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asian nose job 2

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Don't understand Chinese but WAH, so beautiful.....anyone going to this hospital??? I didn't know Chinese hospital is so good...

Maybe I am wrong but I think Chinese people prefer the more western look but Koreans prefer a Korean look especially in the eyes....just my opinion, no offence to anyone.
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Thank you so much, Acadabra,:ty:
Ya, this clinic makes her so pretty , such pretty nose, eh? Want to go there with me?
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I saw her interview on a Chinese tv show... She said she had her nose and chin done twice because in between she got her teeth fixed. So just FYI.... She's pretty popular in Taiwan now as the plastic beauty! But you have to admit... The doc did a fine job!
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Here another Taiwan Clinic that does nose


Might be good for some that prefer a more subtle nose job .
But i tend to prefer the Koreans for nose job because of their experienced skills. Since i don't know too much about Taiwan Plastic Surgery but im sure there are good ones out their that haven't been discovered.
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ya i totally agree!!! plastic surgery in china is amazing! especially the nose jobs, they like long and pointy noses. there's this plastic surgeon in china that i was thinking about going to who did pretty nice nose jobs but the horror stories ive heard from there scares me off.

but not knowing chinese and trying to find a safe clinic would be pretty hard.
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Hey guys....

After toggling and clicking some links from the above posts, I came across an article in mandarin that explains the Korean's 3rd generation of using G7 cartilage shaped in inverted 7 as tip of nose and using I shaped silicon gortex for the bridge enhancement.


In the article, it says Dr. Jung was one of the first doctors who brought in this new Korean nose surgery technique of using I shape silicon from the L shaped silicon which was very commonly used before for rhinoplasty.

Then when I read some other chinese articles for Dr. Jung, he seems pretty well sought among the chinese market. No wonder he could speak mandarin.

Has anyone had their nose done with Dr. Jung from Banobagi clinic before?

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No worries. I have just done my nose 1 month ago but i am not happy with it as I find my post-ops bridge too low. Now, my bridge has shrunk and gone back to its original height except for the swelling tip. My nose is so ugly. It looks scooped out or ski-slope, which lacks definition. I thought I was being paranoid but no.. many ppl have commented that there is no difference on the bridge incl. TPFers who have seen me. After cutting my rib, ear and nose, this is what i get.. what a bummer.. :cry: Am thinking of revision and the clinic advised to wait for one year. Guess I am one of the unlucky ones.. :sad:
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ARGH I got a quote from VIP for full autologous graft rhinoplasty....

$9500 usd!!!!! (with anethesia)

I can't afford THAT.

Dr. jung from shimmian quoted my STARTING from $4800 usd.... but with goretex...

I honestly don't know whether I should use rib or goretex...

Apparently ITEM is a great deal cheaper, but i hear another member very unsatisfied with their results (says nose is like a lump...)

and that makes me scared, but you got great results....so now I'm confused.
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None of these celebrities would ever admit to PS let alone tell us which clinic. In hollywood, they dont mind posing naked but admit to PS? No way! Except to the obvious and badly done, like Heidi Montag. These rumours does influenced a lot of people in choosing their doctor.

But I do wonder tho how come the majority of them had a very good result?
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Go to a consultation anyway because it doesn't hurt to. And see how you feel. IF you're going for a primary surgery, I think you'll be fine in any doctor in Korea because they're all really good- but with revisions, BE PICKY! I've exchanged photos with another member who had her primary eyes and nose done at Item and she is VERY pretty :smile: But since mine's a complicated revision, I don't think I'll be doing mine with Item- but I'm going to the consultation anyway because you don't know until you go ^_^
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