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asian nose job 2

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God, all this fuss about VIP, some of which seems perfectly valid, makes me not want to go see them in the future. Who wants to go to a place that is so casual about making chances that may or may not be necessary on a whim? If I'm going somewhere, I want the surgeon to study my face for some time, discuss the technical aspects with me and explain his artistic point of view. Changing features on one's face shouldn't be a decision made in just 10 or 15 minutes. Even the best doctor should need TIME to decide what needs to be done or not.

Now I'm really wondering if rib is still the best route to go for a radix/bridge graft. Plus, I need to fix my uneven eyelids (drooping on one side) as well, which VIP said they could also do (again, not sure if they're the "expert" for eyelids). This whole "VIP may not be the best" deal is just complicating the whole thing.

I wish I had the resources and connections to just go somewhere and get it done without worrying my head off. I suppose that's the sort of "angle" VIP is trying to bank on: an all inclusive surgery tour. I'm very neutral with VIP, but maybe that's because I'm not sure who else in Korea "specializes" in auto-tissues, so I have to put my faith into VIP. Korea is like this foreign land with bundle full of surgeons and opportunities, but without knowing the language or knowing anyone would can guide me, I'm forced to just trust the first English-speaking clinic I see.
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tonyjim, i guess that y u have to take time to do research b4 jump to have surgery with one clinic that u seen good review on the internet, i meant it good to other but doesnt meant it a good place for u, everybody have diff taste of beauty and prefer diff material, i almost base on the review and have set my surgery day after 2 days arrive korea with VIP, but now i think i will have to go and do as much consultation as i can b4 pick the rit clinic, if u ok with silicon or gore-tex and not really crazy about the auto-tissues then u have so many choice out there, lots of famous clinic and well knw by korean are mention here in the forum like Wonjin, Dream, Grand, Banobagi, Migo, Regen, 101, April 31, ect.....
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anyway, the points i made earlier remain undisputed by you.

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i don't think thats a realistic attitude about plastic surgery. nobody who is realistic about surgery will claim that any one surgeon is "the best." because all accomplished surgeons have had good cases and bad cases.
you can seperate surgeons into good vs bad (judging by their overall satisfaction rate) but not "the best." i mean, if you had access to the accurate statistics (which nobody does) of the satisfaction rate for every single surgeon, and find the surgeon with the highest satisfaction rate, that still wouldnt account for the difference between their patients. maybe one set of patients had a tendency to prefer larger noses; another set prefered smaller, curved noses; another prefered subtle results that look completely natural; and yet another set prefered the defined, high, silicone look that BK clinic seems to be fond of.

so yes, VIP is not "the best," but neither is any other clinic. you shouldn't be concerned about finding the best clinic, but rather, a clinic that can give you the result you want.

i didnt go to vip because i thought that they are the best clinic. i went because i knew i needed rib cartilage to give me the amount of augmentation that i wanted.

now that i think about it, this is probably why so many ppl are disatisfied with their results lately. they think VIP is "the best" and go there to request rib cartilage even though they only wanted a 2mm augmentation on a primary rhinoplasty.
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Hey there,
Thanks for your response!:smile:
Do you have any post-op picture to show me?
I'm sorry I can't use pm right now...
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Well said Kain and i totally agreed :tup:
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o0oooo ill see ..let me fiddle around here....


i wonder if that works.....
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hehehe i wish i could somehow post up the pictures....i dont know how though???:sad: it says to post in URL but it wont let me...:sad:

omg yaysss!!! it worked!!!:biggrin:

well the picture above was me in feb this year?? before any surgery?? i didnt like how i had multiple folds...and my nose was sooo buttery!!!:sad:


this is me again beginning of this year with no surgery...la la laa.... :smile:

OKAY NOW THAT I FIGURED THIS OUT (i swear i should of paid attention in class..) PREPARE FOR A PHOTO ALBUM!!! AND HEY feel free to spread it if u like :smile: im happy to have people ask and compare pics cos when i wanted to look at other peoples pics there was nothing!!:sad: sooo unhelpful!! blah!!


this was last year...no surgery.....


last year as well npoooo surgeryy.... (im on the left and my sister is on my right)


this was like a couple of months after my eyes....

stupid.... thing is taking ages to load...:sad:

i have more progreess pictures and pictures of me during surgery (not literally ..) but like during .. my recovery...if you just youtube hungry beast you can se my eyes....

okayy here are the final results:

nose, chin and nose. :smile:

btw i healed up in like 3 weeks ...now its like 2/3 months?? so these pics are recent like 2 months after surgey :smile:


loved how he reworked my tip!!;D


dw you can still pull face expressions....did any of you have difficulty smiling like naturally for a while?/ i did!!!

after...a month and a half i was able to pretty much smile the same as before...but its not exactly like before ...

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ohhh!!:biggrin: HIIIII!!!!! nice to meet you too!!btw every asian guy likes taeyang here :smile: they even have the taeyang hair!:!D heheheehe

i just posted them again!! well... the pictures this time!:!D im a little lazy bt i have more progress pictues of me recovering to post up tmz!!:biggrin:
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thanks dear :0 its better than denying it... :smile: i dont know if you guys know about dawn yang??:smile: she was kinda my inspiration...but then i learnt she hides her surgery from everyone and denys it and pretends to be half or partthai dutch or whatever :0 shes stilll GORGEOUSSS THOUGH!!! just google dawn yang before after!!!


shes just stunning!!!! sucks she has to hide it!!!

its sooo obvious too!! when she is interviewed on razor tv!!

but shes sooo cuteee!!!!:sad: wahhhh!!! what do u guys think??!!
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in hte above posts i posted up pics of me but ill redo it now!!:biggrin:


it has gone down considerably!!:biggrin: and it keeps looking more and more natural each day/week!! :smile:


yeas :sad: some time people do mistake me as being eurasian....and its frustrating cos then i have to go through the whole story "i had this..and a nose job..and..." hahaaha and you should see their faces of...horror!!! great conversation starter though....

:smile: what kind of look were you looking to achieve hun??:smile: any inspiration photos??:biggrin:
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Hey Heidi,
Which Clinic did u went to do the surgeries?
You look so fab!!!
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I'm confused....you're talking about the member taeyang? :P Where is here? In Australia?

Your pics look really good! The nose and chin really made a difference to the face, it makes you look more refreshed and energetic.

Btw the pic of you w two guys, the one in the middle, what ethinicity is he? Is he mixed?

edit: forgot to ask, did you notice any changes to your lips or smile? I'm asking cus some of the members here said their lips and smiles changed after having nose surgery.
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