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asian nose job 2

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I m so sorry to hear about it.Did u ask for a natural nose ? I remembered a girl from Australia asked for natural nose. It look so natural but later she regret as she didn ask for more height.but her nose turn out really nice after swelling n she was happy with it .did u contact dr lee or joann ?
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Nope, i asked for augmentation and even pointed out to Dr. Lee by turning sideway to show him that my bridge is low during consultation. I am 19 days post ops now but the bridge looks quite low, just some slight improvement from the previous one (can't confirmed now as it is still swelling). Based on the report, Dr. Lee gave me an increment of 2.5mm. I have emailed VIP and the assistant replied that I have to wait for one year to do revision. Looks like I have to bear with this height for now and see how it goes.
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Thank you for the replies Schrodinger & vk82.

I would like to travel to Korea for my surgery, but I was afraid that if I need any changes I would have to fly back and forth each time.

Schrodinger: I grew up in Mississauga, and yes the Indian is delecious. "the Host" was my favorite spot. When are you flying out to Korea? I was thinking of booking an appointment for the new year Mid-End January. Would you care to go together? I know you have done this before so you probably dont need a second hand :P
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hey i am also from toronto!!! i to want a nose job and ive been researching a while to find a good ps both in canada and korea. from what i know and the reviews that ive read from ps in toronto i would stay away. they only have experience in shaving down cartilage and making noses smaller. (ei. caucasian noses)

plastic surgeons in korea had tons of experience in dealing with noses that need structure and cartilage added to it, instead of taking it away.
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Hi everyone! I would like to thank you all for been so kind to share your stories, information and advices. I'm from Toronto too. In my opinion, PS is a big chance and also a big risk that we have to take into consideration. I believe all depend on how the luck that God bless to each person. That is why the result is turning out differently even we use the same doctor. You don't know until you try but it s very costly to each lesson that we learn. I have been read and learn a lot in this forum. I appreciate all supports from all of you in this matter.
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Acadabra, sorry to heard that, but 2.5 mm is quite low, Dr. Lee gave me 5 mm and my previous nose is not that low, that y during consultation i told him i want a natural nose but not too low, i want to tell a diff. But 19 days i still too early to tell, try to hang in there, and i thought someone in the forum said it easy to increase than decrease
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im about to be 1 1/2 months next week
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Hey Taeyang123- fellow Thanks for the advice- Great Points!! Im steering toward going overseas for that reason. Toronto PS=No experience! I've had consultations and they seem to try to convince me they'll do a great job, but Im not fully convinced.

Ive been going back and forth in emails with Korean PS's and even though the price is about the same, I think it's worth it.
Im hoping to plan a trip over Jan/Feb...Never been to Korea so I'd probably have to hire a translator. Do you know any asians that have got their nose done here in Toronto? When are you thinking of going?
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lol yeh. thanks for the pics. awesome. korea was fun. what event at kl ? hmm
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Ho ho ho! :biggrin:
I'm planning on the surgery date of September 2012. So by next year. I really do mean NEXT YEAR (haha). I've already notified the clinic and will be buying my flight ticket in Mid-June/July (tickets don't go sale until 3-4 months before the flight date). I really can't schedule for anything earlier because I recently landed an amazing full-time job and it would be awful as an employee to request holiday so early.

I know it may seem like I've done this before, but I've just researched the heck out of this procedure - so it seems through my text and words; I'm prepared....

I can only hope I am mentally prepared for the roller coaster of emotions I will experience post-op.
I was actually hoping to find a travel buddy during my surgery date (September 2012). Such a shame that you're planning for one this upcoming January! What I want the most - someone to see me at my lowest of lows (lol). If you're willing to reschedule for a later date, I'd be most happy to have someone accompany me to ADVENTURES OF RHINOPLASTY IN KOREA :: dramatic music intro ::

Have you decided on a clinic yet? Did you contact them?

Speaking of Indian Restaurants, there's a really nice indian restaurant on Queen Street West called "Little India". (:
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I dont want a higher brdige but i wish my doctor defatted more of my tip and curved upward my tip. my nose is too straight.
Im also wondering if anyone did revision who previously had rib.
Im scared to open up my nose again cuz i dont want the perfectly fine rib to warp if its being touched too much,
my nose is fully healed so i can do revision at anytime, im just looking for a good clinic that specializes in Rib so far its only VIP but i dont like their result (not my taste) it's too similar to taiwan's doctor style. I like O & young results more, but the problem is they have sooo many doctors not just 1 plus limited english. Im sure there is other who knows about rib, i just havent found out about them yet. Gonna research a bit more. Or find someone who got revision.
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Hi everyone,

I heard good things about Banobagi. Anyone did eyelid and fat transfer with them? My friend and I are thinking of going end of this month. For me, it will be first time (virgin) eyelid -- I have double eyelids already, just want to do a bit of levator advancement to make it look less sleepy and balance out the crease of the eyelid. For my friend, it will be revision eyelid. She did hers at REAL Cosmetic, which is supposed to be top clinic but she is not pleased with the results after 6 mths as the crease is not 100% balanced for both eyes and she is a perfectionist.
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Hi there,
I got my revision-rhino (open rhino, thick, oily skin) last year on November 28th. Just 1 month and it will be 1 year post-op. My nose is still big, wide, and fat. Does not fit my face AT ALL! I am of mixed heritage...so my other features do not match my very asian nose. Don't get me wrong, many Asian girls are born with narrow, petite noses. So a white-looking nose would match my features, but so will the narrow and petite kind of Asian nose. But my nose is one of the wide, piggish (or like a bull), and unsightly kinds.

My first surgery was in October 2008. I had a silicone L-shaped implant put in. It provided lots of height, but looked bulky and not feminine. It also shifted to the right and felt way too stiff and fake. So I decided to get the implant taken out and replaced with ear cartilage.

The ear cartilage does not provide as much defined height as the implant (obviously) and my bridge is still crooked. Now I feel that this ear cartilage looks too soft and makes my nose look very round. My nose looks like my unoperated nose, despite the alar base reduction and ear cartilage. I wished for a feminine, narrow, defined, and pointy-ish nose. The surgeon was confident he would give me just that.

I do not know if it is swelling, the doctor said it was like 2 months ago and told me to keep gently squeezing it at night. During my primary, I bruised and my nose did not shrink at all from 2008 to 2011 when I had my revision. With my revision, I did not bruise at all and my nose is still ugly. So from past experience, I don't think my nose will change. By the way, I look the worst in the morning. Looks like someone punched me in the middle of the face!

I still really hate my nose and it is the only feature I hate! Anyone with experience and still had swelling 1 year later who got much better 2 years later or something? Help! =(

Thank you!
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Yes, 2.5mm is too low for my previous low bridge. I was surprised why Dr. Lee gave me such a low bridge compared with others as I heard most were given 5mm. I do not have any specific nose in mind. Just told him that I want higher and smaller nose with refined tip in harmonious with my other features - no broad bridge and no big nose. I was the only one given with a low bridge when I was there. Now, the side profile looks slightly different due to swelling and there is no definition due to the low bridge. Once deswelled, i am worried that it would return to my original height... sigh..

JoAnn said they are contemplating organising a dinner or something for their Msian and Sporean patients - still not confirmed yet.

Sorry to hear dat. U did urs with Dr. Hsu, Taiwan? I read that most of his patients complained of too straight nose. Fyi, O&Young has Chinese speaking consultant. You can try sending them emails (in Chinese) or call them. There are many good surgeons in Korea but it is so difficult for us to find a good one due to language and geographical barriers. However, most of the clinics now have Chinese speaking consultants as there are many foreign patients from China.
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