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asian nose job 2

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By the way, on Soompi, Cozycot or SinaporeExpats forums, I have never seen forumers being discredited for sharing their experience. On this thread, there is obviously a manipulative person, and by calling me "devil" or "Steven Spielberg" or saying "we don't know what happened with her and VIP" (we also don't know what's going on between you and VIP) or she is "twisting" facts. You are clearly blaming and accusing me in a very unfair way, and that shows that you do your best to prevent people from posting anything negative against VIP. I don't know who would feel comfortable posting their entire experience at VIP, when we get reactions like yours after. I met many VIP patients who were not satisfied of their nose after the cast was off, even though I only stayed 21 days in Korea, but none of them voiced it on the forum.
So, for those, who are still unsure about going to this clinic, the best advice is to go there and talk to other patients who did their nose there. As only the satisfied patients are not attacked on this forum.
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@angleplane: please continue to post your experience and ignore all those attacking posts. They are not worth spending time to reply. I am sure a lot of forumer (me included) appreciate what you share and the forum becomes much more informative now than before when VIP patients just came here to chit chat and promote VIP...
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i agree with what you said, but there is just one thiing that stands out to me.

and then you repeat this:
destiny is not satisfied with her nose (she regrets getting plastic surgery at all), cindy is not either. when jesse was initially unsatisfied with her nose, she was not attacked and neither was milkyway. iirc townstory and bbgurly went back for revisions as well.

you are the only person that i can remember being "attacked" on the forum and its just by one person. other people have disagreed with you (forummers and past patients), and some have been unfriendly, but you have been treated differently from most forummers imo. i don't recall any other forummer who was treated in a fashion similar to the way you are treated. so i dont see how the statement that "only the satisfied patients are not attacked on this forum" is true.
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We are not attacking her :smile: But there is just some incorrect information. I, mr. rawdude, kain,ect. were at VIP and we also did the nose job too. Most of them were happy with it. It was a surgery, you know. You will never expect it will be 100% like what you dream of.

In my case, VIP did almost like 80% what I expected ;). And once again, we did not receive advertisement from them. I just feel to speak up whatever we experienced.

Here is my 9th week. And yes, the tip is still big. But I think after 2 months, the tip will get smaller very slow :smile: It will take 6 months to get final result for "rib" nose


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@kain : I think jenstar was discouraged from posting (which is a shame because her posts were very informative), reddelicious posted something and others answered "no one told you to go there", I'm not sure the exact wording. Anyway, it is obvious that it is not comfortable to say negative things about this clinic, and when the others you mentioned complained a little, they did it in a very subtle way or in such a way that anyway, every one thought they were just impatient and could not wait until the swelling went down, or it was just their particular case. I don't understand why you always keep on saying that people are not discouraged from posting negative experiences when it is obvious that it is the case. Maybe, one needs to experience things themselves to see what others mean. Maybe, you also feel disapproved when people say the clinic is not so good.

@boyinokc : you are handsome. But I have to say that profile pictures always look good, in every clinic. My post VIP nose was also looking good (that's why I was saying beautiful nose) on the profile view . But in my case, on the front view, it was very bad (as shadows on each sides of the bridge, one bump from the osteotomy that I still currently have, too much nostrils show, the part under the columella looked fatty like the picture I posted before, the nose's skin did not move at all, and my smile was entirely deformed and the strut and other grafts were pulling my muscles as I smiled -still the case as I'm writing this post now-). I did not fly back to Korea to spend USD5000 (+ airplane tocket USD1500) just for the fun to change nose or to go under the knife. My biggest hope was to remove all the rib grafts. I am also currently broke for at least 2, 3 months until I can recover for these financial expenses.

Anyway, thank you for sharing your picture, it is very generous of you. Also, you're a male, so your experience might be different. Also, how do you live the stiffness of the nose ?
I'd like to see a picture of the front view (before and after) with your maximum smile in both pictures. But only if you feel comfortable posting them, otherwise I understand if you refused for privacy reasons.
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@winterntht : thanks :smile: I don't answer just for an attack toward me (you're right, it could be a lost of time to answer) but I could not let unanswered Rawdude's false insinuations or attempts to re-direct the trend of this forum toward the purpose he thinks it should have: a pro-VIP forum, for "VIPians" to use his own terms.

