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asian nose job 2

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I agree with the others... I would personally stay away from L-shaped implants. Its just that I have seen alot of people who had problems with it.

I guess he recommended the closed approach with L-shaped implant if you want a sharper tip because L-shaped silicone does really make your nasal tip sharp and defined and its a simple procedure and the outcome would be more predictable. I think its more difficult to work on the tip of the nose to be honest. Augmenting the bridge is a pretty straight forward approach but the tip takes a lot of work and skill and especially if your using autologous materials, the results are not as predictable as silicone. With silicone, after the surgery is done you pretty much looking at your final results plus a little swelling. I would say go for the I-shaped implant instead with cartilage for the tip (an it can be done using the closed method as well if you prefer. I had my old I-shaped silicone implant with ear cartilage done using the closed method). Having silicone on your tip is not a very good idea in in my own opinion

I think the reason he prefers the open method with the I-shaped silicone is because it would provide him a better view of your internal nose structure. He has to do more work with your tip. A L-shaped silicone implant is pretty easy to do. Just carve and insert it and thats it, then he sutures your nose up...

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i did a forum search for "item" and specified the username "Worries" but there were no matches.
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@kain: Oh wow, thanks for helping me to dig up all that information!:biggrin: I really appreciate it, kain! Yes I did think of going to WW or MH as well but I'm not really fond of "celebrity" surgeons and I read quite a few bad reviews on WW on flowerpod and cozycot as well. As for MH, I really didn't like the nose job which he gave Xiaxue, that's why I'm not including him in my list of options. Hmm it seems like my options are pretty limited in Singapore.

@angleplane: Well he said that he will use a short L-shaped implant, which means the bottom of the "L" would be short so that implant extrusion will not occur and I guess the tip would be less prominent and fake-looking? But yes, I see where you're coming from, I read lots of horror stories about L-shaped implants online too. The reason why I'm even considering him for rhinoplasty is because he did a great job on my chin, but now I'm getting more and more confused about what I should get for my nose and whether he's the right surgeon or not.
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@J_franc: Yeah I think he prefers the open rhino method over the closed(it's more expensive too lol) but I had no idea why he would think a closed rhino with an L-shaped implant would be enough for me. I always thought that open+I-shaped implant was the only way to go for my nose. IF I was really going to him for a rhino, I would most probably choose the open method. I don't think he does the I-implant+tip using the closed method:sad: But now I feel like flying over to Korea to do it instead after what you guys said, but I'm worried about the lack of follow-ups. Sigh decisions, decisions.....
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Those girls are NOT in SNSD.

Here are some pre-debut SNSD pictures.


I said previously that I know someone in the korean PS industry that told me SNSD members had their noses done at Dream. I don't know which ones though.
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@winterntht: I think putting lots of rib pieces a bit everywhere contributes to the final "masterpiece" even if it is too big and doesn't fit the face at all. The more there are pieces of cartilage the more stiff your nose is and the less natural your facial expressions are. I think I had 8 pieces in total, so my nose was very stiff, the 2 biggest grafts and 2 paranasal implants (I had 4 of them, I think) where removed but I have to wait for the rest to be removed otherwise my nose would have been destructed as my septal cartilage was sliced for a septal deviation (that never bothered me, but it needs to be straight for the support of the masterpiece) as I already mentionned in a previous post.
If the surgeon uses lots of pieces of silicone, I guess the result can be as stiff as rib. It depends on the surgeon. I think that is what jesse00 is experiencing right now. She had silicone put by Dr Lee in her nose and I think she said her nose is stiff and immobile, as if she had a nose on a patato head (sort of like me after the rib rhinoplasty). I don't know how is her progress now.
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