achieve with rhinoplasty.
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@kain : I wanted the bridge to go down by 4mm, not the tip. I currently have ear cartilage on the tip (the rib was removed which has made the tip much less bulbous by the way).
But the rib cartilage on the side walls of the septal cartilage seem to contribute to the tip projection as I still have this before after VIP picture's look where the protruded mouth is corrected. It looked better when my mouth was big and not retruded behind the nose tip.
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I read this "Rhinoplasty is a popular and effective surgery to recontour the shape of your nose. This procedure will alter the shape, size, and contour of your nose which may change the focus from your smile."

Source: http://www.realself.com/question/nose-job-reduce-gummy-smile

(I don't have a gummy smile by the way)

I think, apart from the smile's change (which I hope is temporary and the nerves will grow back) that it is the focus on the facial features that have also changed. The attention is drawn on my nose as it is bigger, like a camera lens would have my nose focused and the rest of the face unfocused if I take a close-up picture, because the nose tip is forward.
I thought tip projection would be an improvement, but apparently, not in my case.
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I remember before I went for surgery someone posted a youtube video who has overdone paranasals. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTNArOW5s9k&feature=youtu.be
I was horrified by that.
My nose/mouth area is very similar to hers now, especially the space between the nose and upperlip. I also wonder if all the rib grafts were removed from that area as my nose base is still a bit forward.
Maybe I had four pieces of rib cartilages for paranasal and not two... I am not sure about that. I can feel things if I put my fingers next to my nose wings.
By the way, Dr Lee has given 5mm paranasal implants to almost all the patients that were there the same week as me. That surprised me too when I heard that because I thought he'd shape a different size for each of us.
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If somebody could translate what they're saying it'd be great.

She looks pretty good to me. But her lips are too thick, like they're overfilled and some of her features seem to refined for the rest of her face. But still a very good looking woman.
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Ohhhh, i definitely think her mouth area is awkward >.< I am way scared of getting my nose redone. I hope this doesn't happen just bc I need my columella cut..
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Advice please!
I just had rhinoplasty today. The doctor used ear cartilage to define the tip of my nose and I look like a pig! :sad: He didn't put a splint on (just wrapped a few tape pieces horizontally across the bridge of my nose) so I know it's not due to the tape. I know it's super early to tell what my nose will look like once the swelling goes down, but can someone please let me know if it's normal to have an upturned/pig nose at this stage? Thanks so much!
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@xKasperx: hey! your tip will go down as the swelling goes down! Your dr. didn't use a cast...? strange. Did you put in a silicone bridge or did you only do the tip?

My tip is raised at this point, i am 6 days post op. I emailed my ps and he told me the tip will go down.
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Hey, your situation sounds very similar to mine. I just want to raise the radix part and a bit of upper part of bridge. Hence why I want DC-F as well. I think I want to have as much height as possible while maintaining a natural look.

I'm looking forward to your review and pre & post op photos. Best of luck with healing and recovery. xoxo

Heh yea the forum about purses is surprisingly very informative about nose jobs. :P

Thanks for the explanation vk82.

Edit: Prettypremed or anyone else, do you know if it matters which part of your body the cartilage, to be diced and wrapped come from?
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Thanks prettypremed. I was so worried. I look like Miss Piggy, lol. Yeah, I'm not sure why he didn't cast...just put this pieces of tape horizontally on my nose. Not sure what that accomplishes, but oh well. I have gortex in the bridge and ear cartilage in the tip.
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i have to agree with u, she is gorgeous, but her lips look wayy to fake. she looks like she has fish lips, and i find it creepy how her top lip barley moves, and her upper teeth dont show. i hope not all rhinoplastys give tht effect, cuz it doesnt look to good.
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@xkasperx: heyyy like my dr. said - be patient ;) i am sure you will look great!! I have been using warm compresses and wowwowow the swelling went down alot! The tip is slowly looking less piggy :smile:

@dulce_de_leche Yea, i wanted more height added, but not alot. I wanted to keep my natural curve/slope to fit my chin, cheekbones, and forehead..which kind of all are pretty prominent on my face. I really don't think a tall straight bridge will look good on me. I liked how Dr. Lee listened to ALL of my NINE pages of written statements and pictures, but also made sure he didn't F up my face by giving me something like my past nose but super better version of it. I honestly do NOT think he is the guy to go to if one desires a major change. I have seen his work for major changes, they are great...but he is best at enhancing what you already have and making it fit your face..making a better version so to say..so far it looks pretty good... I heal relatively swiftly though..Just my tip is slightly swollen, radix and all has gone down substantially and i am 7 days post op! thank god.. lol I can't wait to post pics!

Hey on asiancosmeticsurgery.com i found more before and after by Dr. Lee on "blogs" and click "nose"

I honestly believe you should stick with what has been studied, tested, and proved to be effective: scalp fascia and ear cartilage diced (only diced not crushed) and use septal cartilage for tip because both have strong evidence to NOT reabsorb and do NOT warp. american Drs always go with the successive line of 1) septum 2) ear 3) rib for harvesting cartilage.
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