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asian nose job 2

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By the way, most doctors say it is impossible to fix my nostrils asymmetry due to the scarring that was created by my closed rhinoplasty in one nostril (from 2009).
But I thought it was possible to remove scar tissue, has anyone had this problem before and had it fixed ?
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i think angleplane's review contains valuable information as well.
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:Push: I understand that you liked the results of your nose job and the care you were given at VIP, but I don't understand why you feel so angry because angleplane does not agree with you. Honestly, it's not making VIP look any better, and actually puts me off of that clinic more than anything. I appreciate all clinic reviews from people, negative or positive because they give me more insight on what I want when I get my nose job. So please don't try to discourage others from posting here just because you don't agree with them.
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So, I was looking for good nose job results. And I was wondering why Jennifer Aniston's nose couldn't be any smaller, as I still think her nose still has a not so defined tip. But I guess each noses are limited to the way they initially are. I wish my nose was a lot smaller, but my wings for example just can't be any thinner or smaller, as the nostrils would look even more triangular.
So, I found the surgeon of Jennifer Aniston's latest nose job : http://www.drkanodia.com/photo-gallery/rhinoplasty-before-and-after/
I'm not impressed by his before and after pics, most noses are not Asian and his prices must rocket high.
Anyway, he is apparently well known.
So, I went on with my research and I bumped into this site (don't watch it if you're eating it is a rotten nose). It may shock people, but it is about rib over-augmentation, so I sort of had to share my discovery on the forum.

There would have been no point into pointing this site if this patient was not the patient of Dr Gunter, the famous plastic surgeon in Texas who taught rib rhinoplasty to Dr Lee. Of course, and I hope that didn't happen to any VIP patients (but the post from Naver is close to that : the nose becomes blue-ish, and if there is a bad story like that it is more likely to be expressed on Korean forums (Daum, Naver) than on the TPF forum because up until now it wasn't so comfortable to post negative experiences especially from one particular clinic, complaining about other clinics, I don't think there would have been a problem.
Anyway, the patient says : ‘It is my opinion that the nose was built up with WAY TOO MUCH RIB and when he closed it back it was like trying to put a car cover that used to fit on a small car onto a now much longer and larger car….When they draped this skin back over the nose and stitched it between the nostrils, The skin could just not handle the stress of the new framework and started dying “ON THE STITCH LINE”…..It did not start on the tip in the front of the nose,But underneath where it was stitched up horizontally BETWEEN THE NOSTRILS.When touching this area it felt stressed and very,very thin.Like touching bone! It was milky and black right after surgery.’

And do you remember how I said in a previous post that Joann (who's the sales manager, not a doctor) asked if my skin's nose was extensible ? (asked as if it was just quick, like an in passing question), quite alarming I think, because at that time, I was so excited about this forum, that I answered to Joann "Yes, I think my skin is extensible" because I wanted Dr Lee to extend my columella, but I am not a doctor, so how could I even answer that question anyway ? Maybe, a previous surgeon could have told me I guess...but I never thought about how extensible my skin was before.
In this guy's case, the nose augmentation with rib is so big that the skin did not handle the stress. In my personal experience, the skin on the bridge of my nose became much thinner (but he also removed some scar tissue that was on it from a previous surgery), when my rib bridge was removed, so much skin went back on my face, that my eyes became slanted again. The bridge was 4mm high, so I guess 8mm of skin was released.

Of course, this person's case is an exception, but renowned surgeons, that are super expensive can do that kind of mistake with rib, especially when there's a great augmentation and lots of skin's stretch.

So, if a person from the clinic says "Is your skin extensible ?" Maybe, you can expect that a high augmentation will be done on your nose and consider the risks. Rib rhinoplasty is used for the last resort, it is only used if all the ear and septal cartilage was used and this is the reason why most surgeons in Korea don't use it, approximatively five surgeons out of thousands of plastic surgery clinics in Seoul use it, there must be a reason. I think rib rhinoplasty should be used only for reconstruction work (or if you really want to be caucasianized) because the trade off is important. Of course, if you have a non existent nose due to a car accident, I don't think you would mind having a hard rock nose for life.

