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asian nose job 2

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thats okay!!:smile: i hope they helped!!:smile: any questions feel free to ask!!:smile:
at first i only wanted my eyes and nose, i already hada double eyelid but you know when it hoods over and its like triple fold?? and hard to open eyes? and sometimes its like double one day and the next its triple or BOTH!! omgosh!!

so dr kim for me to get epi and lateral and double eyelid to widen and lengthen my eyes as well as the double lids!! FINALLY SMOOTH DOUBLE LIDS!!

then i got my nose done, i liked the high bridge and the rouded but defined tip :smile: since you want to get your nose done as well there isnt much i can tell you EXCEPT!! have cartilage !!! :smile: i had it grafted from my ear and inside my nose :smile: my ear ached a little until the past month when i laid on it or when people grab my head and press my ears in!!!! what do you plan to do with you nose?:smile: any inspiration pics??:smile:

and when are you planning to do your nose??:smile: the worse bit is when you go home and try and recover and sleep...its very uncomfortable becuase you are forced to breathe through your mouth and literally feels dry as a dessert!!!!!

very silly of her to deny it cos it makes her look worse and makes her look like a lier!!! then people doubt everything she says....and she verbally bashes other people for having surgery..when she herself does it...never mind she still looks GORGEOUS THOUGH!:biggrin:

is there any other procedures you have done??:smile:
o0ooo you know juicyme?? :smile: the other girl on this forum?:smile: she mentioned angelababy to me and i looked her up and now im obsessed!!shes stunning!! but people say she hasnt done anything?? im confsed....what do you think shes done??:biggrin:
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hi girl :smile:

its been a while since ive posted here, and just saw your pics. your ps was a success! you look sexy after surgery :graucho:
also im impressed by how much projection you got from goretex!
i got silicone and ear cartilidge myself, and i think my result is much more subtle.

(and completely offtopic, but what kind of circle lenses are you wearing? XD)

to the people asking about the clinic verite. if you need help with translations or anything, let me know. im here, studying in japan :smile:

and to angleplane just because i thought your stories about VIP were half odd, you think im a fake poster trying to what? troll you?

i can tell you i got my rhinoplasty done in korea two weeks ago, but not at VIP.
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omgoshhh sorry...what do u mean bald spot??:O and from what???!!!sorry just curious!!
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Oh Destiny!! Please cheer up :sad: I'm sorry you are going through all that with your nj, but you are so so so beautiful and I don't say that easily!!! Congrats on your pregnancy!!!
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aww thankkk uuuu!!:biggrin: it better be amajor improvement!!!! after all the recovery and rice porridge i had to eat!!!! hahahahaha :smile:
o0oo how come dawn yang was one of your inspirations??:smile: shes stnning!! amazing eyes and her bridge is sooo nice and high!!! people say shes had other implants such as her chin and cheeks and forehead??either ways she is a stunner!!:biggrin:

hwan hee is definetly much more sexier now!:biggrin: have you proceeded yet toget anythign done?? or just researching??:smile:
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thank you :smile: im really happy with my looks now and i think my family and friends are just growing to getting used to it too!!

i did get a chin implant!!:biggrin: if you watch my video diary on youtube, jsut type in beauty race insight heidi's video diary. it shows my recoevery and my chin implant!!! right after the surgery too!!!

he cut inside my mouth which i was quite nervous about because it was a spontaneous thing (really should of researched more but i trusted him and i didnt bother reading much on it...) and tensed up quite a bit ... but it was over in no time!!:biggrin:

were ypou thinking of doing your chin too??:smile:
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ohhh nooo dear!!! in all my excitement i did not explain my self properly!!! i mean alot of the boys here love taeyang and they try to dress and cut their hair like him!!:smile: your user name reminded me of it!!:biggrin: are you from australia too??:smile:

thank you dear :smile: i love my chin and nose!! i was telling juicyme before how i wanted totake it out but i kept it in in the end :smile:

ohhh the one in the middle :smile: his mixed :smile: half malaysian half aussie :smile: his single btw ladies :smile: hahahaa just thought id let u know.. :biggrin:

yes!! my top lip is slightly thinner as it has to stretch to accomodate my columella (the thing in between your nostrils) haha it pushes down a little cos its stiff on your top lip so showing top teeth is not as easy as before!!! and smile looks a little forced but its 3 month on and smile is back!!:biggrin: hhaa

well it was back after a month or so...cos it softened up!!and i healed!!plus i was more brave to smile wider (i always smile so regardless...i did notice difficulty in smiling nautrally) and not rip...skin?? ewww... ok that sounds gross... hhahaa butttttt my chin implant pushed my bottom lip up a little so it look more pouty!!:biggrin: so bonus!!!

BUT NOT TO WORRY!! MY SMILE IS BACK 100% its still a little thin on the top but only a tiny bit!! and every one says they recognise my from my smile!! sooo all good!!:biggrin:

why??/ are you experienceing this?? or are you having a fear of this happening??:smile:
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heidihuxley - wow! you look great and thanks for sharing here :smile:

destiny1682 - congrats on ur pregnancy. Like dulce_de_leche said, you will be overwhelmed with the excitement of your baby. Just be patient. Cheers!!

