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asian nose job 2

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i am vietnamese and she make me laugh so hard lol, thank you
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Now you are putting words into my mouth. I never said dr lee was against fascia 100%. I said initially, he said fascia was not necessary in jess00's case, I did not say he is against fascia in general. Fascia is proposed based upon the specific case. It's like paranasals aren't for everyone but it appears that it's proposed for just about everyone getting rhinoplasty at VIP. Anyway, because it was proposed by Joann he did it, otherwise we wouldn't have this debate so to speak. How is what I said, putting words in his mouth? Jesse00 even said if dr lee stuck to what he said in the beginning which is it wasn't needed in her case instead of going by Joann's proposal she wouldve never consented to it and now have that huge scar.

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well said megoreng, even tho im glad you guy give us ur honest feed back and i do disagree with VIP clinic at some point but it's not really worth for all the argument, first it rawdude and angleplan now it jenstar and kain, all of u guys been give us very valuable information but this thread is for nose job information not u rit or im rit, i have no comment on rawdude vs angleplan, but about jenstar and kain i think it just a miss understand between u guys, since i think jenstar is a little over react, just my 2 cents
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hahaha.. Thanks angleplane. All I saying is that under bite problem.

Here is the video that is almost like my case:


You don't really see my problem when I close my mouth, but when I have a big smile, you will see it :smile: And I hate it hahahhaa...And my orthodontist really recommend me to do it to make my braces. Well, being hurt for a year, and beautiful smile for the rest of my life:roflmfao: why not?
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wow that look hurt, well my bf have braces in nov last year and he lost like 20lb, since have to go see his orthodontist every month, and after every visit he couldnt eat for a week, so basically drink soup for a week every month, but his case look like not like your he just have to bring down his two vampire teeth :cool:
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@boyinckc Thanks for sharing your pics i really appreciated it even though you didn't have to . im really jealous and green with envy.:greengrin:

Now since you don't have a before and after pics i can't really tell if it an improvement. Was your nose flat or wide and bubous before ?

i think your tip looks good where it's at right now . imo big noses look good and more natural on guys than having a more defined tip.
i'd be happy if my nose could look like that/

Gosh now your are making me want to do my nose at VIP / :P
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Sorry for the late reply. Now I know who he is...I didn't know that Taeyang was a celebrity before. LOL. Well, I chose my username after my fave icecream: haagen dazs' s dulce de leche... XD Taeyang must be as sweet and yummy as the icecream. :graucho:
I'm really happy for you. I guess it takes mental effort and time to get used to a face-changing procedure such as a nose job. Thanks again for sharing your experience.

Btw forgot to say before, I think you're really brave for going on that show and also for what you said on the show as well...

lol, he's a cutie! he looks more asian than you now, lol... anyway i'd holla if I was in australia but I'm from california. :P

Yea, I don't want my top lip to get longer and don't want it covering my teeth when i smile or anything like that. But I'm glad to hear that after you heal, it does gets better and goes back to how it was b4. For me, I basically want to make my bridge and radix higher, but I don't wanna get my tip done cus I like it the way it is, it is kinda pointy. But I'm kinda afraid that if i get my radix and bridge enhanced but not the tip, the tip might end up looking flat/less projected. :/

I wanna get a chin implant or sliding chin surgery as well. I know what you mean by your lips looking more pouty bc of your chin implant and your chin is pushed forward. I push my chin forward in front of the mirror and my lips do look more pouty when i do that and my face looks slightly more defined.
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Your nose looks great.

Thanks Destiny.
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As for the debate rawdude vs angleplane. I think I juste shared my rhinoplasty experience and he came along to discredit me, I just defended myself.