By the way, the same experience happened to a female patient under Dr Gunter.
So, if you go to Korea for a slight enhancement. I think it is good to know that if you choose rib, there will be a major change done to your nose and you must expect to have a completely different face. At the airport, I also had to say "plastic surgery" when I showed my passport, the first time I left Korea, and then, again in Dubai (transfer flight). But I was lucky to be able to fly back to Korea and have the bridge removed, so my parents did not have to see me with the rib nose. The rib that I currently have now is not seeable, I just can feel it and I know my nasal base is not going up because of that, so my smile is still affected.
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Also, in this guy's case, I don't see how he needed so much augmentation, because usually caucasians want to have a smaller nose. I sort of have the impression that surgeons that specialize in rib cartilage are experimenting on patients that accept to pay to become their guinea pigs, so they can let go their imagination (rib is more material to work with and gives more room for the surgeon to do whatever they like, so they may forget that there's a patient who paid money to get an enhancement - less fun for the surgeon and it places them back to the status of person paid to do what is being requested by the client).
It's the impression I had with surgeons using rib, but again, my vision is influenced by my own experience and it may be different for some others.
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By the way, from the guy's blog, it seems that Dr Jung is the expert in fixing nose necrosis. All the pics he shows as other examples are from Dr Jung's website.
Also, I wanted to say that I did not go to Dr Jung because I was initially set on using rib after reading this forum, because even though I think he had some not ethical behavior, I still think he would have done a good job on me with only septal and ear cartilage. And if I don't go to him for revisions, it is because his rib revision prices are too high for me.
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Angelplane, why did u even choose to have rib done when you said your bridge is naturally high and you only wanted 2mm height added to your bridge. For someone who has done extensive research on all things related to rhinoplasty, I'm suprised that you went ahead with rib rhinoplasty when it's obvious rib will add a minimum of 3mm height enhancement.
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is there a standardized way on measuring the implant? i usually measure from the bottom to the top. but i've recently realized that the bottom of the implant is concave while the top is convex, so when i measure my rib cartilage, i think i also measured the tail end.
measuring the largest width of the implant is probably more accurate but the implant would have to be measure pre-op and i think its too late to ask what size rib was used for me. but now i realise that it was probably closer to 5 or 6 mm. i'm not sure how accurate the 1cm measurement was in the first place
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lol haha i kno. many ppl seem surprised when i kno who taeyang is or any kpop artists for the matter of fact :smile:

ya im the same ethnicity as her. all my relatives have high cheek bones and such nice small and pointy noses... i get so jealous :pout:

thanks for the vary lovely compliment :smile:
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i have to agree with wat kain said.

many of my relatives have very low bridges, and a good chunk of them have high bridges like me. i dont think its right to say that wanting a higher bridge is "wanting to be or look white".

i wanna go for rib not becuz i want a white look but becuz ear cartilage has a very fast absorption rate, and im pretty sure i dont have enough septal cartilage. rib can be a very good material if used properly and in moderation.
its great for creating refined and pointy tips and a natural looking bridge.
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fren, im not siding VIP AT ALL. its not abt whether she unhappy abt VIP. u guys dnut get it. there are some of us here reviewed bad things and good things too. we all have freedom to share n say watever. its NOT abt her being unhappy with VIP. VIP has its salt n pepper just like any other clinics.