For those who are interested with Dr. Fukuta - I have recently went to Verite Clinic at Ginza to consult with him on other procedure but not nose. Fyi, the consultation is not free and I have to book in advance before going to Japan as Dr. Fukuta would only be at Ginza around 3 days per week. The receptionist and staff at the clinic are very pretty but they hardly speak English. Thus, I have to communicate with them using simple Japanese words and sign language. Dr. Fukuta can speak English. Another forum mentioned that he studied in overseas. Dr. Fukuta is very polite and patient in discussing the procedure with me. He made me understand that I should have realistic expectation due to my own limitations..

Btw, the girl who wants to look like angelababy is called JJ. She highlighted in her blog (in Chinese) that she did her surgeries with a doctor in China - http://www.aiskzx.com/?action-channel-name-aboutus.
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hiii miss magicalme!!! cuteeee user name!!

are you from australia?? :smile: its located in sydney :smile: in surry hills. so HEART OF THE CITY!!:biggrin: very easy to get to by public transport!!

i trust this docter 100% and with my eyes i was very specific in what i wanted (he has free consultations) and i went in a million times!!! and he makes a few recommendations...well usually he doesnt ...unles he sees fit but its really really good recommendations!! he recommended i do my epi and lateral iwoth my double eyelid and it turned out soo good!!

and my nose ..well i let him do what ever....i just wanted a higher bridge and more defined tip! and showed him a few pictures and went to sleep happily trusting him :smile: and i love it!

let me link you the clinic!!:biggrin: the website is under progress but his famous in sydney by word of mouth!!:biggrin: and he full texts and rings you to check on you!!:biggrin:


ok here is the link: http://www.advancecosmetic.com/eng/

on his website is an interview of me doing my eyes and my nose and whatever!!:biggrin: have fun!!:biggrin:

and hope i was helpful!!!!

he has consultants who are catered to you only so you get your own consultant who looks after you from the beigining to the end!!:biggrin:
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hiiiiii!!!:biggrin: ;D i think you have got me hooked onnnn thisss!!:biggrin: howww areeee youuu!!!:biggrin: la la la hahaha :smile:

omgoshhh this place is soo ointeresting!!! like reading some of peoples concerns on after surgery and stuff!!like smiling!!! did u have that too???

hehehe i like your avatar!!:biggrin: i cant have one yet cos im new!!:sad: wahhh soon i will!!:biggrin: i love thinspo!! like happy thinspo@@@

hahahahahah your funny!!:biggrin: omgoshhh and your seeing wendy in korea??!!!!OMGGGGG I DIE!!!!!! your soooooo luckyyy!!!:biggrin: sbs asked her to be on the show and the producer told me she agreeed but...unfortunately they didnt hear back from her.....:sad:

would liek to see how she would of backlashed at all the nasty comments!!cos im sure people would have something nasty to say about her too cos peoople are just like that!:!(

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I don't know which nicknames are real users or not. It doesn't really matter.
I share my experience because I don't think rhinoplasty is a friendly thing to do. Usually, it is a major surgery. As for the Naver post, on page 519, I forgot to say that my experience was similar to her when people touched my nose they also were horrified by how hard it was.
Concerning those who are saying that I enjoy bashing the clinic like Destiny. Apart from discrediting what I say, I don't see the aim of your post (the one in which you said I was bashing). Of course, Joann will stop giving you free revisions if you don't defend her on the forum or just keep silent.
Anyway, I expected people to defend VIP saying that I'm just "bashing" "making false accusation" or that I was "obsessed" or just trying to say that some participants are false nicknames.

That just confirms that it makes it very uncomfortable to say anything that is negative about VIP, even if my experience was the same as other patients, other patient that was also discredited by the way (someone said "she just popped up from nowhere and posted a translation).

Concerning the fact that Dr Lee operates 2 patients at the same time. I think that explains why I was scheduled at 9AM, the time to be marked and take the photographs, it was 9:35AM, I think I was sedated around 10AM, and when Joann entered the surgery room to say that the other patient was waiting, she said the other patient was scheduled at 10AM. In my mind, I didn't really mind, I thought the patient was just going to wait for their surgery after mine was done, but in retrospective, I think that we were operated simultaneously.
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Hahaha Omg heidi you have so much happy energy :0)

Anyway, I met her on this forum! Hopefully ill meet her! I wish you could come too!! Anyway, ill have to keep my fat nose for now, I decided to do my eyes first. (One at a time) sniffles
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i don't think people are bashing you for sharing your negative experience. i think alot of people are mad at you for making false accusations about them being fake poster . i mean think about it your doing the same thing to them by discreditng their whole experienced by saying its not real . That's alittle hypocritical to me by saying the only your experienced should be validated and others aren't just important. Nobody here has ever accuse you of being fake and maybe you should just give people the benefit of the doubt ?
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Well Dawn Yang inspired me Caused she went from an ugly duckling to a beauty Queen. And it just gave me hope for someone as ugly as myself

i don't plan on doing my surgeries for another two years cause im still researching it carefully /
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