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asian nose job 2

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Actually I didn't tell him that, I told him what problems I had (such as the hump on my bridge and the bulbous tip) and then he was the one who suggested shaving part of the hump and them filling the bridge w/cartilage to make the tip slightly more defined. He actually drew it out for me on his iPad and said instead of a pin-straight bridge, the results would be more curved and soft. I think it's best to let the surgeon match the nose to my face, rather than telling him I want my nose a certain way or someone elses nose.
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Yea, I'm just so afraid that the nose that fits my face has a tall and straight bridge. I don't want to look so drastically different lol
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hey james, if you don't mind me asking, what is wrong with your previous fat trasfer? i'm thinking about getting fat grafting done and wanted to hear some first hand experiences :smile:

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Hi everyone, it's my first time here on these forums after I thought about having rhinoplasty. I'm an American Asian guy and was wondering if anyone knows some good Asian specialist surgeons based in the US. I live in the Jersey/New York area so anyone around this area is a bonus. Seems like everyone here has been going to Korea to get work done, but I'm pretty scared of the language barrier and the thought of having it done overseas.
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so... is your nose bridge rock hard? like cement?
also, do you feel any small bumps or ridges along the nose bridge?

i wonder if the syringe method is different than diced cartilage. it seems like the potential problem for diced cartilage wrapped with fascia is the tendency for bumps to develop. but maybe if the cartilage is diced sooo finely that it can fit through a syringe, bumps won't be a problem anymore.

when i was in korea, april31 also mentioned that they could inject me with cartilage but i didn't ask for more details... :/

do you know how the cartilage is held in place? is there a risk of the cartilage shifting or moving out of place before it hardens?

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hey kitty :smile:

silicone actually looks pretty natural if you go for minimal augmentation. imho if you go for a drastic change with a really high bridge (like some korean celebrities), that's when it starts looking fake and unnatural. also, my nose has a slight curve and i have a silicone bridge :smile:

but i do agree that autologous materials are best~!!

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haha i bet the surgeons hear some pretty hilarious comments from patients under local sedation~ :smile: btw, where did you get your previous fat grafting done?

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preprettymed got her rhino from dr. charles lee from los angeles and she seemed satisfied with her results... i'm not familiar at all with new york but i know that on cozy cot's double eyelid forum there were positive reviews of few surgeons in your area :smile:

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So that is how "closed" rhino is done? Inject material through a needle? I didn't know about this, it's very interesting concept. Sort of like injecting synthetic fillers for minor augmentation.
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Hi Jesse, please think very carefully before getting a fat transfer. If you look on realself.com it is in the bottom 5 procedures to have done by user feedback. This is because there are a lot of unhappy people who have had it done. The major thing wrong in my case which I think you would discover if you had it done is that adding fat to your face completely changes the balance of your face. The majority of the fat was put into my lower cheeks so now when I sleep I wake up with all these lines under my eyes and in my upper cheeks because there is a lot more fat in my lower cheeks. Over the two years since I had the operation these lines are slowly becoming permanent. People used to always comment that I never had any lines under my eyes. Further having a lot of fat in my lower cheeks gives me a double chin if I don't stand up straight. Also the fat makes me lips go down at the sides. These are just examples of things that can happen if you change the fat distribution in your face.

Also I should mention that the surgeon had injected into an artery in my cheek during the operation. The left side of my nose had no blood flow for three days and this causes damage (necrosis) to that side of my nose. This is quite rare but there many things that can go wrong in a fat transfer operation and they are quite difficult to correct.

Honestly, please just look into getting some temporary fillers instead. There is a lot they can do with them these days, and they are a lot safer and will wear off within 6-12 months.
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I had closed rhino, and no visible scars because they cut from inside the nose/nostrils. Had no idea either! Until everyone was like.. "Where are the scars? How come I can't see any cuts or bruises?" Et c etc.. I was like huh? I looked fine after the nose tape came off in 7 days.

Jesse, when are you going to get fat graft and where??
Fat graft can also do wonders~ (I want forehead & chin)

She had her eyes done too, but look how much fuller and youthful she looks with her face fat graft!!

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Hi Juicy, I saw that you ended up getting rhinoplasty with Dr. Jeffrey Ahn. I'm from the NY area so I've been researching local surgeons and some other names I came across were Edmund Kwan and Edward Kwak. Did you ever consult these doctors? What made you end up choosing Dr. Ahn in the end? How did the consultation with him go, does he do cartilage from the septum, ear, or ribs? Or does he strictly use implants? I saw that you rated it 6/10 satisfaction, can you talk about what you didn't like with what he did? Sorry for bombarding you with questions :biggrin:
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I went with him because of other recommendations in the area. He's pretty well known. I did not have any doubts due to people's praises about him. Consultation felt rushed and was maybe 10 minutes or less. I was seeking for advice and his thoughts, but I did not get any. I wish I was more informed on certain things. For example, I had no idea there were different types of epicanthoplasty. I just thought it was one and that's what I wanted, but I was totally wrong.

Surgery was easy. That was the only good thing. No pain or discomfort.

After care was terrible! I couldnt really ask much, because he's not the nicest person. (he is not mean though) he is also very defensive. I told him that I was not happy with my outcome, the results of the epicanthoplasty did not suit my face as well as the uneven results.. And i was seeking a revision in the future. He said it looked fine. Thats when I knew that it was pointless to go back to him for.. Anything, lol.

My nose is more bulbous than it was before, but I do have a bridge now.

Conclusion, I should have gone to Korea. Biggest mistake of my life. Not only did I waste $8,000... But revisions cost so much more, and my epicanthoplasty is irreversible. =( he cut so much into my skin and the scars are very deep and visible. Just badly done.. If you want photos, give me your email. Although scarring is not as visible in photos

I'm not blaming him for everything. I could have asked more questions and voiced my opinions more....and It was my fault ultimately for choosing him.

And a word of advise, don't get it done here. You are going to spend the same amount of money with flight and everything, just go to Korea. >.< The doctors in NYC simply don't have nearly as much experience as the docs in Korea do~
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