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asian nose job 2

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@xKasperx: I only had the nose taped by doctors, I didn't do it myself. My nose was upturned until I went to another doctor to have the tip rotated downwards 2 months post op.
Reddeilious who went to Banobagi, (tip plasty+alarplasty) had a "piggy" swollen tip for one week and it went down a lot, then she had fillers to compensate the too curved bridge.
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@angleplane here is the link http://www.regen-face.co.kr/she_diary/before_after_list.asp?cate_cd=1031&s_cols=&s_text=&page=1

the results do vary by individual whereas some did major changes and others just did a very subtle change to their looks. But anyways it still looks good and natural
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I don't post often because i actually have a lot of stuff to do on daily basis and check this site once every few days. Beside the thread is 500 pages long, most of my concerns are the same as other people's so I find it more helpful to just read.

No idea why you would think I work for VIP since i haven't pushed anyone towards the clinic, if i was working for VIP then i would be a pretty awful employee :biggrin:

and i don't cycle professionally, it's just a hobby and it's the main reason i'm not leaning towards rib.

I still think your posts are very helpful, even if you think i'm some sort of plant lol
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Thank you milkyway, you've been so encouraging, i really appreciate it :hugs:
You were right, i was going through hell after the cast came off. but now i feel so much better now that my nose has deswelled somewhat :smile:

hahah thanks for adding some much needed humor to this forum~ :roflmfao:

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If you base your opinion on this forum, you'll see that in few weeks, it's all going to be about VIP because the previous patients will want to share about their healing, the others who went to other clinics were already deterred from posting and also the staff of the clinic they went to do not read the forum, so it's kind of pointless to post just for the fun of posting, it takes time to contribute to this forum, and posts are based on our voluntary will to share our experience. I'm sharing what I've learned from my experience because I don't mind that VIP reads my posts as I had no plan in going there for any sort of revision even if it was offered to me for free.[/QUOTE]

@angleplane i would have to disagree with you on this one . i have never heard or seen any post by VIP patients discouraging other patients from other clinics to post their reviews. And i really don't think it's fair to make accusations of people like rawdude being VIP imposter when you have no proof of it. i actually don't mind hearing about the healing process or chit chat ( cause sometimes we need humor to get us through this recovery).
Whether you believe rawdue and others are imposter is really up to you but for me i have found rawdude to be really helpful and given out information. And if he's advocating for VIP i don't have a problem because it should be up to the individual to decide if this clinic is right for them / and not just based it on one forumers review.
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I have a question. Paranasal implants are suppose to correct protruding mouths right? So when do the doctors decide if they will use paranasal implants to correct the protrusion or do a facial contour surgery to push your jaws to correct the protrusion?
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ok, i'm gonna add some more info to the lastest vip gossip ;)
but dear readers, please keep in mind that this is pure speculation~

so... even before reading angleplane's post, my mom and i both thought that dr. lee and joanne were married. our consultation with dr. lee was after office hours since he got out of surgery really late. then after our consultation with dr. lee, we had another consultation with joanne which lasted about an hour. the whole time, dr. lee was sitting out in the lobby by himself waiting for joanne and he would once in a while stick his head into joanne's office and say "it's really late" or "you work too hard". and even when she told him to leave first, he stuck around until the consultation was over and walked out with us. it was actually pretty sweet :P

also, it seems like dr. lee kinda just goes along with whatever joanne proposes. during my consultation with joanne she told me that i should get silicone wrapped with fascia so that my bridge would appear more natural. so i agreed. but on the surgery day, right before they put me under, dr. lee asked me why i wanted fascia so i told him that i wanted a more natural look and i didn't want silicone to shine through. then he told me that he didn't think i needed to wrap my silicone with fascia (because i have thick skin, i assume). so i said "oh, you don't think i need it? but joanne recommended it to me" then he replied "joanne recommended it? ok then." and that was it.

looking back, i should've just gone with what dr. lee recommended initially and not wrap my silicone with fascia since i have a ~6 inch scar in my head and some times when i put my hair up, you can see the scar/bald spot. not very attractive quality in a girl :/

all in all, i don't know if they're married or not but at the least, they are very good friends and dr. lee holds joanne's recommendations in high regard.

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Not to add fuel to the fire, but since I won't be doing rhino or anything cosmetic for at least a year or so, Joanne said that I look "quite handsome, at least I think so" or something to that effect off of 4 very ugly close up shots of my face when I was overweight. Haha, I don't mind being cuddled by a salesperson but now that I've looked at all the options I think I will wait for more results from people who do diced and wrapped combos before I go ahead. I luckily need very little tip work, just more projection and girth on the nose bridge between the eyes to give me deeper set eyes and eyes that are not so far apart.

Do you know anything about fixing "deviation"? Is that hard to fix if the nose is slightly crooked?
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augmented by a little more than a cm on the bridge and radix.

the taxi cabs have signs on the window of the backseat. it says something like (paraphrased) "say 'translation' and the driver will call a free translation service for you."
i dont recall cos its been so long. but they didnt have the sign in the front seat so just make sure you use the back seat and read the sticker on the window.

some clinics offer airport pickup services, but either 1. you pay for it, or 2. you confirm a surgery date before they offer free pickup. you can offer to pay for it so that you dont feel pressured to go with their clinic just cos they paid for the cab.
i recommend the first option so that you are free to consult multiple clinics
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i dont really understand that last part, but my lip changed. not the actual lip, but the way it drapes over the bone is different: the angle my lip makes with my nose changed, but my actual lip is the same.

my upper lip is lower than it was before, but i think this may be due to the fact that the septi nasi muscle was cut, and not necessarily the paranasals. idk
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there are money vendors that give better deals than the banks do (my dad exchanged currency around the markets, ie. dongdaemon, insadong, myeongdong, etc, where there were money vendors randomly distributed. just look for stalls or buildings with pictures of cash. (or ask one of the younger koreans who might know some english)
you can also bring some korean currency obtained at a local bank.
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septal cartilage supports the mid-nose area
removing the septal cartilage will result in a saddle nose deformity
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