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asian nose job 2

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@angleplane and kinkycookie: Thank you so much for the information. The doctor cut my septi muscle, he told me so but he said this would not affect my smile at all as the muscle is not responsible for the movement of the upper lip. I hope this will improve with time but one thing I am sure that would never improve is the frozen nose. My nose now is too small, straight and defined which looks plastic and I hate it. When I smile, the nose looks like a straight stick right in the middle of my face, from bridge to tip while my nostrils still flare out. I don't know how to describe but it look unnatural. I liked my nose right after the cast being removed when it was still swollen, it was bigger and more like my own nose.

Now all I want is getting my old nose back and forget about plastic surgery forever but I am so worried that it is not possible, the nose may get collapsed or deformed.

Anyone knows anybody who had a nose job (bridge and tip work) and then had everything removed please please let me know...I just would like to know if it possible. I may never have the same nose as before but I still hope that I can have a normal natrual nose. I cannot live with this plastic thing on my face and I am so depressed now.
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she look "nicer" i see nothing wrong with her surgery and her lips n smiles are kinda good. beautiful. cept that shes looking alittle more Caucasian now and shes liking it i guess. well a little too tall for my personal taste but still. nicely done. ( the Tallness could be just swelling and absorption not taking place yet.)

i guess ppl just need more patience. those swellings or watever grandma effect will go away and u may not haf your old smile back, but cmon. dunt expect u get your old smile back when u have your nose done. (whichever method), the impression of a smile depends on the entire face features. u r just gonna look different no matter how u smile old or new,grandma or grandpa. wat i trying to say is even you haf your old smilings at the same old proportion on the face, u just gonna give a different impression to others when you haf your nose done..

wat matters here is . are they balanced? harmonized? is it good smile at all after surgery? hhers got a nice one and heidi mentioned above has got a nice one too. well same goes to a couple of folks i had met in person. your smiles could be different but they look good.

my 2 cents
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@Angleplane: as you said your bridge is natural, only your tip is raised with ear cartilage. I am just wondering if you still have a smooth transition between the bridge and tip as one part is raised and the other stays intact?
I can move my tip from left to right ok (but not as flexible as my old nose) but I cannot press or squeeze it and if somebody kisses me, he still knows that it's not natural. How long did it take for your ear tip to get soften before?
I cannot wait to go back to remove everything. I learn the lesson and I am so done with plastic surgery now. If I am lucky enough to have my old nose back, I swear that I would never come to read anything related to plastic surgery anymore.
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@winterntht : Actually, when I had my ear cartilage tip, it was stil soft right after the swelling went down. I don't even remember it being hard at any point (even during the swelling, but I didn't touch the tip as that time). I did not have any pulling sensation, like I have now, when I just had a ear cartilage tip.
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@rawdude : I don't think it has to do with patience. As you say "don't expect to get your smile back when you get your nose done". So, the least we can expect is to be warned by the plastic surgeon. If I was warned, I would have said that I did not want my septi nasi muscle to be touched or I would have asked for minor changes, thing that Dr Lee doesn't like to do.
It's easy to say "these patients were just too impatients" like Joann has already said to me "you should have waited, it would have gone down". As you say, when the nose had significant changes done to the tip, we cannot expect to have our old smile back. This is exactly the kind of information I would have liked to know before undergoing surgery and that's why I am saying this on the forum.
With your bogus reassuring posts, people might be operated and then, find themselves in a situation they cannot reverse.
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Concerning frozen nose before rhinoplsaty, the nose's skin moves slightly, naturally (I also thought the nose skin didn't move that much). But when we talk of immobile nose, it is a shiny, pulled skin that is not moving, therefore fake looking.
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Lol!!!! Wasn't his before photo a shock??? He looked sooo much older before surgery. And scary. Now he looks youthful and nice.
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She actually got goretex which surprised me because I have goretex and my nose bridge is so subtle and non shiny and bland lol. And I always thought goretex didn't give as much definition and height as silicone...
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I know she wanted a really high bridge, but I agree about the eyebrow area. Other than that, she looks beautiful :0) love her transformation
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@angleplane with all due respect i understand what your talking about. it's like having a prosthetic stuck in the middle of your face where every facial expression is not aligning with the nose.

Let's be real and honest here whenever one has their nose nose job of course it's gonna look unatural and alter whether they have the frozen nose effect or not. To me when i judge if the person has a nose job is whether it is realistic looking and if it contours and matches the faces. Every faces is unique and different and one must find the right nose that looks good on their face and not ask for a celebrity that they know is not gonna look good with their overall features. For instance i know i cannot have Bradd Pitt's nose because there are limitations. And if i did want Bradd Pitt nose i would have to alter the rest of my features to go along with it. I guess what im trying to say is find a Asian Celebrity that most closely resembled you so that way your nose will look more balanced with your face /
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My nose skin was very tight and stretched after my revision. It has only recently gone back to normal. I'm almost one year post op, so these things do take time... skin does stretch over time. You never gave your nose a chance because you had a revision just two months after your surgery. You never even saw your final result because it takes up to two years for rib rhinoplasty. You can assume and speculate all you want that your nose wouldn't have changed with time. You may have been absolutely right, but the truth is that you'll never know now because you never gave it the chance to fully heal. However, I'm very happy for you that you got some peace of mind and satisfaction by getting a revision. I really hope you get your old smile back. :smile:

I have a question for anyone. So what's affecting your smile... paranasal implants or rhinoplasty? Perhaps paranasal implants should only be used if you really need it.

I was observing my husbands face and various expressions, and his nose does not move. His nostrils moved a little bit at times, but that was it. I think whether or not your nose moves is dependent on each individual's nose anatomy and structure.
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