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asian nose job 2

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Wow! So many beautiful post-op noses. Thanks for sharing ur pics, megoreng, bisousx and boyinokc :woohoo: Cant wait for my turn - just another one more month to go. Am getting nervous now. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly and I wud have a suitable beautiful nose like all of you here :love:
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You mean for like health insurance in case something goes wrong? I thought about that and found out that my health insurance in the US covers emergencies. I couldn't find out if the insurance is cancelled if the emergency is a result of an elective surgery, but I don't think it is. I'd like to know if anyone has more info.
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Hey Migoo. Yes that's what I meant. I've been searching online furiously and it's been very tough to find a valid travel cover. From what I understand, if the surgery is elective the medical part of the cover becomes void - and the insurance voided.
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hey winternth!

are you getting your implants removed?
i think azn kid is going to be in korea around the same time as you...
she also mentioned meeting up with a few others.
you should pm her :smile:

did you decide on a clinic yet?

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Yikes. Do you have a link for that? Good thing nothing happened during mine, but if I went back for something else I might have to think twice.
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Hi jesse00, yeah, I am going to have all the grafts removed to get back my natural nose, I cannot stand a fake nose anymore. I have been researching nose job for long time but sadly, I didn't know that an operated nose is never the same as a natural nose until I got mine done. Even if you use autogeneous tissues like ear/septal cartilage, your nose tip is still hard and now I am always scared of bumping on my nose, I start feeling jealous with all of those people who have soft tip and can squeeze their tip...

On another note, after my rhinoplasty, I think I can tell if someone has a nose job (except for those who only have reduction without using any grafts or implants), no matter how natural their nose looks...And something that looks operated always looks ugly to me. I wish somebody had told me this before I had my nose done ,sigh...

@azn kid: I don't know how to post message but if you are going to be in Seoul around the same time, it would be nice to meet up?
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Hi ^^

How long has it been? I am 8 months post op and my tip is very soft! >.< and I was wondering how your nose looks so operated? Does it look like there is a straight rod in your nose?
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@JuicyMe: I am more than 1 month post-op but I am sure it is not going to change much. My nose now looks the same as 2 weeks post-op, maybe a little bit smaller.
What graft material do you have in your tip? And when you say it's soft, do you mean that it's as soft as a natural nose that you can squeeze it or it's just soft to the touch? I have ear+septal cartilage in my tip and my tip is hard. I can move it fom side to side but I cannot press it down or push it up.
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I have ear cartilage in my tip. It's soft like my nose before, doesn't feel hard at all. My bridge is obviously harder than the tip but my nose just looks really natural (a bit too natural that I want to fix it and make it more defined/pointy/sharp) I can press down~ and I can push it up~ Not to the extent of a piggy nose, but def can push it up. I never did a piggy nose anyway.

Maybe the septal makes it harder? Anyway... I'm sorry you're so upset :sad: I hope everything works out & keep us updated!
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This is just one example but on this site it states "
Policies have specific exclusions such as;

  • cosmetic procedures
  • non-emergency dental treatment
  • pre-existing medical conditions
  • attendance at any hospital in last 12 months
  • anticipation of any treatment or investigations or treatment in the future
  • being on the waiting list for in-patient or ay-patient treatment
  • traveling against medical advice."
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Well, dear winter.... :smile: If you are in USA, I don't recommend you to go to Korea for teeth because I realize that USA is one of the best country for teeth such as braces. Korean braces is ok too, but I think the braces in USA always the best. It is just my opinion.

But for Asian nose, I highly recommend Korea :P:cool:.
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