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asian nose job 2

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You can change faces like her in any good clinic there if you undergone the surgeries she did.
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haha i kno. she looked soo old before but now she looks really pretty and young. i love how huge her eyes are and the shape of her face. i wonder how much pain she had to go through, and not to even mention the ridiculous amounts of money she probably paid. im sure it was well worth it to her though :smile:

this clinic will also be on my checklist of ps to visit in korea
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hey dont worry, im pretty sure getting a higher bridge will be a piece of cake for the plastic surgeon to do. someone who had gotten rib rhino didnt like how high their bridge was after the rhinoplasty so his surgeon went and shaved it down for him. so im sure u can do the same thing and get it higher.

its good that u have a nice front profile though, i think tht is more important. just talk to ure surgeon and see what he can do :smile:
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Thanks, babe. The clinic has just replied my email and advised to wait for 1 year before revision. I shall wait and see then. What an irony... everyone is worrying bot his / her nose being too high and yet, I am the only one complaining that it is low.. :P
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HOLY, my trip was so rushed i didnt have time to drop by VIP to say hi. what a shame! i missed them so much. and id discovered some really good galbis there at meyongdong. OMG DROOLS> AGH. i need to go back again lol

hows your op? email me some pics as u promised! lol its time!
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i do realised a little at different stages of healing, im at 9th month. but it gets better at times , quite random. but most of the time, its not noticeable. its prolly due to uneven swelling.

how many months are you at?
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Thank you Kain for letting me see the pics. They look awesome
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Thanks azn_kid,

I hope your recovery is going well. Keep me posted. I'm Viet as well.

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Okie, cousin. Will email to you as promised. Although you did not have the time to say "hi" but it is very sweet of you to drop a note to them. You can always meet them when you go there again or when they come to KL in Dec. JoAnn said that they might be organising an event. Perhaps you could do some performance then *wink*..Fyi, i also discovered something interesting at Myeongdong (at the small lanes) but the portion is too big for one person :P
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ahhhhhh seen you guys talk i miss Korea so badly, especially Myeongdon, heaven heaven
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Hello TPF'ers,

I came across TPF while searching online 'asian nose jobs'- So I not only joined for my love in Handbags, but more curious about this forum on Nose Jobs!

I am half white/half Korean and have been debating for about 6 months now whether to take the plunge. I am from Toronto, Canada and have been researching PS here but can't seem to find a confident one that deals with asian features.

I am wondering...for me is it worth flying over to Korea for a nose job, or could anyone fellow Canadians recommend good PS in Toronto?

Any help would be greatly appriciated!
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Gah, I hate to be a spoil sport. But there's no short cut with recommendations. You need to do research, research, research. Use google, but remember to search/verify for genuine reviews! When I started researching for my future Rhinoplasty (that was YEARS ago; 2006), I started reading the first thread for "Asian Nose Job" and now this latest thread. I do understand there's a lot of material here to read - this single thread is let alone about 627+ pages long.

But it's 627+ pages of extremely useful information for your decision to move forward with your plastic surgery. Perhaps you could find something in the previous pages about Toronto-based plastic surgeons. I do know that there are a few along Bloor, but I cannot speak for the companies and their reputation..

In my opinion, depending on what you want - it could be better in Korea or it could be better somewhere else. There's a 50/50 chance - so it's best to do consultations in Toronto and have consultations in Korea to feel out which surgeon is genuinely skilled enough and treats patients with care pre-op and post-op. Don't be afraid to ask questions when you have consultations - this is your facial features after all.

Here's a special note though: many people fly out to Korea for plastic surgery because they are highly specialized in asian rhinoplasties with extreme attention to detail catered toward asian noses.

For me, I'm opting to fly out to Korea for my upcoming (FINALLY) rhinoplasty surgery next year. I personally DO think it's worth it. Been working really hard and saved up a lot for this. It's been a long time coming with tons of research. I do have to say, I'm still on the edge about certain aspects of the surgery, but... I'm feel mentally prepared.

PS: A bit OT, but I've lived in Mississauga a while back and the indian food is insanely delicious there. (:
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Depends you have to factor in the cost of hotel accomodations, airline fees and food and etc. If you speak Korean than that's a plus and if you don't you can hired a local translator. although some clinics do speak english and cater to foreign clients.

Since i'm from the states i can't reccomend any in Canada. Although it may be cheaper and convenient to do in Canada / i usually find that the West lacks knowledge and experienced in Asian Rhinoplasty. If you want a more natural looking nose then Korea would be your choice.

If you do decide to proceed with the surgery i urged you to do your researched because there are pros and cons to having a nose job.
There are lots of information on this forum if you go back and read the threads. You'll find tons of information on clinics and forum members experienced ;)
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