I want to say that those who went through the VIP Malaysia branch (Kuala Lampur) are extremely biased. That includes Megoreng. By the way, whether she's from Singapore or Malaysia does not matter, as Singapore is touching Malaysia anyway (check a world map).
So, the customers from the Maylaisian VIP branch gather, meet up and then, they all go together to Korea. They are taken in charge, while they would pay much less if they just went by themselves, but I can understand that it is scary to go to a country one has never been to before. So, they gather and there's a guy, a sales manager (who's main business is to make money by sending customers to VIP clinic) who will brainwash the girls and say how much Dr Lee is the BEST. That's why at the beginning, in my post around June 6th and after (even though I think I'm usually a rational person) I kept on repeating Dr Lee is the "best" just like this guy said. Yes, I met him and some girls from Malaysia (or Singapore) because I shared a room in the Officetel with one of the girls and the manager was with them and was about to bring them to go shopping.
So, he came into the room and said "Joann told us you are from Europe, that you hesitate about the mandibular surgery at their clinic"..."Dr Lee is the BEST...I have made lots of research in Korea, he is the only one I would send my customers to...you should do your genioplasty and mandibular surgeries at VIP...Dr Lee has done conferences...another doctor came to him and say "I have nothing to teach you"....you don't want to go to a different clinic for each procedure (but VIP is overpriced and not even specialized in these other procedures, the doctor just does everything)...you don't want to have a nose from one clinic, a facial contour from another, and end up with a face out of proportion...trust Dr Lee for your face...you're going to be put to sleep several times...you don't want that...you want to be safe". The guy seems genuine, so you want to believe him, like Joann seems genuine, but all they're after is making more money because it is their business, they don't really care about your face. Overall, if I gave my entire face to Dr Lee, I think I would have ended with a more male-ish or "strong" face to use a word Koreans use. I would have looked less feminine, but more operated looking "wannabe caucasian" and less attractive because I just looked mixed, but ugly (with high bridge -noticeably fake as not smoothly curved- and deformed facial expressions when I smiled or made cute faces).
Anyway, after talking to him, I also was afraid about going to several doctors and the facial harmony, so he seriously made me consider the zygoma+mandibular surgery at VIP (that's also why I did the CT scans there) but after my consultation at Smallface, I knew that my researches for months could not mistaken me and I did not want to change my mind at the last minute because Joann said "you're chin is TOO retruded"... "you NEED fat grafts on your forehead" (just USD5000 and USD1500 extra, no problem). Sometimes, she even says to patients "Dr Lee will see during the operation if you need alarplasty", fat graft or any other procedure. Then, you wake up from surgery, not knowing that your bill has raised by a USD5000 or just a USD1500. I made clear that I wanted no other procedures done than the USD9000 rhinoplasty and paranasal I paid for.

So, what I waned to say is that VIPians from the Malaysia branch are all comforting each other that Dr Lee is the best, they gather, and they team up and express their gratitude on the forum or just participate in the rebuttals and it makes the entire forum a common Skype for their gathering and impressions sharing, then, all other clinics are excluded and it's not an "Asian nose job" thread anymore but an after sales service for that clinic. I also have the impression that the guy who opened the VIP branch in Malaysia reads this forum, and maybe takes part in it directly or indirectly. It's his entire business after all, to bring customers to VIP, so he should have the time to do it.

Also, I think the forum is more informative now, and less about who knows who and who's going to meet up and what one thinks of another's look or surgery. Whether it is less friendly should not matter for the one who is in the process of taking a major decision for their life, it only matters for those who would have liked to have an after sales service on this forum and share about their healing process from their surgery at one particular clinic.

