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asian nose job 2

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@jane03: Yes, in the beginning of august, Worries also told me they went to Singapore for free consultation.

I don't know how good ITEM clinic is for noses, but for eyes Dr Chung -right spelling unlike before- seem very good (again, according to Worries who had her eyes revised by him).
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@migookinamja : It's a misleading video then, if the title is "SNSD Before and After plastic surgery 少女時代 整形 pre debut " and the girls shown are not from SNSD. You seem to know about Korean celebrities by the way...Is SNSD a series ?
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Angleplane, are you going to make me embarass myself with my intimate knowledge of kpop girl groups? :smile: SNSD is a girl group SNSD is the abbreviation from the sylables in their Korean name. I don't know for sure, but if they are not the most popular girl group they have to be up there.
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So having a 'noble' rhinoplasty means to have pieces of cartilage placed around the nose to lift up the area? Isn't it a very drastic way to augment a nose? And very troublesome to remove if the patient is not happy with the look? I think some people do not need all these cartilages to look nice, just look at the video of Heidi.
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i think paranasals are mainly to augment the midface region (to reduce a protruding mouth), not the nose. if a person doesnt have a protruding mouth, they probably shouldnt get paranasals. i've seen some pretty drastic improvements from b&a pics

but basically: dont get them unless you need them
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Wow, amazing...wonder if they also did their teeth ? Did you have to do your teeth?
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the first one only got a nose job with paranasals as far as i can tell. the distance from her teeth to her bottom lip is the same, and they are still not straight so she didnt get braces

the second one got a nose job, paranasals, and a sliding genioplasty.
if you check the distance from her lips to her forehead or her cheekbones (horizontally) you can see that she didnt have her teeth moved backwards

so i'm pretty sure they didnt get anything done to their teeth
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hi everyone, new here. will be getting a revision nj this winter in korea. currently have a silicone implant in the nose. it was done by an american doctor and that was the only thing he did, put in an implant nothing to the tip. as a result it's very bizzare looking.

am very interested in the clinics mentioned in the thread. but am still undecided about the material i will choose.

@kain, congrats on your nose job it looks great and very natural. I know you used rib to achieve that augmentation. How many mm's was your bridge augmented by and what about your radix?

I'm still wondering whether that result can be achieved by something other than rib. I'm a cyclist and a rib surgery will definitely put me out of commission for a while...

Also for those ppl that went to korea, d0 most of you speak korean? do the cabbies speak english? if not do the clinics offer airport pickup service? kinda anxious about how i will get around, especially if i want to shop around the clinics.

and thanks angelplane, your story is incredibly informative.
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Hey will paranasals do anything to change the shape of the upper lip? Say you have upper lips of this shape ^ and the distance from the middle of your upper lip is closer to your nose than the ends of your upper lip
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Today I receiced an email from JW and Dr.Suh told me that it's not difficult to just remove permacol and cartilage grafts, I don't need to wait for 6 months but he recommended me to wait so see the final results. However, now I am sure 100% that I never want a fake nose on my face so I don't really care how nice my nose may look after 6 months.
I don't know if the doctor is too optimistic but he really makes my day! He gives me some hope that it's possible! Anyone know why other doctors don't operate again before 6 months, it it becuase it's very difficult to do, they may not achieve the best results or because they think we will not see the final results after 6 months?
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I think the skin adapts pretty well to the structure underneath just as in the case of reduction rhinoplasties. About socializing, hopefully the change is subtle enough. If someone notices a difference, I might say I had a septoplasty and that the nose is still kinda swollen.

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Thanks, kain. Much appreciated. You have been very helpful in the forum.
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Angleplane, I can understand why you want that part removed, because it is not nice on a girl.
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@angleplane: thank u so much for your reply! I found her posts~ but she hasn't been active recently. you met her and saw her nose? so what do you think about it? was it good? I remember she mentioning that she had a piggy nose after the surgery.. so I'm quite worried if I'd experience that too. and I wonder if the curve from bridge to tip would be nice even without bridge augmentation?

so sorry for asking so much.
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