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asian nose job 2

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ah hah i thought about this b4 too but my financial would allow me haizzzzz, but i think it will less painful since you dont have to go on surgery bed and recovery twice

@distordedx: y would it make ur nose look bigger? just curious since i have my alar done too but i got the full job tho :graucho:
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If you cough or laugh u are gonna feel like your whole body is gonna explode to bits. Is there even a doctor that will allow to perform those two at the same time? I highly doubt it

any one know if

MIGO or Banogani use rib/???
I remember those two had impressive pictures

Would like to see Cindrella and Real website, if anyone knows it
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Hi everyone

I just created an account so that I could post about my upcoming trip to Seoul for rhinoplasty.

I've booked to have my rhinoplasty with Dr Kim from BK Dong Yang, and I'm leaving in about two weeks.

My friend had rhinoplasty and double eyelid surgery at BK last year and was really happy with the results, so it encouraged me to do mine this year.

I want a silicone implant, rather than rib implant (I'm too scared to have a rib implant), and I will ask for dorsal augmentation to make my bridge higher, and also tiplasty to refine my tip a little bit more.

I sent through three photos, and they recommended I do the above procedures, and was quoted between US$3500 - $5500 for the surgery.

I'm staying in Seoul for 10 days total, and will leave eight days after my surgery, to give my procedure time to heal and for them to remove the stitches on the 7th day.

I'm meant to return to work on the 12th day post-surgery, and I'm praying that most of my bruising and swelling will have dissipated by then, or at least greatly improved.

I want a really subtle, natural improvement. I don't want a "perfect" nose, and still want to look like me, just slightly improved.

I've told my boss that I need time off for a surgery on a deviated septum, so if I come back and look bruised and people notice my nose is different, I can say it's because of the surgery, and hopefully they believe me. Even if they don't, I hope they won't pry too much, because I don't want to discuss it.
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lol haha well i only want to go under the knife ONCE, so i was hoping that this could be possible. i didn't think that it would be dangerous to do both at the same time tho :sad:
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good luck with ure surgery :smile:
i dont think ure co workers will notice anything more than a swollen nose. a good set of makeup should cover everything up so i dont think u'll be getting any weird stares at work haha
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O & Young is quite famous for ribs too but heard dat the doctor prefers to use implant for the bridge and ribs for the tip. Perhaps u could check with them.
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Since I am still in Seoul, I could help u to ask VIP when I go for dressing on this Thursday.
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omg really??? i would really appreciate the help. i actually was thinking of going to vip for rib rhinoplasty (just the tip), and hoping that it would be safe to get breast augmentation while im at it.

thanks alot :smile:

by the way wah material did u decide to use for ure bridge and/or tip?
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