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asian nose job 2

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thanks :smile: If you want a more subtle or natural look, make sure you stress that too the doctor. Actually my bridge without the hump would be low so 2mm for me is proportional. I think I had minimal swelling because it was closed rhino and there are no visible stitchings on the outside. I have thicker skin on my tip since my old bulbous nose had a lot of cartilage. I didn't ice or compress because my swelling is very minimal and there are no bruises. Also, since I'm not wearing a cast, I think pressing anything against my nose might affect the position.
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I also have a bulbous tip, which I'd like to sharpen. Did Dr. Park do anything else to your tip other than put septal/ear cartilage struts? How is the incision in your ear from the cartilage extraction? Is it painful? Large? Would you be able to tell you had an incision if you were to put your hair up in a ponytail?
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Nope, Dr. Park just put the septal+ ear cartilage on my bridge and that raised the tip so that its not bulbous anymore. The incision on the back of my ear doesn't hurt because i took the painkillers they gave me. Im not sure how big it is or if its noticeable since i can't really see it, it's taped. Ill let you know when i get the stitches off on Friday.
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i got asked the same questions by mutiple girls, so im js gna answer it here

1. how much was the nose jobb?
- it varies depending on what you want to do, for example i had septal cartilage for the tip, weir incision, and bridge augmentation = $3500

2. were you presentable at 1 months mark?
- definitely, i got hit on like more than 4 times during my flight back from korea to the US, nd that was exactly 1 months after the surgery. lol. jokes aside, your new nose will most definitely be oilier than pre-op, the shine from the oil will attract attention to the nose, but a little bit of powder will do.

3. how long does the recovery take?
- im almost @ 4 months post-up, and my nose is still deswelling, i remember last month i was constantly looking into my reflection because i was self conscious about the side view, but now its definitely not as long. BE PATIENT, it will really feel like forever, but just wait, it'll get better, i promise. (i still have my fingers crossed. xD

4. whats the best advice you can give?
- BE OPTIMISTIC, hating yourself and regretting the whole thing is definitely not gna help the recovery, the last thing you want to do is to be sucked into a depression. I experienced a mini-depression after the surgery, although i looked fine, i didnt like how it looked nd regretted the surgery soo much. but right now (knock on wood) im reallyy glad i did it because it looks much better than before and its extremely natural.

and honestly girls, you look how you feel, if you feel great you'll look fantastic.
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Hey thks alot for the info! Did u have any implants?
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hey! congratulations dorkiegirl :smile:

i definitely agree with you that it takes time for things to look normal. i am exactly 6 weeks post op and i'm feeling better and better everyday. every morning i wake up and my nose is noticeable smaller and more proportional to my face. i can't wait for my 2 month mark~ i believe that's when most of my swelling will be gone (according to a few forumers).

i also asked for minimal changes and everyday i look in the mirror, i'm so thankful that i didn't ask for anything drastic. my nose still looks like my old nose, but a better version. it doesn't scream out "nose job" and several people have told me that i "look good" and asked if i lost weight :smile:

unless you are 100% sure that you want a drastic make over, you'll be pleased with how much improvement you'll see with a subtle change~

dorkigirl, did you have 3-4 consultations with dr.lee (banobagi) before you went in for surgery?

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hey anne,

thanks for sharing your experience with us :smile:
how did dr. park use septal + ear cartilage to raise your bridge?
did he dice it or use it in pieces? i'd love to get some more information :smile:

i like that dr. park performs closed rhinoplasty. it is much less invasive and i believe the healing time is faster as well. it definitely seems like every doctor has his preferences. some of the doctors i consulted with flat out refused to do closed rhinoplasty whereas others told me that closed method will be fine for me. i wish that i had been more insistent on a closed rhinoplasty since i didn't want/need a dramatic change :/ that's one more thing you should consider, if you're thinking about a nose job in the near future :smile:

a columella scar is a pain in the butt. mine was healing pretty funky for a while. there were noticeable ridges on my columella where the incision was made and it was stressing me out for a few weeks. it's starting to look better though. it's much better to opt for a less invasive surgery from the beginning, unless you really need an open rhino :smile:

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Hi there, would like to find a Singaporean who is interested in doing surgery together. Imma 26 this yr, and do add me in msn!
Hope to chat wtih u guys online. Or even skype

