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asian nose job 2

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Hello Everyone & VIP patients!

Thank you ALL for having the courage to share your experiences & thoughts about plastic surgery. After about a year of following this [amazing] forum, I took the plunge & did it & booked it.

I'm scheduled to go to Korea in mid January 2012 for a rib rhinoplasty revision due to an 18 yr old silicone implant showing signs of thinning skin at the tip. I also opted for fat grafting around the temple area in hopes to delay the sagging upper eyelids & address those pesky eye bags with blepharoplasty. Aging gracefully doesn't come cheap. :shocked:

I've decided to go with VIP clinic. I corresponded with Chloe. Does anyone know if Joanne is no longer with the clinic?

Are any of you going around the same as me 1/17/2012 - 2/2/2012?

VIP PATIENTS: Anything I should anticipate upon arriving? Anything you can share about your experience(s) with the clinic, what to expect, recommendations - food/things to do, would be appreciated.

I really haven't been able to see much before & after pics from VIP at this forum. Would you be so kind as to share any of yours with me? ----> [email protected] :smile:

(Kain, thank you for sharing your B&A.)
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i believed JoAnn is still there but Chloe is the one in charge with answer all the email now
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guys i'm in korea and it's fricken COLD!!!!

My god can i just say this ----> car / buses/ motorbikes do not care that you are a human being... if you don't get out of their way they will run you over!!!! traffic is a hectic... like bumper to bumper from morning to night and i don't understand korean traffic law but people do uturns here and change lanes like they are driving by themselves on the road, as if no other cars exist.. just them

everyone here wears black... if you want to blend in wear black everything... plus if you are coming now - jan/ feb wear warm clothes.... don't worry about looking fashionable or beautiful because you will freeze.

clothes are not that cheap!!! plus you cannot try them on!!! us$60 (60,000 won) and up-wards just for like a white shirt.. but you know korean style white shirts are nice but hell i might as well buy it at home. plus they don't allow you to try it... because it delicate and i can imagine it breaking because the material is so fine. i also am sooo not in the mood to be buying clothes because of the weather and the language differences... however i must remind you it's also because it's gangnam!!! this place is bmw/ merceded/ volvos/ porches/ lexux/ audi.... so people here have alot of money to spend.

food really does range.. korean food is cheaper you can have a meal for 4 people and spend less than $35 (35,000 won) however i've been craving pasta etc and i spend 25 bucks for pasta/ coffee/ bread for entree and a side dish of salad. these upscale places all have english menus so as with anywhere just point and nodd.. lol. i also suggest you guys go to places with stairs, you know you can only see the stairs but have no idea what they look like upstairs cafe and resturants because they are sooo nice/ hidden away and you can stare at people without being sweared at.

i can see alot of people here have had surgery.. some extremely noticeable.. some only the trained eyes can see which is most of us on this forum because we obess over photos. most noticeable is actually not the eyes or chin or cheeks or forehead but the NOSE! seriously.. its like the first thing i notice now... you can tell whether the person has been to a good doctor or bad doctor just by the nose.

hotel wise stay at either sunshine hote/ young dong hotel/ highland hotel because they are all on the main street/ extremely noticeable and most taxi drivers know where they are. plus literally and i MEAN literally the plastic surgery clinic are like soooo close,,,

for those who are travlling by themselves.. no need to be afraid.. the nyeon lights are so brights on bascially all the streets. plus there are like a million people out on the street every night you wish they would all just go home and let you wonder around by yourselves.

phones!!! greatest invention ever.
1) call your phone company ask them if they do international roaming to korea. if so just use your own phone because of what i will write below.
2) if your phone does not have roaming you need to RENT A PHONE from the airport. now this will set you back 24,000 won ($24) everyday!!! wtf right... i mean can someone else confirm this??? that is fricken expensive.. no way i'm paying to rent a phone for 24 dollars a day that is nuts!
3) use the maps on your phones.. copy and paste korean letters/ character or translation in english streetss into my iphone and it tells me where to go.. i don't need to ask because people here rarely speak english.

for those who want to go to vip... the place is sooo noticeable....it's on the main street so if you miss it you are blind! exactly what everyone else has been saying the plastic surgery clinics have taken over this street... like weed that you cannot get rid off

also guys the most important thing EVER when you are considering surgery here! MEET UP WITH EACH OTHER.. SEE OTHER PEOPLES FACE... TALK TO THEM AND ASK THEM A BILLION QUESTIONS!!!. because you need to understand how people are recovering, what they are doing to recover, the choices they made and why... i can tell you talking by email is not the same as face to face. so when you get to korea meet up over lunch/ dinner/ coffee and chat... communication is so important ... it sounds stupid because most of us don't even want our friends/ families to know we are doing surgery but talk to those people who r in the same shoes as you. helped me soooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

btw contact me if you are in korea right now! i won't bite... unless you are irrestiable then yes i might take a big chunk out of you..
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lol haha ur funny. thanks for all that helpful info!! now i wont be hesitant to go alone if i have to, its good to hear that there are always people out no matter wah time of the day. i was hoping to shop a ton in korea but maybe not :sad: since u say stuff is crazy expensive. lol and whats with the not being able to try stuff on?? does that juss apply to that white tee shirt u wanted or all of the clothes??? im not surprised about the terrible traffic there, i hear people there are constantly getting into car crashes, that must be the reason why.
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hey, how are u healing?? how long as it been since u got ure rhinoplasty with vip? from what i can see ure nose looks really nice :smile: (haha display picture)
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Glo8: THANK YOU for sharing this! I can better prepare for my travel & stay in January. I've already taken advantage of the holiday sales & purchased winter coats/boots. My California bum will need to be bundled up! Glad to hear I'll be among other PS patrons.

I'll be going to VIP. May I ask which clinic you are going to & the kind of procedures you're undertaking?

Question about money: Is it better to convert them here in the US or in Korea? Do places accept major Credit Cards?
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It's been over two months since I had my rhino done, now I'm look like a normal person not a smurf like last month. My nose still very swollen but it deswell everyday, my asymmetry look less obvious now so hopefully it due to uneven swelling
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Yeah! Looking good azn_kid :winkiss:
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Hi everyone! This is my first post here :smile:

I was thinking about going to VIP for consultation next year,
can anyone who went there pm me b&a and your experience? thank you !

has anyone also gotten jaw reduction surgery? One side of my jaw is slightly longer than the other..
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I'm in Korea right now. Wanna meet up for a coffee? U can see my post-bano nose which is here for revision :sad: sorry, have no phone, but u can reply me here or pm me ur email add.


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yep, it seems EVERYWHERE accepts credit card except the clothes/street markets. $1 drink from the supermarket, $3 taxi ride.. They accept credit card! Crazy! Back at home, they'd be telling me off for using cc on such a small amount but here it seems to be a plastic society both ways if u know what u mean lol lame but so true

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