But I will post my experience (unless I suddenly lack time) of my third trip to Korea for the total removal of all rib grafts remaining in my nose.
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hi everyone !
to lighten up the forum, I thought about posting this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsWrY77o77o
Maybe those who are Vietnamese and have been to the US would laugh even more.
It is a bit related to the forum, as instead of the "long nails", you can replace it by "fat graft or genioplasty" and instead of "$6 more" you can replace it by "only $5000 more" "no problem".
the "honey" doesn't change, as to the "crooked nail" you can replace by your face or "it is the swelling"
Also, Joann doesn't have a Vietnamese accent of course.
Enjoy !
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i think he might have got the medical name wrong. i was talking to him by email and i dont think he means the jaw area. it has more to do with the mouth (which is why it includes braces) but i'll let him decide whether he discloses that or not.

btw, was he at the clinic around the same time that you were? from one of his previous posts, i sorta got that impression but i'm not sure.
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@Kain : Lol, it's cool that you do all the researches, as I did not know what reddelicious was talking about as I didn't read the forum that much at that time.
Anyway, the complaints are subtle because they are saying facts and they do not say explicitly that VIP has done a bad job, they say it is their situation at the time they write the post, so maybe it could just be their skin, their nose etc.
As for the not so good, it did not imply that I thought VIP was the best, it means it does not always give good results.

Also, you seem to say that I had too high expectations. But, I think I was realistic about my case, I gave up about rhinoplasty since 2009 (3 years), but then I made some research and heard about Korea, then I ended up on this forum and Joann said on the phone "Dr Lee thinks you REALLY need a rhinoplasty" while my Indian surgeon said not much more could be done to improve my nose. And now, I can tell he was right, because my nostril asymmetry (my main concern with their triangular shape) has still not been fixed ! Even in Korea. If Joann did not write to me in her email, after I sent a picture of Park Shi Yeon "Dr Lee said it's possible to have your desired nose" I would not have been so enthusiastic about the clinic, and I was in the euphoria of this forum even after the surgery until all tapes were off and I actually saw my rib nose. Also, when I arrived at the consultation Dr Lee was really put off that I even showed the pictures of Park Shi Yeon which I understand, he said "her nose is too different" but if I was not misleaded by Joann's email, I would have only made drawings of nose features.
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kain, you have way too much time in your hand. i didn't respond to your non-stop rebuttals because it was pointless and i have no time or desire to go back page by page and analyze line by line what was said and what wasn't. Instead of just accepting the fact that vip works the way i stated, which is the office manager making the decision for the doctor, you have to make it out that i am fabricating that fact about them because of your "putting words into dr. lee's mouth". Although you come across as very rational and always use quotes, research, etc to back you up, there's obvious a bias in your comments for you are partial to vip, despite trying to sound impartial. I was bringing out one very important, alarming fact about vip but you took it to a debate about each word i said. Things i said was not anything that dr. lee didn't say, maybe not word for word but it was paraphrasing. You are speculating also when you say that dr. lee would not do this or dr. lee would not do that. for ex. you were quick to say dr. lee knew coming into surgery that he was going to do fascia for jesse00 but had to retract that. Whatever i said has been backed by jesse00 and angleplane but yet you can't get over the fact that i added one or two words to what he said although it didn't change anything. yes, in a minimal way, you discourage people, imo, from posting negative comments about vip more than you realize due to your incessant "rebuttals". I have to agree with everyone in the fact that you have been a great asset to this forum for i have taken your advice while i was doing my research. However, i feel that you are partial toward vip and defend them in a subdued style. i know you will comment back using quotes from pages WAY back and still say i put words into dr. lee's mouth but it doesn't change the fact that at vip, the doctor is overpowered by an office manager and he'll possibly go into the surgery room and not knowing that he'll do a certain procedure for a patient until seconds before. i don't want to go back and forth with you anymore..you can copy and paste quotes all you want, like you always do and be all analytical down to each letter and word but i'm not interested.
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I think this forum was more fun n friendly before. Do we really need all these drama in this virtual platform? Give me some time. I'll try to search pics of my pre-op nose right up to the 3rd nj I've had. U guys judge it urself. Enuff said.
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