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asian nose job 2

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For the record, n the benefit of the ignorant, sg n msia r 2 different countries. Geographically we r linked by 2 bridges for accessibility. However the governments r not the same n fyi, we hv jus elected our 7th president.
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@megoreng : It is easy to say that you were about to post your before and after pics, when you've never done so up until now. The only times you intervened on the forum was to say "angleplane don't attack me, I'm passing by" or "someone please help me out here". It's also easy to give lectures to others, but do you really think it is of any interest to anyone ? It is a rhinoplasty forum. So, instead of paying attention to small talks, just go straight to the point and ignore others, just write your own experience and then, we would be able to say that you genuinely contribute to the forum.
Also, why do you use the word "imaginative", if the male manager/sales representative from VIP Malaysian branch did not exist, I think it would be easy to prove me wrong.
And congratulations for your knowledge of your own country's presidents, maybe that should impose your respect, I guess. I think everyone knows (at least Asians) that Singapore and Malaysia are two different countries, and congratulations for saying that integrity and sincerity is more important than physical appearance, because without you I think people would not have known. Also, who are you to judge, I am sure that with your rib nose that has transformed your face, you don't tell people what you did, like Heidi has the honesty to do.
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@megoreng: Also, if you say you didn't come with the Malaysian VIP branch, then, maybe it's true. About your own experience, you know better than anyone else. I don't even know if I met you. I did not memorize all the persons I've met in the Officetel room my first night there, as I was talking to this male manager (I think the boss -or guy that opened the branch- of VIP Malaysia). Also, share your experience with us, if you have enough integrity, it will help all those who are looking for their surgeons and it would prove me wrong when I say that your posts are just about discrediting me or commenting on others' posts.
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Later guys and gals. I'm done with this forum. Good luck and best wishes to those getting your rhinoplasty. Thanks to everyone who has shared their experiences with me and helped me get through my first month. I couldn't have done it without this forum.

Take care. PEACE!
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First of all, agressivity is the weapon of the weak.
@Hher : I know you obviously would have liked this forum more if it was all about VIP patients, so the main subject of the discussion would have been how VIP patients heal because you also had your surgery at VIP.

If it was all about me, I would have tried to be approved by people and maybe try to mirror myself in others' opinion, but it hasn't been the case. All I did was sharing as much as I knew so people can make an informed choice. But of course, when I advice others about clinic choices you must be bored.

If rebuttals are not enough, maybe insulting was the only solution you found. And others laughing at it... All I can say it is that it lacks empathy and maturity. You may say that I do not have these virtues but at least I try to behave in a such a way that I respect everyone.

Also, it's just a forum where people share experiences, how can you lose your self control ? I think the spoiled and narcissist person is more you, at least, from reading your last post.

Finally, I don't think the world is against me at all, as several persons sent me private messages saying that they had a lot of information from my posts and that I should keep on sharing them. I lose time to share the info I gathered, but if it can benefit others, I think the time I've spent writing the post is not such a loss. The vision you have is from what you can read on this forum, or from your own viewpoint. The only persons that may be against me are those who are satisfied of their experience at VIP and sent their before and after pictures to others, and now, may feel offended by the fact that I say the clinic is not that good. Also, my posts may also annoy those who want to talk about the rib nose healing process from VIP, but apart from that I think none of the readers are against me, and anyway, it wouldn't matter because again, I have revealed no personal information about myself, I only talked about my plastic surgery researches and my experience at Korean clinics.
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wow, you're good with words and most impressive manipulation tactics. I hope you heal up REAL good, babe. Wishing you nothing but the very best for the MOST informative person on this forum. toodles! :tup:
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Hi megoreng, could you kindly post up pictures of your nose after you had a silicone implant put in pretty please??? Would love to see them and I would definitely appreciate it very much! Also, which doctor did you do your silicone nose job with? Was he any good?
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gd call. i always respected kain as he is very observant and analytical., by far very genuine posts. not siding anybody. even he disagreed with me sometimes, i still say he is best poster on this thread and has been giving very constructive n accurate information.
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I don't know how I could have manipulated anything by sharing my entire experience. I have exposed myself entirely, giving every tool possible for people to say that I was saying things that were not true if that was the case. But everything I have written were what happened when I was in Korea.
It seems that we have to talk about VIP in a positive manner or you suddenly all VIPians want to leave, give up (like capricious kids).
By the way, I am not good with words, it's just that I am coherent in what I have said and all I have done is sharing my experience about clinics (of course the one about VIP comes up more often as I want to answer to related things with my experience, it's not that I want to talk about me, but how can I contribute differently than by sharing my own experience -when it's related to the question-?)

As for rawdude's attacks...I sometimes don't understand what he writes in his posts. But anyway, they're too biased.
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Also, didn't rawdude say he didn't want to argue anymore ? If you had integrity, you would stand by your word and stop arguing.
Can't we just move on to rhinoplasty (or at least things related to Korean clinics or surgeries) ?
As soon as he saw an opportunity to argue against my posts, he jumped right onto it. I doubt that he is here not to support VIP clinic, and in that way, discrediting negative posts about this clinic when they come up.
If this thread is going to be about you or other VIPians discrediting me or arguing for the next 5 pages...I think many pages are going to be skipped by the readers as this is not the objective of that thread.
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megoreng i would love to see some of ure before and after pics if ure comfortable. despite all this drama, i think many of us here kno that many patients from vip have been very helpful and open in this forum. and at least i can say i appreciate that :smile:
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here is more info for anyone interested
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