many of us didnt know wat happened between her and vip but ther ARE SOME who do. there is a big difference between giving bad review and twisting facts which happened. well i dunt wanna go into this anymore. not my problem really. im not siding VIP << i wanna stress this., ITS OK ppl HATE VIP i dunt give a damn really. U GUYS GET IT?
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@Rawdude : Everything that happened at VIP, I wrote it in my posts, and with a lot of accuracy, so it would have been easy to see if anything was twisted or not correct. But anyway, you were in Singapore in that time, so how can you know anything about it. Also, when I left Joann held my hand and in her email she said she wanted to be in a good relationship. So, if I did anything wrong, I think she would not have done that (even though she's a sales person).
Also, you keep on saying you don't want to talk about it, but every time you come back it is to discredit me.
As for your Skype reunion...is that supposed to be a way to contribute to the forum or just to argue ? Your dog etc. Who cares ? I think this is not the aim of this forum.
Anyway, maybe, you're not hired, but you're Joann's friend (and you're a VIP patient who can get free revisions too).
Once again, you said you were flying to Korea to see Joann. Please, share your rhinoplasty experience, or are you just going there to see Joann as a friend and gossip a bit about what's going on in the forum and how that can be fixed ?
Also, as someone has said you're adding fuel to the fire. Is that something that entertains you ? Some people like to argue for the fun of it. I come here to share experiences, not to debate with someone who just likes to gossip.

@Kain: I did not mean that you wanted to be caucasianized, but I am sure some potential patients would want such a change (like one forumer and VIP patient here who expressly admitted it in real life, maybe on the forum, but I did not read it). So, that was just my advice, they could still consider VIP, if they're okay to live with a hard nose.

@chanelmania77: As I wrote in my posts prior to my surgery, I chose rib because my Indian doctor said that ear cartilage was too weak to support a projected tip. Then, Dr Wang from China, said that on the picture I showed him from his before and after picture, the girl had rib. Also, my septal cartilage was never used, so this could have been used to project the tip and lengthen the columella because septal cartilage is stronger than ear cartilage.
As for bridge augmentation, I did not really research on it, as even few minutes before walking in the surgery room I did not know how much I wanted added. Also, I only knew that 2mm had to be on the bridge with rib after one patient had his bridge shaved down by Dr Lee (but not enough) because he hated his bridge after the cast was off (too high).
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@rawdude : Also, you are not encouraging people to post anything negative about VIP because you consistently attack me :

"its not abt whether she unhappy abt VIP."
u guys dnut get it. there are some of us here reviewed bad things and good things too. we all have freedom to share n say watever.

and a gain you repeat with capital letters to "not" :

"its NOT abt her being unhappy with VIP. " ...

And you say you do not try to make people post in a certain direction.

"many of us didnt know wat happened between her and vip but there ARE SOME who do."

You are trying to discredit me, as if I did something wrong while I was there, but you already tried that technique few months ago (in June). I have nothing to hide and the proof is that I explained every details of my experience. Maybe, you're trying to attack me for new comers.

"there is a big difference between giving bad review and twisting facts which happened."

How are you supposed to know ? You say that I twist fact as if it was a truth, but you were in Singapore at that time. You are trying to maniuplate the readers, like you manipulated the trend of this forum, which has lost its purpose (rhinoplasty) and became all about VIP.

" well i dunt wanna go into this anymore. "

So, stop coming back on this problem and and be consistent when you say that you do not want to talk about it.

"not my problem really. im not siding VIP << i wanna stress this., ITS OK ppl HATE VIP i dunt give a damn really. U GUYS GET IT?"

If you don't take it personally, why do you become so passionate and say "hate VIP" in capital letters ?

Anyway, after your trip to Korea, you'll probably find a way to have control over this forum again, as you seem to discuss about it a lot with Joann.
Also, repeating false accusations, is also a manipulative technique to convince people to think it might be true (and the harm is already done, it is difficult to undo it, it's like diffamation). If you keep on doing that, as there will be a turnover, probably people will end up thinking your statement is true. And this is the main reason why I posted my entire experience. It is because I felt manipulated, and mainly by your posts "another masterpiece !". You only stated the good sides and I was blinded by how this forum was all positive about one clinic.
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