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asian nose job 2

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hey everyone, i've not posted much since my rhinoplasty with banobagi in May. its' been almost 3 months post-op. and everything looks pretyy good soo far.
Dr.Lee did exactly what i told him to do (minimum height, minimum weir reduction and minimum tip reduction), let me assure you that a little bit of change can really make a difference.

i'm pretty happy with the result thus far, but i kind of wished i asked for more definition. but tahts completely my fault, since i was so scared of change when i went through with the surgery. i remember i met with him at least 3 or 4 times before the surgery and i made sure he knew that i didnt want much of a change.

anyways, if yall have any questions send me a msg or something, i'll be happy to help.

and dont worry if your nose looks like a bird in the beginning 2 or 3 weeks, my nose just started to look normal like a month ago.

good luck!
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Congrats dorkiegirl!

What size implant did you ask him to do? I'm probably going to do the exact thing as you did: base reduction, tip-plasty, small augmentation. Were you presentable by 1 month? Or was there still significant swelling? THANKS!!
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It's been a few weeks since I've visited this forum so I just wanted to share some of my experience so far in this thread.
I'm currently in Seoul right now with another forumer and I just got my nose and lipo done 2 days ago at Dream Clinic by Dr. Park and Dr. Kim.

I really like what Dr. Park did for me. Before surgery I had a hump bridge and short, bulbous tip and Dr. Park shaved off a bit of my hump then raised my bridge 2mm with septal+ear cartilage to pull my tip a little upwards and make it more proportional. The results are very subtle and I still look like myself, except with improved features. I am not bruised around my nasal/eye area at all, nor am I wearing a cast. I had closed rhino so all he did was tape my nose and I need stitches removed on the 7th day. The swelling is not very noticeable at all. :smile: haha~just wanted to rant a bit.
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hey congrats on ure surgery :smile:

have heard nothing but good about dream clinic, i am very curious to see ure results. if ure comfortable i would love to see some before and after pics of ure rhinoplasty. if ur comfortable u can pm me and ill send u my email :smile:

happy healing
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:smile: haha thanks~ I was recommended Dream by migookinamja and I'm very satisfied with choosing Dr. Park. I PM you.
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:biggrin: thanks~ actually I had local sedation and that made me SO high so during lipo, I was giggling a lot because I thought it felt 'ticklish'. The procedure itself was painless but after wards it hurts a bit and it's hard to move around comfortably. After 2 days of painkillers I am back to normal.
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What does local sedation mean? Are there any scars or lumps? Wow, you make it sound so easy. How much was it?
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local sedation is anesthesia that numbs the senses but allows you to retain 70% consciousNess during surgery. Of course there is no pain but it makes you see swirls of colors and you feel like your in an amusement park or something. Two other forumers who are with me did their eyelids and underwent local sedition both agree that it makes you feel high.
Its different from general anesthesia where you just fall asleep. I only got lipo on my upper/lower absent and flank and there are no lumps. The area was a lot flater but i think it swelled a bit after.

Im wearing wrappings until my stitches come off Friday so im not sure how great it is. I have four small incisions, 2 near the bellybutton n 2 near the pubic region.

The consultant told me seperatly full ab lipo is 5000 000krw n my nose is 2500 000krw but i told her i didny have that much so i paid 5700 000. I still owe them 600 000krw that im going to have to find way to transfer.
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Will you keep me updated on your recovery? I'm going to give myself 6 months to get back in shape but if it doesn't look like my old body I may have to stop by Dream on my next Korea trip :smile:
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Congrats on your new nose! I'm interested in getting rhinoplasty done as well with minimal augmentation maybe even less than 2mm. I hope my swelling is minimal as yours since I'll need to look normal within 1 month. Do you have thick or thin skin? Did you ice the area or use a warm compress? Thanks so much!
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Your old body? what do you mean by old? Did you have a baby??
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Sure, it may be easier for me to update you via PM or email though ^^. I think Dream is rather conservative for lipo though. Dr. Kim didn't want to do too much and he said I couldn't just rely on lipo. Exercising and dieting is something that is necessary to keep the weight off and he said he was gonna take the fat out from my abdomen area because that is harder to get rid of.
I'm not sure how much you want to lose, or how much they can take out at once. For me I'm in my last 10lbs area so they didn't take out that much.
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