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asian nose job 2

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Hey, haven't been on here for a while. But just wanted to update - ever since I got my nose surgery and paranasal implants my smile has become super UGLY. My upper lip is super stiff and I look like a CREEPER when I smile. I know past forumers have complained or stated this problem too. I'm 3+ months post op. Hopefully by the 6th or whatever month this will go away.

My tip is still extremely swollen after 3 months. Can't really tell from the front, but the profile view is VERY obvious. And when I smile, it is very obvious from the way my top lip looks. Again, the stiffness from paranasal implants.

Other than this, I've been having mini bumps here and there. They come and go as my nose is healing.

Patience...must have patience...ugh.
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@Acadabra: Don't be too sad, you maybe saved thousands of dollars, as VIP is overpriced and avoided a scar on the nostrils (one of the forumer was burnt in the nostril by Dr Lee but didn't ask anything about it as he was too concerned about his over augmented bridge, they'll probably offer him to fade it with laser if he waits 6 months with that scar- as they said they can't do anything and he has to wait-).

I know it's reassuring to go to a clinic that everyone has been talking about, good or bad, it is still publicity somehow.
Nevertheless, this forum is filled with patients who went to Banobagi, Dream, April31, Dr Jung, Dr Tao, 101, Dr Suh (JW clinc), Samsung clinic etc. You just have to PM them as they did not feel the need to say thank you to their clinic on this forum or because they though this forum was all about one clinic. The other clinic's staff don't go on this forum and their marketing power is less powerful (by the way, the need of a strong marketing power is not reassuring I think, and I never heard that Korean celebrities went to VIP. But I heard they went to Dream, BK-which treats celebrities better than other patients- or April31, for the other clinics I don't know).

Paying more money and not having less risks to have a failed surgery would not convince me to go to a particular clinic.

I was rejected by surgeons who refused to removed the rib grafts, it made me sad and maybe want to go to their clinic even more (as I tought they were so ethical not to remove the grafts too early), but I also realized that they just lacked confidence in making a satisfied patient.
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By the way, after my osteotomy on the left side, I was left with two bumps (at the radix level and just above the tip), the second surgeon removed the lower bump but left the other one (at the radix), so now I can feel it.
When I still had the rib graft, we could still feel the bump at the radix level, even with a huge bridge covering it.
Also, the other forummer who says he has a scar on the nostril, thinks that his added rib bridge is not exactly in the middle (not straight).
By the way, after a rib rhinoplasty, a swollen tip (for months or years) with a narrow bridge (not swollen) really gives a disgracious look, it's clown or pear like, so having it for a long time can make it very uncomfortable to socialize and affect you personality if you lose confidence.
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@angleplane: which doctors refused to remove the rib grafts for you and did they tell you why?
My doctor told me I have to wait 6 months but how can I live with depression like this for 6 months to have my grafts removed. I just want to fly to Korea right now to have everything done to give me the peace of mind...Now I realise how much I love my natural nose...
Anyone who has a decent nose, please don't mess it up, nothing is better than natural to be honest. I wish someone told me not to have a nose job when I considered it.
Did the doctor fracture your bone or he just rasp it and how come he only did on one side? Does that give you a asymmetric nose? I also had osteotomy, I didn't want it but the doctor said it's highly recommended. So I said ok but was still worried about the risks. He said if so, he would not fracture it but rasp it...don't know how much he removed though..
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I just received an email now of the second surgeon who removed part of the rib cartilage grafts. He says I cannot remove the remaining rib cartilage grafts before 3 months, or my nose "will be destructed for sure"...
So, now that I have all the structure of my nose played with by one surgeon (septal cartilage sliced to make it straight even though it was fine before), I can't even get a correction before months... and I'll live with a stiff nose deforming my smile. I am a bit disappointed because I wanted to feel good with my nose (no stiffness) before I start my university term which requires intense work.
I understand now why someone from a Korean clinic said to jesse00 that VIP noses revisions are very difficult. I have until December to enjoy the lesson and the stiffness of my nose.
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Thanks for your encouragement, angleplane :hugs:

Yup, would definitely start sending e-mails to other clinics. Hopefully, they would respond to my e-mail fast.

