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asian nose job 2

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@izora : I still have some rib pieces, acutally I think I have 6 left (2 in the side walls of the septal cartilage, 2 from paranasal implants -I must had 4 originally-, 2 on the alar rims). So, I can still feel the stiffness of the implants pulling and I really want them out of my nose.

I could have waited for all my tissues and skin to stretch, but I looked uglier with the rib grafts.

Your case is different because you had a short nose and wanted a longer nose. My nose is to long and too high, it's just big. So, an augmentation rhinoplasty made me look like a freak, a huge nose on an Asian face. It was not in proportion with my face, and I thought the surgeon would take this into account and not make a masterpiece on top of my face when I was on the operating table.
I think if you look much uglier after few months, it is unlikely that you improved your face with the rhinoplasty. Also, as I said it could not have reabsorbed to the point that the width would completely disappear (4mm).
Also, being ugly and operated looking for 1 or 2 years hoping to get better is not an option for me or I need to get married first and then I can experience all kind of stuff on my face.

But thank you for your advice, I sincerely appreciate all your help and the emails you sent me before.

As for the smile, I think it is the tip work more than the rhinoplasty. I guess the smile stays altered after several months of a rib rhinoplasty.

As for the nose's skin moving. If you try to wince or roar like a lion, if you have a rib nose, the nose will not go up or wrinkle (it will wrinkle only a little bit on the upper sides but not like a natural nose) and it looks fake. If the persons watching you know about plastic surgery, they will be able to tell you've been operated otherwise it just looks like there is something weird with your face.

@vk82 : after my 1st closed rhinoplasty, I did not look operated. It was just some tip reduction work.
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@vk82 : Also, I met a girl in my officetel who went to Banobagi, she had an alarplasty+tip projection+ tip definition, she asked for subtle changes and she looks natural, and the result have significantly made her prettier. She's on the forum, she posted previously, but I forgot the nickname she uses.
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@angleplane: how do you know that you have something on the alar rims? I don't know what part of the nose is called alar rim - sorry for the ignorant question. I just want to find out if I also have a piece of cartilage there. My nose wings are still very soft and flexible - look like the doctor didn't touch them at all or this is the same for everyone. Cannot wait to get a reply from my doctor.
I remember when I consulted Dr.Suh, I asked him if I don't like the results, can he reverse the surgery and give me my original nose back and he said yes. Unfortunately, I didn't ask my surgeon the same question but I still hope that it's possible. Now I pray that he didn't do too much on my nose so it's easier to reverse it. But the damage on my ear is permanent, I lost some cartilage on the back of my right ear, have a permanent scar there...I am still so thankful that I didn't go for rib, otherwise I would not forgive me all my life for being too vain to consider rhinoplasty.
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@winterhtht: I also have a scar behind my ear, but it's not noticeable at all, for my rib, I'm still thinking of an excuse if people see it, I'm just scared that people will think of a boob job, or that I'm unhealthy (like a lung surgery etc.)
When I say alar rim, I mean the nose wings. I don't think doctors put a graft there, I sort of asked for it to have them flat, but the rib material seem to push them outwards making my nostrils naturally flare, with the rib tip, the tip was pulled so much that the alar rim were not flaring with the rib grafts in them.
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lol yes I was quite surprised to see his before pics.

@angleplane, you might find this interesting, http://www.shahfacialplastics.com/PlumplingGraft.html
this graft is to shorten the upper lip. I was looking up what these terms are, that people are posting here, alar rim and columellar strut and so on and came across that site. Can you pm me your pics, if you don't mind. I'd like to see what you're talking about.

Edit: Where exactly is the septi nasi muscle?
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I think Dr Lee has put this plumping graft to give the impression of a shorter nose, but the end result was just a very stiff area there and it looked "fatty" according to someone I met, by "fatty" I mean as if I was fat in that area (I think someone asked me before what I meant by "fatty".)
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I saw the show and wow, she's a very pretty lady afterwards. Her eyes are so alluring and her expressions are happy and cute. She looks mixed.
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I just received an email from the clinic I went to. They said they could give me back my original nose but I am not sure if it's realistic. I hope the doctor didn't remove anything on the structure of my nose. One advice for those who consider rhinoplasty: please be conservative and ask the doctor if the surgery is reversible before you have it done because there is always a chance that you are not happy with the new nose and realise how much you love you old nose...
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I am contemplating going Korea in October for my NJ and have been corresponding with JoAnn (VIP). In the her last e-mail, she asked me to deal directly with their franchise clinic. Honestly, I do not feel comfortable dealing with their franchise clinic. My previous experience with them was whenever I asked them question, they would need to refer to JoAnn before coming back to me and still want to surcharge me. Now, I am kinda lost of which clinic to go... :cry:

Btw, O & Young is giving out a free NJ to successful candidate - http://koclubchina.com. The closing date for this campaign is 31.8.2011.
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