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asian nose job 2

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hey kain :smile:

so... i pulled (i felt the suture w a q-tip and kinda forced it out and immediately regretted it) out a piece of blue thread from my right nostril last night and the right side of my nose feels sooooo much better. the right side of my nose doesn't feel as tight and it takes a lot less effort to flare my nostril.

do you think i pulled out the suture that's holding the implant down??!!!

PHEW~ i'm so glad to hear that the feeling eventually goes away! i'm still feeling a lot of pressure/contraction on my tip especially and was wondering if it would ever go away. good to have a time frame in mind :smile:

i don't think it's the septi nasi. mine was cut but my smile and lip position is exactly same as pre-surgery.

btw kain, i really appreciate your posts. you're always very honest and fair, not to mention informative :smile:
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how long do you plan on waiting before taking out your implants?

congratulations on your new look! it's great that you can be so open and honest about plastic surgery :smile:

where did you get your surgery?

sorry to hear about slow deswelling. many of the forumers have mentioned that the tip remains swollen the longest. so maybe it's still too early to tell? my tip is still really swollen as well :sad:
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I AM SO SORRY!!!!!!!:blush:
i made a mistake about my scar from the fascia graft.

since i can't actually see the scar, i tried to measure what i FELT was the scar.
but after everyone posting how much smaller their scar was i had a friend take a closer look. what i also included in the measurement was the area that was shaved (i think) in order for the fascia to be grafted. that area has tiny prickly hair growing out and it was also raised so i assumed that the scar extended to that region as well. but it doesn't. it's just swollen/raised from the trauma but there is no incision scar there.

i am very sorry for posting inaccurate information. i definitely deserve one of these --> :lecture:

but the actual scar/bald spot is pretty big still. i'm going to try to post a picture of it. i'm holding a quarter next to my scar/bald spot. US quarter has a 1 inch circumference. so from the picture it looks like my scar is about 3 inches long and about 0.5 inches wide. if you don't know how big a quarter is, you can reference my finger nail :smile:

it's been over 4 weeks since my fascia was harvested but there is no sign of hair regrowth. the swollen region (you can't see in the picture because my hair is covering it) that was shaved (??) has new baby hair growing from it already...
does anyone know how long before i can expect hair? or is this going to be a gigantic bald spot? :sad:

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again, my mistake.
i should've been more clear in my previous post.

during my consultation with dr. lee, he DID NOT mention anything about fascia. the only time fascia came up was when i asked him about diced cartilage wrapped with fascia. and his response was "fascia is only for people with thin skin" and rejected fascia + diced cartilage as an implant choice for me. we never discussed fascia (apart from the diced cartilage method).

in fact, fascia was recommended by joAnn during my second consultation with her, on the morning of the surgery. she let me know that it would give me a more natural result.

then inside the surgery room, i was going over the main points of my surgery with dr. lee and he saw fascia written on my form and asked me why i wanted it. so i told him that i wanted a more natural result (i remembered reading on the forum that sometimes you can see the outline of the silicone through the skin or it shines through in sunlight). he then let me know that he didn't think i needed it... but when i told him that joanne had recommended it, he nodded and said "ok".

so, dr. lee did not know about fascia until seconds before the surgery.

and if he had told me that he didn't think i needed it, despite joanne's recommendation, i definitely would NOT have gotten fascia. who wants an unnecessary incision site?

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okay, i'll pm you my email.
i can't give you a certain answer but i can try to help you analyse it if its possible

okay, thanks. i'll email him when i have time and i'll post if i find any new info.


she looks kinda like a bunny rabbit. amazing transformation: human to bunny rabbit :biggrin:

i dont see how its possible for the upper bridge to be soft since you have nasal bone there -.-
the mid nose isnt soft (unless you were born with very little cartilage there, but i'm talking about a naturally high nose), its semi-hard because there is a transition from bone to hard cartilage. so while it is still relatively hard, it is more flexible compared to the upper bridge
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@jesse00: sorry to ask. beside the scar, how is ur nose jesse, is it stiff as other people's? Before i were so certain that I want rib done for my nose, but now I don't know what to do anymore. Can anyone tell me that what s the good material for nj?
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I guess my nasal bone between the eyes where the bridge is supposed to start must be really low, because when I touch it, that area is really fleshy, like there's too much meat vs. bone or cartilage. The rest of my nose is fine though, for that I'm thankful LOL. I'd die for a higher radix area, with more depth and more contouring for the eyes, that would be perfect.
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Angleplane, your posts are always so calm and informative. I really cannot thank you enough, just like everybody else here (ie Kain), you guys are really helpful for those of us with concerns.

I will take my time to look at all those clinics you have mentioned and not jump into anything that I might regret.

You're so lucky to have a translator! I hope when I get to Korea, I'll find someone to help me out so I don't come off as some dumb foreigner.

I also sympathize with what you're going through: going all the way Europe to Korea, spending all that money but only to regret your choices. Don't worry about this forum, all the bickering and whatever else, it all means nothing. Who knows if VIP is somehow engineering this thread or if they're involved in some other way. Either way, don't give up. You're a strong lady and you'll get through this.
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What? You don't like it spicy? LOL. I think he looks good, he looks sharp, maybe sharper if he keeps himself clean shaven.
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Are your friends and family supportive of your surgeries? You seem so at ease with being so forward and honest about what you are doing, that sort of attitude is really cool!

So your doc just put an implant there? Did he shave off any of your jaw bone (reduction) or cut your chin and moved its position?

A sliding chin-job is what I want to do. I want to avoid implants and use my own bone structure, move my chin slightly forward so I can get a stronger "butt-chin" effect, to look more manly.

Plus my chin over the last 5 or so years has deviated slightly, when I smile hard it's pointier to my left side than to my right. Not sure how they'd fix that.
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