Also, don't be mistaken by before and after pics, my nose looked nothing like the nose I wanted to have from a VIP patient on their before and after pics, even though I thought my nose was similar to her before nose. They will just do whatever possible with your own nose and it is the same for all clinics. I understand that one wants to fly to Korea only if they're almost sure of which surgeon they are going to go to, and they don't want to fly to Korea for two weeks and end up having no scheduled surgery. Don't worry, clinics in Seoul would operate you right after you walk in the clinic or the next day even with famous surgeons. There are thousands of plastic surgery clinics and they are too scared to lose the money of one potential customer. When Joann seems to say that the schedule is full, it is a lie, it is just a technique to make you book a surgery date. They also do that at Teuim (good for eyes according to Soompi forum), they say you must leave USD500 otherwise your spot will be gone and you won't be operated before you leave Korea, but it is not true. My advice : be sure of at least 2 or 3 clinics for each procedures (eg: Regen, Dr Jung, 101, April31, JW clinic), have a consultation with each of them to have an advice of each doctor (very valuable, you will see that after surgery, talking to the doctor is a privilege) and only, then, make a decision. Making a decision from internet researches, it is like making a decision with only 20% of all the information. You get so much information from a doctor's consultation, you'd be amazed, like I was. I thought I knew enough when I arrived in Korea, and I realized that I knew too little and made a mistake to follow blindly one surgeon's aesthetic view point. I only had one consultation and was operated 2 days after my arrival. That's also to avoid you making other consultations, that Joann will do her best to have you operated very early when you arrive.
As for finding Koreans clinics : my trick is to print/write the address in English, go to a Korean who's an English speaker (tourist point at the airport for example), make them write the exact same address in Korean, you give it to the taxi (and if it is in the Apujeong/Sinsa area, the cost of the taxi is less than USD 2.5, which is KRW 2400). So, I took the subway to the Apujeong area and gave the address written in Korean to taxis (there are tons of Taxis in the Apujeong area). I could even pay taxis with my credit card, when all Korean ATM refused my card, I could only withdraw at Citibank and Sinshan bank (and only from their "global ATM").
Also, the subway is super easy to take, the vending machine speaks English, and using it is the same as using a subway in NYC or London, there's a line number/ line color, with a final destination and several stops in between.
As for going to Seoul from the airport. You go out of the airport, follow the "bus sign", then you see tickets cashiers, they all speak English, you say you want to go to this neighborhood of Seoul, they tell you go to 5A are (it's all indicated, you just have to follow signs), you pay them KRW15000 (USD15) and then you have your ticket and you wait for the bus number (eg : 6600) they have told you to take at the 5A area. then, you go on the bus. They will drop you in the middle of the area you wanted to go. You have no idea where you are. At this moment, just have your address written in Korean with you, give it to the taxi and there you are at the final destination.
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To go back to the mandibular surgery, they really made me feel guilty for not doing theses procedures at their clinic even though when I said to Joann the day before that I did not want to do the genioplasty, she said there was no problem at all, but in retrospective, she must have been boiling within her that I was not going to spend another USD5000 at their clinic (and USD2500 for zygoma pushing in, and USD6000 for long mandibular cut - I did all this for USD10 000 at another clinic, I did not touch the chin though-). Joann would always make my appointments with Smallface clinic clash, if she truly cared about me as a patient she would not have done so. Only one time, she told me to go to Smallface, when it was my last day in Korea and I said my mandibular hurt so I wanted to make sure before leaving.
Anyway, from the beginning, I had to justify to Joann how I went to Smallface because I made researches for months, as if I was guilty for choosing another clinic. When I said "a Korean lady said in Korea, we like small chins", then, she said "Oh, I understand you now". As if I had to say that for them to judge me differently, again because of this CT scan cost. But, such a cost even if it was USD300, it would have been beneficial for them to do it if I changed my mind at the last minute and paid USD5000. Anyway, I read few posts after my surgery on this thread or Cozycot and one patient said that VIP don't even do the CT scan anymore as they don't always consider it necessary, but that's just not professional because this is when asymmetry are done. So, to save the CT scan money, they take the risk t have less data as they're operating the patient.

@boyinokc: I know some Vietnamese people who also have an underbite, my sister has one, but she can live with it (very slight).
By the way, I think I've seen all the double jaw surgeries using the same Youtube videos (from 33pd youtube user), I wanted to do a anterior segmental osteotomy ASO, but Dr Lee Seung Chan (Smallface clinic -specialized in facial contour, see Cozycot forum-) said I did not need it, so did her salesperson consultant -who also said I did not need forehead fat graft, contrary to Joann's suggestions-. I don't think I will want to do ASO because it will just make me look like someone else. I don't want to look different, I want to look a better myself. Also, when I see the recovery of mandibular+rhinoplasty+eyelid surgery, there are trade offs and I feel that my tissues are scarring, I think I should not do anymore major surgeries, because I am already fine the way I look now.
As for the doctor's choice : Dr Baek (outside Seoul) is world renown for jaw surgery, I found his name by reading scientific journals and reviews in which he was a co-author, but you have to reserve a surgery date six month in advance as his schedule is always fully booked with Korean patients. Also, he will send you to other doctors he knows if you want to be operated quickly (over the summer) [email protected] (he might not answer though, as he's very busy).
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Err.. Would some one pls help me out here.. Wat hv I done to deserve such accusation? Nvthless I'm nt interested, I just thought I could share some of my pre n post pics for those who r considering a nj. Had silicon n now rib. if no one is interested then all the more better, save my time on doing such non-productive stuffs.

To all: hope u guys can see wats happening here. Y would so many participants try to clarify watever is going on in this forum or bother rebutting certain issues brought up.

To those who understands sg's lingo. "lim peh nt interested in arguing w this siao char bor, jia ba Bo dai ji zo"

Oh there's smthing I hv to agree, she DAMN imaginative! Male manager? Charged less? Sg team? Msia team?? Hello? When I first got there I was alone n didn't even have a single cent/dime/penny/watever of Korean won. If I had frens w me, I wouldn't had to pay for my cup noodles using card for my dinner. I spoke about this incident 1 night b4 my surgery on the forum. Don't believe then search for my post.
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