I understand your predicament. Just hang in there and never give up yea. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. All the best to you and wish that you would get back your smile soon. Be patient and give it more time. Cheers :flowers:
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But a bit older, ya? Or is it just me...
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Wow, the vibe of this forum is like a roller coaster. Lots of people happy with their surgeries then a flood of bad experiences. Winterntht, I'm pulling for you. Hopefully you can have a good resolution somehow. I read about your osteotomy and even if they rasp (I'm assuming this was for a hump?) They have to do the osteotomies unless the rasping is very very minor. They usually like to do them anyway because narrowing the noses is common and they are in that area anyway. If you're talking about rasping an irregularity somewhere else I don't know about that.

The other thing that stuck me reading angleplane's messages is that if you visit multiple docs and they all are saying the same thing...take it under serious consideration. It doesn't mean they're right, maybe it's just easier for them, or the style in Korea is that way, but more likely they are telling you that for a reason. I remember all the docs telling me they wanted to leave my nose long, which kinda disappointed me. Now, I occasionally look at my nose and wish it were a little bit shorter, but after hearing people's experience with the docs going a bit too far I'm happy with what I have.
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By older, if you meant that she looks more "classy" and "sophisticated", then I would say yes. She's more classy and has a cute look. She just looks very refreshed compared to her pre-op videos (as she appeared on that full show). She's still a very young looking girl. Maybe her voice is very young compared to her face, she sounds a bit like a teenager while her face looks more like someone in their mid 20s.
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@jane03 and tonyjim: I think she looks older but I don't think she looks more sophisticated. She lost her cutiness. I think lower eyelid creases are nicer than high creases (I don't like monolids though) and I think small noses look better. If she just had a tip plasty and alarplasty, it would have been enough, the high bridge makes our attention focus on her nose more than her beautiful lips and eyes. But there's no need to debate on that, it is just a question of tastes, and everyone's taste is different. Also, she's still very swollen, so it's hard to tell.
Overall, she's a pretty girl.
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@Juicyme Your friend is quite sexy after her nose job and chin! It's nice to see the results on video, too. It's amazing how much surgery can improve one's looks. Her bridge is a bit too straight/perfect for my taste, but I'd choose her new look over the old one anyday. I hope she is happy with the results.

that indian girl rolling her eyes at the Dr. made me LOL
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@migookinamja: the doctor rasped my bone to reduce the width of the nose - he opted for this as I didn't want to fracture my bone but I don't know eventually what he did.
I've just received a few answers from RealSelf. Most doctors said that it's not possible to reverse a nose job and give me back my old nose. How can I do now? I don't want a revision because I don't want any problems in the future, I just want my natural nose back and forget all about plastic surgery, forever....I am sure there are some people who had their grafts removed. If anyone did that, can you please come in here and give me a reassurance - I would really appreciate that. I don't know how I can live for a further 6 months before a doctor would agree to touch my nose.
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If he performed lateral osteotomies you can feel a ridge as you run your finger from the cheek to your nasal bones. It is not visible as your skin kind of tents over this ridge. If you're still near your surgery date I wouldn't try this in case your bones are still moveable.
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@migookinamja: Where is the ridge supposed to be? on the base near the cheek or on the side of the bridge? I tried to run my finger from my cheek to my nasal bone but it's completely smooth, no ridge at all. However, when I run my finger up to the side of my bridge, I feel a ridge on both side from my eyes down to my tip , I guess those ridges are from the implant which was put on the top of the bridge? The distance from the left ridge to the right ridge is more than 1cm, across the top of the bridge. Do you think it's the implant. I still hope that the doctor didn't break my bone.
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