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asian nose job 2

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Hi Cottoncandy77,

I didn't go to the Lotte Dept store but it's supposedly 1 of the 10 sights to visit in Seoul according to travel maps. There's a theme park with rides and a whole mall, hotel, etc. It's kind of like a Las Vegas mega resort.

You can't wear sunnies or eyeglass for that matter for 30 days post surgery. Also have to be in Seoul to have your stitches removed 10 days post op. Feb is coming up soon, you must be really excited! :yahoo:

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ahaha yes i am really excited!! But at the same time pretty scared. I just hope ill find a buddy before then so i dont need to be lonely for the whole trip:biggrin:
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hi i the answer is both.

the first one is popular for eyes and nose and does most jobs.

The second specialise nose. i like th second one more.

He does not use silicone and is against it.

He prefers goretex..
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thanks for the reply niptukk

I was wondering if any one knew the repercussions of getting rhinoplasty, while also having hay-fever? I constantly blow my nose after I wake up and before I go to sleep, It's cause I am allergic to dust mites and they act up during the day and night.

Is it still possible to get rhinoplasty if I have hayfever? Or will the constant blowing damage my new nose?
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Inerd Every Individual condition is unique thus as to whether surgery is ok for you is up to him to judge.

But your stuffy/breathing nose problem may be improved by an ENT.

What i can say is this.. after op, it is good that you minimize movement to your nose Ie moving it, playing sport, jumping, blowing nose. JUST LEAVE IT UNTOUCHED if possible

All this is ideal for the first 2-3 mths and while the longer the safer.

After 3mths you shd be ready to take on physical activities, go gym etc.

During the first 6-12mths, it is not uncommon to experience sensitive/stuffy nose.

I mean the op depending on how much you alter it will require some time to heal.

If you just add silicone and is your first time i think its less sensitive.

But if you do bone narrowing, cartilage etc.. expect some sensitive nose. But its not that bad.

After a year i feel almost everything is >90 % back to normal and after 18mths you shd be 99% back.
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Thanks for the reply Jamasian. I think you had mentioned that before going to Dr. Lee, you had consulted with and/or researched surgeons in Beverly Hills. Do you recall who you met with and why you didn't choose one of them? I am currently looking at Dr. Richard Kotler and Dr. Simoni (both in Beverly Hills) for my rhinoplasty. Also, did you consider anyone in Newport Beach? I have only recently started my research and am learning about the different procedures and doctors. Thanks
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Hi! guys i'm just newbie here.
Btw can anyone suggest me a good surgeon in the philippines? coz i'm planning to have a rhinoplasty maybe this coming summer and have only 45 days vacation allowed.
I prefer a goretex if needed, as i heard it was safely used than silicon.
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thanks for the reply niptukk.

heads up on a link http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18645088?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_SingleItemSupl.Pubmed_Discovery_RA&linkpos=3&log$=relatedarticles&logdbfrom=pubmed

which shows a 17 year examination on the effects of gore tex.
so i guess i'll use it =]
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this sounds good:smile:
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Hi every-one
just providing an up-date on
This is a really good site, and made me think about using gore-tex. Does anybody know of a good nose doctor who doesn't use artifical items to augment the nose?

Like a doctor that only uses ear cartilage, or rib cage...etc, own body stuff...
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Korean Airlines is competitively priced. The food on the flight is good too. They also have a good selection of in flight movies to watch.
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Aaaaah >.> hearing all those results ... Makes me so excited that i cant wait to get ma nose done

so was planing to do a nose job in seoul in may/juni 2010 or maybe february dunno but am kinda scared of the result...
Im vietnamese 19 and do not have that big nose but im just not satisied with my nose
am i maybe too young for the nose job?
At what age is it allowed to do the nose job in seoul?
Can you guys recommend me a good surgeon in seoul also a cheap hotel near there?
Also looking for a buddy to go together , young age prefered because i would also go alot of shopping and sightseeing . Depending on the surgery i would stay there for about 2-3 weeks

i dont wanna do the nose job here in germany they cost waaay too much starting from 4000€ til 6000€ thats like 6000$-9000$

But im scared if anythings happen like fell on the nose or something or some effects occured that i cant go to korea back to fix it-.-

btw im a newb but whats the difference in using silikon or tex whatever forget the name sry -.- ?
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Hey. I plan to do it during jan-feb of 2011 (yes ages away I know) but changing a whole face takes time. If you wanna delay and do it together. sure =]
i plan on going to dr jung.
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