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asian nose job 2

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I have done Restylane Filler before. Quite sometime ago in Singapore. It is very temporary and if you are looking to just enhance the bridge it is possible. But you can't use it to increase the tip of your nose if that's what you are looking for. It is only temporary and lasted for about 1 year for me. It didn't quite work for me because my concern was more on the alar base. Be careful of over injection as well. After I did it quite sometime, I was told by some doctor that over injection will cause the nose to rot and I have seen some pictures of over dosage causing the nose the 'melt' Sorry not trying to scare you but definitely look for a skillful doctor even if it's just filler.
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i completely understand how you feel, and thank you that you shared your experiment with us, it just there someone try to use ur review, that the reason y i alway recommend anybody go to korea for PS that try to have as much consultation as possible, bcuz sometime this doctor is good to me doesnt mean he will be the right one for u, i hope you will find the right doctor for ur nose, just take ur time and do more research, i believed there are so many skillful surgeon in korea, it just we didnt find all of them yet
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I have used Restylane and Juvederm on my nose a long time ago, before any surgeries. I used it to see how my nose would look with a higher bridge and tip. Overall, the experience cost me about $1000 at a surgery center in Beverly Hills.

Well first of all, it was definitely one of the top 5 most painful things I've ever experienced, although my doctor was hot so it distracted me for a little.. or made me more nervous, who knows. Secondly, my nose did look a bit nicer than before. Third, the results only lasted one day. I had to go back in for a second round a few days later, and those results lasted maybe a week. The result was natural, maybe there was a difference of 1mm. The fillers stay in your body for 4months - 1 year depending on the type that you use.

I can't comment on its safety because actually, I'm not sure if the fillers disperse and leave your body, or if they disperse and then stay in there for the rest of your life/whether it's harmful or not. Maybe you want to do your research on that.

I'd conclude that it's not a bad idea to use fillers if you just want to see how your nose would look more "3-d", but realise that it is temporary and expensive to upkeep if you plan on doing it for years. Korea is def not the only place you can get fillers, just look for a reputable board certified surgeon and make sure you see them take the product out of the box!
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@ angleplane: where does Dr Chung operates again? im getting confused with all their names being similar.. plus the never ending list of clinics mentioned here.. lol..
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For fillers, if one wants to do rhinoplasty afterwards, won't be be messy for the surgeon to remove the fillers?
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For those who are concerned about the incident of VIP photoshopping their B&A pics, let me just clarify something.

The clinic had posted my B&A pics too because i gave the consent before the surgery, however, i requested for them to be removed because the pics were too "obviously me". As in, anyone who knows me personally n saw that pic would know that its me.

I did also notice about the photoshop part and i wasn't angry about it. i mean to be fair, i was only there for 2 weeks, and my post op pics were taken like 10 days after. given this short period of time, how can my nose look nice?!?! n i believe thats the case for many of the foreign patients. hence a few of the forummers' pic were photoshopped n posted. well, i don't think its right that they photoshopped the pics, but come on, if they skip that beautifying part and post up my original 10 days post op nose, who would wan to go VIP for NJs anymore rite?? it was so swollen!! and for the record, it still is now! but much much better. besides, its not like they alter the pictures so much that its totally unlike the outcome of the surgery. what they did to my photoshop B&A pic was only to conceal the swelling part. what i can say is probably they did a prediction of the result with photoshop rather than faking results. so pls ppl...! anyway, u guys know wat? i think my nose now looks better then the one they had photoshopped. Yea.

the above is my 2 cents as a paying VIP patient who had her photoshopped pics posted, and am still happy w my result.

GL =)
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hehe, i was just telling ms mee goreng today, with the same sentiments. id actually typed a very long post about this photoshop thingie but then cancelled the post as i didnt want to start another drama here.

i think to be fair; i agree with asianmodelboy that being deceived is not a gd feeling,nobody likes to be cheated and by any chances i hope buisnesses can be 100% authentic, genuine with their "product" marketing.

sad to say; impossible. NO businesses advertisements/marketing is 100% TRUE/authentic/accurate. whether a clinic may be visualizing the end result on their own prediction ;hence the photoshop or they are just keeping up the pace as other clinics photoshops them too. NOT important. most importantly; i think we shldnt bother too much about PHOTOS in the first place. they arent realistic! do u buy a push up bra just becuz they used a cow's after pic? -.-

look at those beauty/wellness advertisements! lol. cmon! do you buy that beauty product just becuz they used a supermodel's before and after? WTF?
i didnt even bother much abt the before and after pics and that is certainly NOT the deciding factor for my surgery. this photoshop advertising method is so COMMON in the beauty line.

i strongly advise people to conduct concrete research and findings themselves, go consult the doctors in person yourself. whatever u see or read here or there , its you yourself who judge and perceive them whether as an information or knowledge, your call.

again and again and again i had been repeating myself all over from the beginning; silicon /goretex or rib/ etc , done by whichever doctors /clinics,
all have their salt and pepper, pros and cons u weigh them.

theres no best clinic or dr or methods. and there is no perfection lets face it. be realistic know what you really need and approach the one u truly believes in with good understanding n communication+confidence.

and u really need alot of patience. especially for RIB method. same favourite doctor may not be suitable for you.

i would like to share a tip when choosing the right surgeon cuz this is how i d decided; the philosophy/personal statement of that particular doctor.

to me it is very important what is up there in his brain. the inteligence and his beliefs.

the staff whos job is to create martketing on their clinic pages will get into trouble if he fails to deliver the true words from the doctor. so to a certain extent that page/words is to some accuracy to what the doctor truly thinks.

go read dr toriumi or dr jungs and many others philosophies on their webbie. i find some of those i had read from dr XXX are jokes. how can u trust a man with shallow insights/views/inteligence towards plastic surgeries?

anyhow, im on 9th month done by VIP. im happy, not totally satisfied but im happy with it. no products in this world can please everyone.

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agreed! :smile:
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@megoreng & rawdude: Well explained and detailed in good concept. PS is good to have to improve our beauty but unfortunately it is not for everyone. No pain no gain. Technique and skills are taken in to a big consideration not by papers. Regardless how smart a doctor is if he does not have gifted skills we still have acceptable results; otherwise he is ruining our precious face. Can we sue them? No. The revision part is even harder. I had been consulted with many doctors Canada + US. I am not naïve at all. I did not want to debate with anyone here because I respect all your point of view, for better or worse.
If you are not really happy with your results there is a chance to do a touch up as long as you have money. Please wait patiently, result of PS take a year to see not instantly.
If we only compare a result from pictures, Korea is thousand times better included skills base on the real photos that forumer s are provided.:yes::tup:
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@ LovelyLadyInR: i just called dr kim's clinic and spoke to his receptionist.. she quote me $1000 for cheeks filler, $500 to extract fillers from nose, and $1800 for non-incisional double eyelid. is he overcharging?? may i know how much he's charging u for your rhino?
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hey rawdude did u get rib for ure bridge and tip? or did u use something else for ure tip?
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hey did i say i was gonna go this coming up January? lol i meant the next one. im still saving up.

goodluck to u tho. hopefully u find a buddy to go with i would not wanna go alone.
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