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asian nose job 2

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It's apparent that you're going to defend your reasoning and defend vip whether it be over one point or multiple points that you disagree with and I will continue to disagree with you so we'll just leave it as that. yes, i see that you try to be rational and tell me that Ps is for the most part not a necessity. I don't disagree with you on that fact. again, i'm going to repeat that the main point is that when a doctor is inclined to follow along a proposal of an office manager/wife (which i don't know why she would have such authority like proposing treatments and collecting payment without the consent of a doctor in the first place) should send a big red flag. Maybe if Joann was a doctor then I wouldn't have so much problem with it. Anyhow, I can go on and on but like juicyme said, we should agree to disagree. We each have our own opinion in looking at vip so I see this endless back and forth and you analyzing everything line by line is pointless, whether is has been disputed or not. What we can agree or should agree on is that a patient needs to take a step back, think it through, question what is presented/proposed to them before leaving your face/body in the hands of someone else or be manipulated by a hard-selling office manager, who IMO is money-hungry, to decide what they need and the doctor just agreeing to go along with it.

@tonyjim--there are plenty of other clinics beside vip that speak english. perhaps not the staff but the doctor speaks English. I had the same mentality as you after reading this forum, thinking vip is the only place where i will feel safe and be hassle-free. It is not hard to get a hotel in seoul for the hotel staff will usually speak English. If you need to take a cab, just show them the address and most of the time, they can look it up in their gps and will get you there. Don't feel that you are limited to one particular clinic because of this forum. I can't emphasize enough that people need to consult with several doctors before making their decision. If angleplane's experience/reviews aren't enough to tell you this, I don't know what will.

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Heidi what a major improvements on the before and after pics . i bet your one lil hot mama now that the swelling has gone down :graucho: Dawn Yang was also one of my inspiration to do the Plastic Surgery but since im a guy it doesn't really help me. But i did found a Korean pop artist named Hwan Hee that really inspired me http://popseoul.com/2007/05/17/say-hi-to-hwanhees-new-nose-eyes-and-girl/ /
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That's true that maybe rib isn't needed for everyone. Anyways, thanks for the informative post. There's a lot more research ahead of me to help me decide where I want to go.
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That dude looks like a latino/Asian mixed blood after the surgery. LOL, the difference is so much it's not even funny. I wonder where he went to.
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Yeah you are right. I should try and email as many clinics as I can ahead of time so I can gauge whether or not they're going to take me on. VIP just makes it so easy though because they have Joanne, I'm not sure if other clinics are so readily able to accept foreign patients.
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You looks adorable. A day and night difference. You're totally eurasian now.

What did you do with your chin? Was it just an implant?
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@tonyjim some people like major changes and some just like a subtle change. But to each their own i guess everybody has different taste and ideas of beauty. He looks eurasian to me since alot of times eurasian sometimes passed for that amibigous latino look /

i think he probably did his surgery in Korea since he is a korean pop singer.
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I prefer his nose now, but i prfer his overall look before.
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I like the changes he has made, even though I'm not totally for the Asian > Eurasian type of changes. It looks good on him, it works without looking fake.

Which clinic he went into Korean is what I want to know. A celebrity trade secret I suppose.
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He was "cute" to begin with but now he's more hot and stud-like. Not sure what's not to like about that (not that I would know since I'm a guy).

You know what he looks like now? That guy from matchbox20, Rob Thomas!
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i was thinking the same thing before he looked like a young baby faced boy and now he is like older looking with a masculine appeal to him.

and yeah he reminds me of the Asian version on matchbox20 RobThomas :P
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He looks mexican when he grows out his facial hair
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