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asian nose job 2

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Give it a few more weeks, I am sure your smile will come back soon. =)

May I know which clinic you went to?
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@kinkycookie : I think winterntht went to Samsung Kangnam clinic, it is also the only well known clinic that specializes in permacol. I don't know if other clinics do that.
Also, in real self, they say 2 to 3 weeks for the average of the surgeons' patients and winterntht is at 3 weeks post op. Maybe for some people it takes longer to recover the smile. In my case, I am almost 3 weeks post op of the septi nasi muscle repair (done by the surgeon who removed my rib columella strut). The surgeon had to remove the obstructing graft and only then, could he repair the septi nasi muscle (sew it back). I asked him to sew it back to a level that would allow my upper lip to be even more lifted than before but he refused and sewed it back to my original natural smile. I'm okay with that, as I think the more I'll resemble my old self, the better it will be.
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How weird that there is a lot of talk about this lately. I was visiting my sister this weekend and of course we talk about my nose and without any prompting she says "your nose doesn't move!" I said "I know! Isn't it awesome?!". We then laughed heartily. Of course my nostrils move quite a bit but not the tip. She of course knew what I looked like before and she analyzes my nose everytime I see her. So, if you're very emotive and have a mobile nose it might be worth it to consider some of the things we're saying here. If not, you might like it :smile:
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hmm i dont think i would rlly care if my nose were to barley move, cuz when i smile it doesnt move tht much anyways, only the nostrils move alot. but i would hate for my smile to be impaired, and to not have my upper teeth ever show...
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Referring to the girl in the video, I wonder if the upturned nostrils are actually contraction caused by the implant?
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I just thought I'd post this comment I read on Dr. David Kim's blog. It may be useful for some of you who are having this problem after a few weeks of rhinoplasty and are considering surgery to fix it:

"One patient asked the question, “When will my smile return to normal after my Rhinoplasty?

I am a post-op for Rhinoplasty. I’ve been recovering pretty quickly and I haven’t been having any problems really, other than this: I’ve noticed that after my surgery, my smile changed. Now, whenever I smile, my top lip doesn’t go up as much as it use to and the top teeth barely show. My smile looks not only forced but very, very strange. Why is it like this, is it normal? If so, how long before my smile returns to normal?”

Dr. Kim answers… “After rhinoplasty, a few things can happen which can affect your smile. If work was done at the base of your nose or at the bottom of the columella (skin bridge between the nostrils), swelling in the area can affect the lip and cause it to drop a bit temporarily. As the swelling resolves, which can take months, the lip will return to normal position. Sometime if extensive work is done in this area, the muscles responsible for pulling the uppper lip up are temporarily weakened, a condition which will also return to normal over months. If the problem does not get better by one year’s time, you should be re-evaluated by your surgeon. ”

“In some cases, a surgeon may place material between your nostrils in order to provide more support to the tip of the nose. Often this can be a cartailge graft which serves as a collumn to support the tip. A rare complication is this graft slipping forward and down toward the lip. Overall this is a very unusual situation, but if it does occur it can easily be corrected with a minor touch up procedure.”

“The other thing to keep in mind is that if the tip of the nose is brought up and elevated, it can make the upper lip appear longer. It should not cause the lip to actually drop down and cover your teeth more, however.”

“Don’t worry, your smile will come back…”

Hopefully what he says is true, and maybe if you give it a few months (or a year) all of your smiles will return to their original form? :P
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Funny how you guys are talking about noses not moving after surgery. O_o My nose doesn't move at all and i can barely make my nostrils flare, and i haven't had any surgery or fillers yet. :/

She looks pretty good after the surgery (when the swelling went down of course) and her cheekbones popped back out.
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@taeyang i really don't even pay attention to a person's nose when im talking to them. it's more about eye contact with me. And to be honest i have never even seen a person's nose move when they talk > maybe it may stretch a little:confused1: But i really don't mind a frozen nose because when i smile my big wide nostril flares up anyway. So that's a trade off that i don't mind with a beautiful nose. i guess if some members are really self conscious about their facial expression and smile then maybe they may want to think twice about Plastic Surgery !
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@Azn kid i was wondering the same thing. im wondering if that is the shiny transparent effect of silicone under certain lightings that alot of forumers were talking about.

Also i wanted to critique Heidi's nose jobe. i think the doctor went overboard on the bridge implant . he went to high all the way up her eyebrow. There needs to be a subtle effect for it to look natural . Aside from that i think she looks great after the Plastic Surgery
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Hi, it depends on what kind of surgery you will be doing. If you are just going to do your double eyelids, i think maybe about a week or less. But if you are going to do rhinoplasty then 2 weeks.
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angleplane : I just tried pinching my nose to make it smaller and then when I smile while doing so, I realize that my upper lip no longer goes up as much to my gums as before. Is this how your smile is being affected? As in your higher nose bridge pulls on your upper lips so it makes you have more difficulty in also smiling wider?
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