Do add up, hope to meet up with u guys as well.
Folks who wanna share bout their experience, able to talk bout it tgt :smile:

Wanna do my nose,forehead implant and shaving of jaw. I had been to Korea once for consultation thou..
Just wondering how the charges will be like ? is 10k enuff ? So hard to save such an amount ! :P
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H, I want to get my 2mm silicone removed too. Are you going to replace the silicone with your own cartilage or anything? I've heard that that wasn't a good option as it may end up bumpy as it obviously isn't as smooth as silicone.. Wrapping it in fascia won't be any good either as it will absorb and the cartilage will be bumpy..? I won't have any septal left as it was all removed in the first operation.. Rib takes too long to settle and is too big of an operation for me.. bano doesn't do goretex either..

Do you think replacing the 2mm with an 0.5mm will be any better? Would that mean less chance of extrusion, less shiny-white looking, less stiff looking? Or the same risks as would come with the 2mm but thinner?

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hahah i was under local sedation for my lower blepharoplasty and i was pretty out of it as well. i remember telling my surgeon that i thought he was cute in the middle of my surgery :smile:

it was really nice of dream to let you go ahead with the surgery even without full payment :smile:

i would also like to be updated on your lipo progress! would it be easier if i pm you my email address?

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hey anne, do you know if dream is good with fat grafting?

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i was told that smaller the implant, less chance of extrusion. but if you have an i-shaped implant, i think the chance of extrusion is already low. there is a risk of the implant shifting though. how hard is your nose bridge reiyuna? for my nose, the stiffness doesn't come from the implant. my silicone is really soft and natural feeling. there's almost no difference the way my nose bridge feels pre and post op. the stiffness comes from my nose tip. septal cartilage is much stiffer than the normal cartilage found in untouched noses so i don't think changing your implant size will change how stiff your nose feels.

i hear that if you use diced cartilage, you may end up with bumps and ridges. i'd be interested in other techniques that use ear or septal cartilage to augment the bridge.

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Hi Reyuna, I am going to get everything in my nose removed and not going to replace them with anything. I just want to get back my natural nose.
If you just want 0.5 mm augmentation, why would you bother taking a risk of revision in the future for such a small change. If you don't want silicone, permacol (cross-linked porcine dermis) may be a good option but I don't know any clinics that use this material except for Samsung Kangnam clinic and I would not recommend this clinic at all. The doctor always rush and doesn's listen to what you want.
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Anne, I hope it all works out great for you, now that the pressure is on me :smile: Did they do any osteotomy on your nasal bones or did they cover up the hole with the implant? I paid 700K more than you and the differences that I can see are that I maybe had osteotomies done (but no implant) and I had my moobs lipo'd. He did your love handles, right? I wonder why I have incisions in different places. I have 2 on my back.

Bisoux...the scars are TINY and if you're just doing abs they will probably be completely hidden depending on your belly button shape, and...ahem...haircut.
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Hi everyone I have been reading this thread on and off for a while-even the first thread. I am really serious about get nose surgery and have been tossled between finances and where and who to go to. I have definitely decided on Korea and would love to go by next Sept 2012 or around then. I must say say that I have not been keeping up with the forum as of late and now feel pretty overwhelmed by the information-and thankful of course! I definitely need to thoroughly read through this thread and the other forums. I would like to thank each and everyone out there who has shared to help make our lives easier.

I originally wanted to go with Dr Toriumi, then Dr Shah, then Dream clinic, then O and Young and finally ended up with VIP. Now skimming through everything, I need more research to make an informed decision. Of course, I need the face to face consultation. I am prepared to do what it takes to get the nose that I will be satisfied with for a lifetime.

With that said, I would love to meet and travel with a few people next year and get our surgeries together (anywhere between 9/12-11/12 at the latest). It would even be more spectacular to meet someone who speaks Korean or if we can hire a Korean translator whom we trust. I will even try to stay in Korea 3 weeks if I need to visit all the clinics. I want to leave no room for regrets and want to make the best decision possible.

A side note, I really admire Song Hye Kyo's nose but do not expect to have her exact nose, but a nose that will fit my face. I live in NYC and if anyone is interested please contact me. I guess through PM.

Happy nose hunting! and hope to hear from you guys soon.
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